Author Topic: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!  (Read 7909 times)

Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:55:30 am »
What franchise has fallen to the wayside that you'd love to see come back with a reboot or new entry into the series or what genre would you like to see come back that just isn't popular anymore.

For game, I'm gonna start with a big one, Mega Man Legends.  I'm sure there were those here that was upset at how unceremoniously MML3 was canceled, even before the prototype was to be released.  That game alone was basically gonna sell me on the 3DS and because it didn't, I didn't get one for a while afterwards.  I love that series and really want it to come back.  Hell, I'd take an HD port of the first two games if I could get anything lol

For genre, the 3D Exploration Platformer.  Your Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Donkey Kong 64, Jak & Daxter, you don't see these kind of games anymore.  It's all 2D platformers or stuff more like Ratchet & Clank that is still getting made, but I never considered them the same, just as I don't consider Jak 2 and 3 to be quite the same as the original.  I want to see Nintendo have Mario be in a huge, beautiful, HD hub world full of stuff to explore where you then go into big cool worlds that you explore rather than the small linear levels that all basically just been copy and paste stuff of Super Mario 3.  Thankfully I did fund one Kickstarter called "A Hat in Time" that is very much a game calling back to those glory days which I hope turns out well.

Look at the games nowadays.  Super Mario, even 3D Mario, is mostly just the same linear overworld of Super Mario 3 and linear levels.  Donkey Kong is only in the Donkey Kong Country form.  Banjo-Kazooie's latest game was a build-a-cart racer with mild platforming to it.  I'm kinda hoping that the new Sonic Boom game which is said to be a more open adventure game can do for filling that kind of gap in gaming especially since it has some Jak & Daxter vets on the team for it. I also just want to say, that while I point out the above games, they are in no way bad and are still good games, but I feel like there's missed opportunities here to revive a long lost genre I treasure dearly.


Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2014, 04:20:13 am »
soldier of fortune franchise: sof 1 & 2 are some of the bast 90s FPS games but then in 2007, the semi sequel/reboot sof payback was released and its one of the bast examples of how to f#ck up a reboot, basically what they did is mimic what they seen in the trailer for cod 4 and its bad, vary bad but i hope one day we will see another good sof game

Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2014, 05:38:44 am »
Road Rash needs to come back. I'm not sure why it went away. It was just getting interesting in the PS1 era with Jailbreak. Then the series just died, not sure why. Road Rash on current gen would be insanely awesome.

The genre that needs to come back is the more traditional adventure game ala Lucasarts stuff like Monkey Island, the Dig, and Full Throttle. I know there are similar games like Sam and Max and Back to the Future on the Wii but they aren't really the same. An updated return to the more traditional style of adventure game like the titles mentioned above is what I'd love to see.


Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2014, 09:13:50 am »
A new condemned, or kane and lynch game. Would also be nice to see adventure games return in a big way, the point and click/VN ones too that don't involve zombies.

A side note a new burning rangers or bushido blade would be great  as well.

Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2014, 12:15:23 pm »
UNREAL with improved graphics and AI.  ;D


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Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2014, 12:30:00 pm »
There's some I'd like back, some are not possible anymore.

Ape Escape
Klonoa (new game not a remake)
Star Wars Jedi Knight
Burnout (how it was before Paradise)
Crash Bandicoot
Spyro (seriously gief, he can still be in Skylanders..but please make a proper one with dragons :(, the last three games were actually quite good )

Those I can think of now. Owh I know GOOD LICENSED GAMES. They were good in the PS1 generation, Disney games were awesome even others.


Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2014, 04:29:31 pm »
Streets of Rage.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2014, 04:33:49 pm »
I know Skate 3 is only going on 4 years old. But man I'd love to see a new entry in the series on the new hardware!
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2014, 05:27:16 pm »
I know Skate 3 is only going on 4 years old. But man I'd love to see a new entry in the series on the new hardware!

Never got into Skate myself, didn't particularly like the controls.  I want them to bring back Tony Hawk, but make a proper game, not a mobile game, not what I hear is a sloppy HD collection, and not those two that required a plastic skateboard.

Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2014, 05:36:45 pm »
micro machines
cannon fodder
speed freaks
soul reaver
time splitters
mutant league football
mega bomberman
road rash
earth worm jim


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Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2014, 07:15:43 pm »
Legacy of Kain and "Classic" Devil May Cry


Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2014, 07:19:55 pm »
Dark Cloud 3.  Like, now.

And another Legacy of Kain would be great.  Y'know, now that Amy Hennig is no longer at Naughty Dog, she could go back & work on the LoK series.  ;)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #12 on: March 19, 2014, 08:23:24 pm »

This game did everything Legend of Zelda did on NES, but better: Better graphics, better music, bigger world, more NPCs, more abilities, etc., etc. Absolutely fantastic experience. If ever a game has deserved a sequel and not received one, it's Crystalis. I mean how cool would a 16-bit sequel to this game have been? It would have been EPIC. Crystalis's Link to the Past.

I blame the 2D fighting game craze of the 90s as to why there wasn't a sequel ever made. Crystalis came out right before that, and we all know what direction SNK went in after fighting games hit big.

And of course I want to see a new King's Field sequel. And don't give me that garbage I always hear about Dark Souls being a King's Field sequel, it's not, at all. It's not even played in first-person view, let alone all the other stuff that's missing from it to be a King's Field sequel. Same developer does not mean it's a sequel.

I want to explore, hack-n-slash, and uncover secret after secret in first-person with eerie music and surroundings; just like King's Field would deliver; but with modern graphics. I've played the 3 other games in the series to point that I could play it in my sleep now.

And a remastering of DuckTales 2 on NES would be so Lando. The first remastered DuckTales was a blast. And the original NES version of DuckTales 2 goes for absolutely outrageous prices. So to able to play this without paying over a $100 would be great.

Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2014, 08:35:00 pm »
No more first person shooters. Let's get back to exploration in 2D, or if you gotta make it in 3D, I've always said that Dark Souls is pretty much the modern Super Metroid...

Valkyria Chronicles
The game came out of nowhere, and wasn't a huge success at first. The developers assumed people didn't like it that much and shifted production to the PSP to cut costs. Then word of mouth got out, and the game became a good success in America. Sega is amazed, and decides to release the PSP sequel in English. But since the PSP market in the US was nearly dead at that point, not many bought it. Sega continues to believe that people don't like the series, and the third game doesn't get released here at all. It's terribly sad story of the death of one of the best new IPs in years. A new, proper game on PS4 could be spectacular.

Monkey Island or Maniac Mansion
These series are dead in license hell, but they were so much fun.

Chrono Trigger HD
Remember Dragon Quest 8's stunning visuals? Picture that, only with Chrono Trigger in HD...

The Last Blade
Wishful thinking at best, but if you've ever played The Last Blade 2 on the Neo Geo, it's one of the most beautiful and fun fighters there is. Imagine if they made a sequel with the same level of care that King of Fighters XIII got?

Valkyrie Profile
VP2: Silmeria is one of those rare RPGs that not only has a cool story, but is really FUN to play.

Final Fantasy VI HD
Either high res 2D, or a slightly toon shaded 3D version. You know you'd buy it.


Re: Game/Genre You Want To See Return!
« Reply #14 on: March 19, 2014, 09:33:10 pm »
It is about @!#?@!ing time for the return of Q*Bert!  I thought after Wreck It Ralph was released we might see a return, but sadly Q*Bert went back to irrelevancy.  Honestly how can somebody look at this face and not feel bad for Q*Bert. 

That and a proper sequel to Star Wars Battlefront 2, which is actually in development finally.
Currently Playing: Dark Souls: Remastered (Switch)