It was the worst stomach virus I ever had. I had vomited until my chest was aching sore. I eventually downed some pain pills a passed out around sunrise. These sort of situations are not normal for me. I rarely get sick. This was an especially intense strain. So guys, be very careful about hanging around others who have been sick. Unfortunately this is how I got it.
A little bit different but me and the family went to Disney world the first week of March on vacation, and I ate some bad food at one of the restaurants (raw salmon). I did not know I could not handle it. That very night, I was at the resort with massive diarrhea. I never in my entire 27 years had diarrhea that bad. Along with it, I had a fever and was very cold. The problem is that my sickness lasted all the way until our 6th day there. I only got to spend one day on the rides at the park
It sucks when you have a fever, your body temperature is shifting from hot to cold, cold to hot and i was literally using the restroom every 5 minutes LITERALLY. Aw man that sucked. I learned for me I can only eat basic un healthy food there like pizza or a hot dog or something.
Glad you are feeling a little better tho'

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