Author Topic: The Wii U is a failure?  (Read 20182 times)


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Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #105 on: May 01, 2014, 03:50:55 pm »
If you haven't been impressed by a new game in the past 4 years, I'd say YOU were playing the wrong games.  :)

This I wholeheartedly agree with. So many people are stuck in the past and cant see past the nostalgia of the NES or the Genesis or whatever to realize that some of the stuff now is vastly superior to anything even a few years older. And no, its not just graphics. Options and game play are top notch on some of these titles too as well as the visuals.

This is true. But for every A game, there's 20 B-squad games that come out. However that's been the case since the NES days.


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #106 on: May 01, 2014, 10:21:07 pm »
I'm more modern leaning myself.  A lot of my favorite games these days simply don't exist on retro systems, things like Metro, STALKER, Fallout (Lots of Post Apocalyptic lol), so for me, there's plenty to enjoy with modern, but there's of course good retro stuff. For me, it's probably 75% Modern/25% Retro in terms of playing.
I suppose there's a few exceptions. But a video game hasn't truly impressed me in atleast 4 years. Back in the 90s a no name developer could release a game, and make profit without even getting the loyalities. Now most can't even afford to advertise there game let alone turn a profit. So what you get are a few big players left who have monoplised things for the most part selling the same crap what sells, not what drives creativity, and original video games. But there's a few still around that get through the cracks still.

It wasn't really any different back then either.  Tons of bad sequels, tons of sequels that really didn't add a lot more to the original game, shitty, shitty, games made by developers who don't know any better, games just being made to see what would stick, there was A LOT of that back then.  Nowadays it's just done at different budget levels with larger gaps between the big guys and small guys.  I'm regularly finding amazing games every year or at least every other year.  Some genres are doing better than others for sure, but I feel there's plenty of good in the modern market.  It just needs to hurry up and sort out all the sketchy stuff that's cropped up in the past few years involving microtransactions, free to play, and rushed development times.

Exactly.  People look on past generations with rose-colored glasses and forget all the bad stuff.  This is even easier for younger generations that weren't around when these systems were big - I clearly remember rental store shelves being full of commercialized shovelware based on every mascot imaginable - the 7-Up Spot, Crash Test Dummies, the Noid - you name it.  Every corporation had to have a game based on their brand/movie/whatever, and quality was not high on their list of priorities. 

It's also easier to look at the horrible games and think "well everyone knows Deadly Towers and Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde suck" and not realize that when we were kids no one DID know that until they bought (for $50....) or rented them.  I'd say the bad games of those generations are worse than the majority of the bad games on systems today - at least bad games today typically work, back then that wasn't even a guarantee.  And no, this isn't a Nintendo vs Sega or whatever thing, it was the same across the board. 

THEN you had the shoddy arcade ports that we settled for because that was the best you could get at the time.  I bought my SNES for Street Fighter II - I had been a big C64 / Amiga gamer for a while, not owning a console since I sold my NES to buy my C64, and that game is what brought me back.  And it was fun, but still a far cry from the arcade.  Having an arcade perfect port at home was unheard of back then, and it was something I remember my friends and I constantly talking about in a "wouldn't that be AWESOME" kind of way.  When I first played Soul Calibur on the DC then went & played the arcade version I was floored - the home version was vastly superior to the arcade.  We had arrived. 

So yeah, it's not that I haven't played the right games.  I played anything I could get my hands on as a kid because my options were limited.  It's more the fact that I've already lived through all of that and I don't have any desire to go back.  Like kamikazekeeg said, a lot of my favorite games today were not even remotely possible on old systems.  I remember being frustrated with point & click adventure games, because I couldn't pick up whatever I wanted and get by the situations however I imagined.  Now we have the Elder Scrolls & Fallout games where you can pick up anything that isn't nailed down and think up creative solutions to problems.  And it's only getting better.

If you haven't been impressed by a new game in the past 4 years, I'd say YOU were playing the wrong games.  :)  But I still think it's mostly a matter of not being able to truly appreciate what we have now if you didn't live through what it was like then.
Well yes we have came along way from banging coconuts together. Great games never turn bad however, or they weren't that great to begin with, tiring of a game is not the same thing, and yes the NES, and genesis were notorious for the shovelware. But nice 2d graphics couldn't hide poor gameplay. Why don't you check out the big guns E3 1995 game offerings, and you might see why we call it the golden 90s, and then check E3 2013 you will see the hotest new video games like the best tv shows you can watch with your xbox, or banging wii drums in a band if you ever dreamed that. A whole lot of power yes but not a whole lot used. The last game to impress me was skyrim so can you tell me what console games impressed you with there revolutionary video games on the xbox one, and ps4 exactly? Because I like the idea of a simple console like the N64 to play video games on nothing else nothing less i'm not interested in tv, or social media, or swinging a wii mote. Perhaps most of you here got married had kids, and stopped caring about  video games were all about. So a sports box, and collecting but not playing old shovelware suits just fine.

What games exactly would you say were revolutionary, creative, and innovative excluding elder scrolls, fallout,  batman, last of us more than the late 90s, and early 00s video games like half life, halo, resident evil 2, golden eye 007, DOOM, starcraft, ocarina of time,  silent hill, sonic, final fantasy 7, chrono trigger etc.. In fact can you even name 1 in the last 5 years?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:39:35 pm by dreama1 »

Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #107 on: May 01, 2014, 10:32:47 pm »
Well yes we have came along way from banging coconuts together. Great games never turn bad however, or they weren't that great to begin with, tiring of a game is not the same thing, and yes the NES, and genesis were notorious for the shovelware. But nice 2d graphics couldn't hide poor gameplay. Why don't you check out the big guns E3 1995 game offerings, and you might see why we call it the golden 90s, and then check E3 2013 you will see the hotest new video games like the best tv shows you can watch with your xbox, or banging wii drums in a band if you ever dreamed that. A whole lot of power yes but not a whole lot used. The last game to impress me was skyrim so can you tell me what console games impressed you with there revolutionary video games on the xbox one, and ps4 exactly? What games exactly would you say were revolutionary, creative, and innovative excluding elder scrolls, fallout,  batman, last of us more than the late 90s, and early 00s video games like half life, halo, resident evil 2, golden eye 007, DOOM, starcraft, ocarina of time,  silent hill, sonic, final fantasy 7, chrono trigger etc.. In fact can you even name 1 in the last 5 years?

Those systems just launched lol They aren't going to have their magnum opus already.

Also why exclude those games? Those are good examples of great games lol You have games right there that are fantastic modern games.  If I had to go with more...Games like STALKER and Metro 2033/Last Light brought about some fantastic atmospheric experiences that rely more on the setting than trying to bring about new gameplay experiences...probably not revolutionary or anything, but they standout from the usual shooter crowd for sure.  Off the top of my head, not sure what else I would put, I don't play everything, so I can't say for sure, but I've seen a number of games that do a lot of great stuff.  Sure, they might not all be revolutionary, but those games come from a time where we didn't already have the same experiences and were new, but that doesn't automatically make what comes today as bad or boring because it isn't constantly breaking new ground.  The technology has leveled off a lot more since those days so there isn't such massive leaps and changes.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:43:34 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #108 on: May 01, 2014, 10:40:11 pm »
Well yes we have came along way from banging coconuts together. Great games never turn bad however, or they weren't that great to begin with, tiring of a game is not the same thing, and yes the NES, and genesis were notorious for the shovelware. But nice 2d graphics couldn't hide poor gameplay. Why don't you check out the big guns E3 1995 game offerings, and you might see why we call it the golden 90s, and then check E3 2013 you will see the hotest new video games like the best tv shows you can watch with your xbox, or banging wii drums in a band if you ever dreamed that. A whole lot of power yes but not a whole lot used. The last game to impress me was skyrim so can you tell me what console games impressed you with there revolutionary video games on the xbox one, and ps4 exactly?

Those systems just launched lol They aren't going to have their magnum opus already.

Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #109 on: May 01, 2014, 10:44:05 pm »
Had to edit because you edited after I posted lol


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #110 on: May 01, 2014, 10:52:41 pm »
Well yes we have came along way from banging coconuts together. Great games never turn bad however, or they weren't that great to begin with, tiring of a game is not the same thing, and yes the NES, and genesis were notorious for the shovelware. But nice 2d graphics couldn't hide poor gameplay. Why don't you check out the big guns E3 1995 game offerings, and you might see why we call it the golden 90s, and then check E3 2013 you will see the hotest new video games like the best tv shows you can watch with your xbox, or banging wii drums in a band if you ever dreamed that. A whole lot of power yes but not a whole lot used. The last game to impress me was skyrim so can you tell me what console games impressed you with there revolutionary video games on the xbox one, and ps4 exactly? What games exactly would you say were revolutionary, creative, and innovative excluding elder scrolls, fallout,  batman, last of us more than the late 90s, and early 00s video games like half life, halo, resident evil 2, golden eye 007, DOOM, starcraft, ocarina of time,  silent hill, sonic, final fantasy 7, chrono trigger etc.. In fact can you even name 1 in the last 5 years?

Those systems just launched lol They aren't going to have their magnum opus already.

Also why exclude those games? Those are good examples of great games lol You have games right there that are fantastic modern games.  If I had to go with more...Games like STALKER and Metro 2033/Last Light brought about some fantastic atmospheric experiences that rely more on the setting than trying to bring about new gameplay experiences...probably not revolutionary or anything, but they standout from the usual shooter crowd for sure.  Off the top of my head, not sure what else I would put, I don't play everything, so I can't say for sure, but I've seen a number of games that do a lot of great stuff.  Sure, they might not all be revolutionary, but those games come from a time where we didn't already have the same experiences and were new, but that doesn't automatically make what comes today as bad or boring because it isn't constantly breaking new ground.  The technology has leveled off a lot more since those days so there isn't such massive leaps and changes.
Oh boy more FPS where do I sign up? Stalker is like almost 8 years old now anyway, and it's pc exclusive. Leveled off is the problem it's hit the wall.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 10:54:18 pm by dreama1 »

Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #111 on: May 01, 2014, 11:20:09 pm »
Oh boy more FPS where do I sign up? Stalker is like almost 8 years old now anyway, and it's pc exclusive. Leveled off is the problem it's hit the wall.

That is true, man, I forgot STALKER came out in like 2007 lol What you brought up though are still great examples of good modern games though, so not sure why you are excluding them.


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #112 on: May 01, 2014, 11:38:30 pm »
We're having 2 different conversations here, so I'm just about to call it on this thread.  It's WAY off topic now anyway (on-topic, I want a Wii U but Nintendo needs to lower the price, not find ways to *raise* it ;) ).  My point in its entirety is that I already lived through the era you're talking about & just don't want to revisit it.  I don't think that called for smart remarks about dreaming about playing drums on the Wii, did it?   :-\

Any game I name you'll probably find a reason to discount, but I'll list some anyway:

Ni no Kuni
Ghost Trick
Rayman: Origins
Asura's Wrath
Dead Space 2
Portal / Portal 2
Alan Wake
Red Dead Redemption
Enslaved: Journey to the West

...just to name a few. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #113 on: May 02, 2014, 12:03:15 am »
We're having 2 different conversations here, so I'm just about to call it on this thread.  It's WAY off topic now anyway (on-topic, I want a Wii U but Nintendo needs to lower the price, not find ways to *raise* it ;) ).  My point in its entirety is that I already lived through the era you're talking about & just don't want to revisit it.  I don't think that called for smart remarks about dreaming about playing drums on the Wii, did it?   :-\

Any game I name you'll probably find a reason to discount, but I'll list some anyway:

Ni no Kuni
Ghost Trick
Rayman: Origins
Asura's Wrath
Dead Space 2
Portal / Portal 2
Alan Wake
Red Dead Redemption
Enslaved: Journey to the West

...just to name a few.
Well I didn't say you played in a wii drum band, not that there's anything wrong with that. I was quoting the E3 performance lol.
Please don't take it personal.  :)
Xenoblade fair play
Ni no Kuni it's nice to have but it's really nothing original or unique for jrpgs dragon quest wave maybe.
Ghost trick unique but niche as hell no one has even played it, let alone heard of it
Dead Space 2 alright but again not that unique it rides off enemy zero, and system shock 2
Alan wake silent hill much?
Red dead just gta in the wild west I was never saw the appeal
Enslaved: Journey to the West good but commercial failure good luck seeing a franchise out of it our good ole friends at activision, and the wise game community were to busy buying the latest cod to even google the game. So that's ashame.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2014, 12:09:05 am by dreama1 »


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #114 on: May 02, 2014, 09:36:44 am »
I'm hoping that Mario Kart U will be as big of a hit as Mario Kart Wii. It was arguably the Wii's killer app, and it's the game that convinced me to get a Wii. I'm not sure if it will be enough to move consoles this time around, but throwing in a free game for anyone who buys a copy can't hurt.
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Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #115 on: May 02, 2014, 09:58:39 am »
If you haven't been impressed by a new game in the past 4 years, I'd say YOU were playing the wrong games.  :)

This I wholeheartedly agree with. So many people are stuck in the past and cant see past the nostalgia of the NES or the Genesis or whatever to realize that some of the stuff now is vastly superior to anything even a few years older. And no, its not just graphics. Options and game play are top notch on some of these titles too as well as the visuals.

Once again I find myself, Brad, & Greg in the same 'club'  ;D

S'up fellas?!
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #116 on: May 02, 2014, 10:08:52 am »
If you haven't been impressed by a new game in the past 4 years, I'd say YOU were playing the wrong games.  :)

This I wholeheartedly agree with. So many people are stuck in the past and cant see past the nostalgia of the NES or the Genesis or whatever to realize that some of the stuff now is vastly superior to anything even a few years older. And no, its not just graphics. Options and game play are top notch on some of these titles too as well as the visuals.

Once again I find myself, Brad, & Greg in the same 'club'  ;D

S'up fellas?!

I think we need to start having club meetings. Next month at my house? :D


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #117 on: May 02, 2014, 10:41:10 am »
If you haven't been impressed by a new game in the past 4 years, I'd say YOU were playing the wrong games.  :)

This I wholeheartedly agree with. So many people are stuck in the past and cant see past the nostalgia of the NES or the Genesis or whatever to realize that some of the stuff now is vastly superior to anything even a few years older. And no, its not just graphics. Options and game play are top notch on some of these titles too as well as the visuals.

Once again I find myself, Brad, & Greg in the same 'club'  ;D

S'up fellas?!

I think we need to start having club meetings. Next month at my house? :D

I'll bring the chips & dip!   ;D
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


PRO Supporter

Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #118 on: May 02, 2014, 01:56:20 pm »
If you haven't been impressed by a new game in the past 4 years, I'd say YOU were playing the wrong games.  :)

This I wholeheartedly agree with. So many people are stuck in the past and cant see past the nostalgia of the NES or the Genesis or whatever to realize that some of the stuff now is vastly superior to anything even a few years older. And no, its not just graphics. Options and game play are top notch on some of these titles too as well as the visuals.

Once again I find myself, Brad, & Greg in the same 'club'  ;D

S'up fellas?!

I think we need to start having club meetings. Next month at my house? :D

I'll bring the chips & dip!   ;D

I say that Brad's the "(D)DD;D

(Default)Designated-Driver!  ;)

Permanent, unpaid Life-time position/commitment  :o
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: The Wii U is a failure?
« Reply #119 on: May 02, 2014, 02:24:10 pm »
I can do that. :) Seeing as how the last time I got drunk (about 3 years ago) resulted in me getting a black eye from a push pin (long damned story) Ive given up drinking again.

Im not kidding about having some sort of meeting though! We need to get this going. :D