I'm liking your "Flashing-Star" idea, Exonerator
I created 2 entries, but it seems like there was a problem when creating them (all fields are set to 0), so I submitted an edit to each. They're not duplicate per se, but I wanted to warn somewhere that the two "0" entries are not gonna stay "0"
Pokemon Ruby/SapphireNot really sure if it's a duplicate or a box variant that's not labeled correctly. I not expertly familiar with the Pokemon boxes. Here are Pokemon R/S entries that appear plain:http://vgcollect.com/item/48864http://vgcollect.com/item/48669And here are entries that appear dark or shiny:http://vgcollect.com/item/5357http://vgcollect.com/item/5358
lolz well they probable shouldn't have been removed then, just renamed?