Author Topic: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased  (Read 48545 times)


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #240 on: May 26, 2014, 10:35:32 pm »

Now the only Tony Hawk game I need is Tony Hawk's Underground 2.

I've never played 3 but the second in my opinion is the greatest one on the Dreamcast!  I used to have hours of game play of Tony Hawk 2.  The sound track was awesome as well

I have THPS 2, but I have it on PS1 (I have the original THPS on Dreamcast, though). It is a great game, one of the best in the series for sure. The first THPS is still my favorite, for nostalgic reasons; followed by the first Tony Hawk's Underground, because I love the hugeness of the levels and the open-area feel of them.

Underground 1 is my favorite if only for the soundtrack which is, in my opinion, the best licensed soundtrack on any game I've ever played.

It was until Brutal Legend game out. But yeah, soundtracks on Tony Hawk games are usually pretty good.


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #241 on: May 26, 2014, 11:03:18 pm »
@karyann, I think your image is broken.

All this talk about Resident Evil is making me want to dig out Resident Evil 4 again. One of the first games I played obsessively, and it's still a blast even after all these years. The castle area was my favorite. :) Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, though...

EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 11:07:25 pm by doctorlaudanum »
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #242 on: May 26, 2014, 11:12:27 pm »
@karyann, I think your image is broken.

All this talk about Resident Evil is making me want to dig out Resident Evil 4 again. One of the first games I played obsessively, and it's still a blast even after all these years. The castle area was my favorite. :) Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, though...

EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.

As someone that played RE4 to death on GC and PS2, I hated the wii controls lol


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #243 on: May 27, 2014, 12:07:11 am »
@karyann, I think your image is broken.

All this talk about Resident Evil is making me want to dig out Resident Evil 4 again. One of the first games I played obsessively, and it's still a blast even after all these years. The castle area was my favorite. :) Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, though...

EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.

As someone that played RE4 to death on GC and PS2, I hated the wii controls lol

I am the opposite. Loved the Wii controls for RE4 and ps move controls for RE 5. Hated the normal controller.

The Wii version of RE4 also is 480p 16:9 progressive scan and has even more special bonus content than the PS2 version.

It's one of those cases were only you can decide if it's right for you.

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #244 on: May 27, 2014, 12:09:25 am »
@karyann, I think your image is broken.

All this talk about Resident Evil is making me want to dig out Resident Evil 4 again. One of the first games I played obsessively, and it's still a blast even after all these years. The castle area was my favorite. :) Resident Evil 5 was a bit of a letdown, though...

EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.

As someone that played RE4 to death on GC and PS2, I hated the wii controls lol

I am the opposite. Loved the Wii controls for RE4 and ps move controls for RE 5. Hated the normal controller.

The Wii version of RE4 also is 480p 16:9 progressive scan and has even more special bonus content than the PS2 version.

It's one of those cases were only you can decide if it's right for you.

They added more content to the Wii Version? I thought it was just a straight poor of the PS2 version?


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #245 on: May 27, 2014, 01:06:33 am »
I was refering to the inclusion of the trailer for RE Umbrella Chronicles.

Another thing to note is that the wii version uses the gamecube rendered graphics for cut scenes which are higher resolution than the prerendered video that was used in the PS2 versions cut scenes.

The Wii version is really a port of the engine from the gamecube version (upscaled to true 16:9) with the content of the PS 2 version.

As for the controls if you have a classic controller you can play with that instead of the Wii-mote.

If you have one of the first Wii's that had game cube ports at the top you can unplug your nunchuck at any time and start playing the game with the game cube controller plugged into port 1. Many people don't know this.

You don't have to use the wii controls if you really don't want to.

With everything they packed into the Wii version there is no reason not to own it. But whether you play with the wii controls or not is pure personal preference.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 01:11:17 am by dashv »

Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #246 on: May 27, 2014, 01:09:47 am »
Naughty bear
test drive unlimited
lego star wars III
micrsoft triple pack- trials, limbo and splosion man 


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #247 on: May 27, 2014, 11:12:25 am »
@karyann, I think your image is broken.

Argh, I did it again. Thanks, I fixed it.


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #248 on: May 27, 2014, 09:49:57 pm »
I picked up a bunch of CDs, an official Gamecube 1019 Memory Card, Diablo II + Expansion (for trading), and um.

Puzznic on the PS1. Sealed with a gamepad. However the packaging for both had mold so I cut open the blister pack and took out the gamepad and the game itself (which is still brand new, just... with a slightly crushed case.)

Apparently the bundle itself is pretty rare. But I messed up. Doh. :p

I still got a brand new game for like three bucks so no complaints.


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #249 on: May 28, 2014, 09:39:39 am »
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.

I loved the motion/pointer controls on the Wii U port of RE4.  I had no problems with how they worked; QTEs seem more natural when you're frantically shaking the wiimote, the aiming was way more fun and the knife was actually useful (trading the awkward button press combo for a simple wiimote swipe to swing your knife).  I never used the knife in the GC original, but used it frequently in the Wii U version.

In addition, you get the bonus content from the PS2 version and plus 16:9 support, so the Wii U version is what I consider the definitive version of RE4.


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #250 on: May 28, 2014, 09:40:40 am »
I found a PS1 game I've been eyeing for a long time yesterday, so I picked up Kartia.  Missing the manual, but I got it for a decent price.


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #251 on: May 28, 2014, 10:07:43 am »
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.

I loved the motion/pointer controls on the Wii U port of RE4.  I had no problems with how they worked; QTEs seem more natural when you're frantically shaking the wiimote, the aiming was way more fun and the knife was actually useful (trading the awkward button press combo for a simple wiimote swipe to swing your knife).  I never used the knife in the GC original, but used it frequently in the Wii U version.

In addition, you get the bonus content from the PS2 version and plus 16:9 support, so the Wii U version is what I consider the definitive version of RE4.

If I'm not mistaken you can use the Move controller w/ the PS3 version of RE4, which IMO would make it the definitive version simply because the game is in HD.  I may be mistaken tho, I'm not sure I've actually tried using the Move with it (I know it works w/ RE5 Gold Ed.). 

In other news, I picked up Watch Dogs for the PS4 yesterday and am loving it so far.  Great open world game, very addictive.  :)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #252 on: May 28, 2014, 11:16:25 am »
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.

I loved the motion/pointer controls on the Wii U port of RE4.  I had no problems with how they worked; QTEs seem more natural when you're frantically shaking the wiimote, the aiming was way more fun and the knife was actually useful (trading the awkward button press combo for a simple wiimote swipe to swing your knife).  I never used the knife in the GC original, but used it frequently in the Wii U version.

In addition, you get the bonus content from the PS2 version and plus 16:9 support, so the Wii U version is what I consider the definitive version of RE4.

If I'm not mistaken you can use the Move controller w/ the PS3 version of RE4, which IMO would make it the definitive version simply because the game is in HD.  I may be mistaken tho, I'm not sure I've actually tried using the Move with it (I know it works w/ RE5 Gold Ed.). 

In other news, I picked up Watch Dogs for the PS4 yesterday and am loving it so far.  Great open world game, very addictive.  :)

The PS3 version uses the PS base for it's port. The 3d cutscenes are teh prerendered ones for PS2 which are lower resolution than the gamecube ones.


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #253 on: May 28, 2014, 11:30:32 am »
EDIT: Anyone here played the Wii version of RE4? I've been contemplating buying it, but I've been hearing mixed opinions about the controls, and I am just AWFUL with motion controls anyway.

I loved the motion/pointer controls on the Wii U port of RE4.  I had no problems with how they worked; QTEs seem more natural when you're frantically shaking the wiimote, the aiming was way more fun and the knife was actually useful (trading the awkward button press combo for a simple wiimote swipe to swing your knife).  I never used the knife in the GC original, but used it frequently in the Wii U version.

In addition, you get the bonus content from the PS2 version and plus 16:9 support, so the Wii U version is what I consider the definitive version of RE4.

If I'm not mistaken you can use the Move controller w/ the PS3 version of RE4, which IMO would make it the definitive version simply because the game is in HD.  I may be mistaken tho, I'm not sure I've actually tried using the Move with it (I know it works w/ RE5 Gold Ed.). 

In other news, I picked up Watch Dogs for the PS4 yesterday and am loving it so far.  Great open world game, very addictive.  :)

The PS3 version uses the PS base for it's port. The 3d cutscenes are teh prerendered ones for PS2 which are lower resolution than the gamecube ones.

Hrm, well if that's the only difference I'd still go with the PS3 version because I'd rather have HD gameplay & slightly lower res cutscenes, but I guess that's up to personal preference. 
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: May 2014 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« Reply #254 on: May 28, 2014, 12:37:00 pm »
If I'm not mistaken you can use the Move controller w/ the PS3 version of RE4, which IMO would make it the definitive version simply because the game is in HD.  I may be mistaken tho, I'm not sure I've actually tried using the Move with it (I know it works w/ RE5 Gold Ed.). 

In other news, I picked up Watch Dogs for the PS4 yesterday and am loving it so far.  Great open world game, very addictive.  :)

The PS3 version uses the PS base for it's port. The 3d cutscenes are teh prerendered ones for PS2 which are lower resolution than the gamecube ones.

Hrm, well if that's the only difference I'd still go with the PS3 version because I'd rather have HD gameplay & slightly lower res cutscenes, but I guess that's up to personal preference.

*swings PC version in front of you

True HD resolution. Even if it seems to be based on the PS3 version... and the Wii version. Heh. >_>

And yeah those stupid cutscenes are from the PS2.