Holy Bill Nye the Science Guy covered in Molasses!
Was feeling crappy from being sick and got a late start hitting the streets for garage sales.
Thinking "well, I'm not going to find much." and low and behold after many sales of just average game finds I come across this.
A sale had a box full of games and the lady told me I could have it all for $5. I was like ya sold.
Then when I told her i was happy about finding video games she said "wait here I might have something you want."
So I waited and she brings out a Huggies box, and when I saw what was inside I almost emptied my bowels right there.
When I asked how much? she said $10. I really almost made a mess in my pants.
What is it you ask? he he, I'll let you know later after I hit some sales tomorrow. but here's a pic of the boxes.

How do you keep Vgcollect in suspense? I'll tell ya tomorrow...