In spite of the shame of posting 3 times in a row in my own thread, I gotta say this - One Piece Unlimited World Red is *AWESOME*!

It's literally like you're playing episodes of the anime, and it looks gorgeous. Not very familiar with the anime? Neither am I! But these characters are a riot, and it just so darned pretty and fun that it doesn't much matter. I'd classify it as an action-RPG (you level up, gain new abilities, get "words" you can equip and I'm pretty sure you even start to get side quests at some point - I'm only an hour in right now). This is just a fantastic game, pure fun from the start. I'd recommend one of the console versions too - I'm sure it plays OK on the Vita, but the game is SO PRETTY with so much going on all the time that it seems a crime not to play it on a big screen.
I know I'm still very early in, but I'm gonna go ahead & say this one gets my seal of approval - highly recommended!