I don't even know what is coming down the pipe. The only one I'm really concerned about is Nintendo. I'm hoping they do more than just hype Smash Bros.
Well we already know they're officially announcing the new Zelda on Wii U, and since the 3DS' current release schedule is really bad they kinda have to announce more stuff for that. And they'll be giving release dates for Bayonetta 2 and probably X and of course Smash. Nintendo needs to put a bit more effort on both their platforms right now. They're still in better shape than the other 2 as far as game selection goes, but on the upcoming side it's still pretty subpar on both Wii U and 3DS, and I think they can change that pretty easily.
Sony currently has a lame console out with no games and also the Vita which, you know... so they really need to show something really cool for both. And after seeing that 2 minutes of gameplay this week, The Order 1886 is not that. They really need to bring out a ton of stuff for both and I really hope they deliver. They have to have some exclusives in the work for the PS4, right? Can't sell a console solely on multiplats when you can get better versions on PC (except for Wolfenstein apparently, should've bought the PS4 version of that it seems).
MS... I couldn't care at all what they do, the only thing that would get any applause from me would be if they finally quit the industry as they should have long ago. I'm not expecting much from them, as usual. I just hope to see more Sunset Overdrive, that game looks fun.
Like last year Nintendo will likely "win" just because they'll be focusing more on games, but either MS or Sony will do something that will give them a big marketing push like Sony did last year and people will consider them the "winner" (hard to argue against the PS4 sales numbers, regardless of the game selection so far).