I have no way to film stuff. But I started already. Im going down the list alphabetically.

Ace of Aces - Ugh. I really dont understand the obsession of flight simulators that was going on at this time but this one is just as bad as all of the rest. It literally took me the entire time of playing to even see an opposing plane and by the time I actually saw it, he blasted me down to the ground. The up/down controls were correct but the left/right controls were backwards (even by flight stick standards) and it made controlling this plane almost impossible. I couldnt find a use for the second button either. Just blah. Grade : D-
Action fighter - Kind of a wanna-be Spy hunter with a twist. You start as a motorcycle driving down a boring road with lots of cars/other bikes. Nothing attacks you with weapons at this point but they can run you off the road into your instant death. Randomly letters A-F will appear. Once you get A-D, you turn into a car with double the firepower. E&F will turn you into a flying car which brings the game into the air into a generic shmup. Grade : C+
Aerial Assault - Side scrolling shmup. Very generic. The weapon upgrades go from a weird gun that follows you whichever direction you go to a really powerful and fast missile. Nothing else to say about the game. Grade : C-
After Burner - Arcade port of the game with the same name. Kind of an over the shoulder shmup. If you have played the arcade game, you know what this game is. Fun factor is lacking here. Grade : C-
Alex Kidd in miracle world - One of the most popular games on the system. For me, however, it was not my favorite in the A.K series. You are Alex (obviously) and you have an over-sized fist and not much else. You punch rocks, monsters, and stars for money. Platformer that leaves much to be desired. Grade : C
Alex Kidd in Shinobi world - 2nd choice for me in the A.K. series. Side moving action game. Alex this time has a katana and can jump and slice monsters. Can be a fun game. Grade : C+
Alex Kidd in high tech world - My top choice for the A.K. series. Kind of feels like Paper Mario/Zelda II when he is in the town. You are searching for pieces of a map to find your way to an arcade. Looks to be an interesting adventure title. Grade : B-
Alex Kidd lost stars - My last choice in the A.K. series. Nothing redeeming on this game. Side scrolling platformer that you cant even get attack power on til about half way through the levels. Not fun at all.

Grade : D
ALF - Ugh. Has to be one of the worst titles Ive ever experienced. You are ALF "Alien life form" and not even sure you have a goal. Anything touches you and you die. You can not jump, attack, or anything. All that seems you can do is walk around til you die. Period. Grade : F
Alien Syndrome - Port of the arcade game of the same name. Feels like the original arcade game with occasional lag when the screen fills up. You are on an alien base rescuing the hostages while trying not to get captured yourself. Once you find all the ones on each level of the base, the exit opens and you have to kill the boss monster to move onto the next level. Frustratingly difficult game but so was the arcade version. Grade : B-
Altered Beast - Another arcade port. This one isnt as well done. The only way to jump is to hit both buttons at the same time and its only random if its going to work or not. You are a generic fighter guy trying to rescue your girl from "Satan" of some sort. Start as a medium build guy with a kick and punch. When you kill a white wolf, an orb spawns. One orb turns you into a steroid version of your original self. Two orbs and you become the beast of the level. Level 1 is a wolf, Level 2 is a dragon, etc. Each button turns into a different attack. One becomes a damaging shield of sort, the other a projectile. Once you have walked far enough in the level "Satan" will transform himself into a monster to fight you but only if you are in the beast form ... otherwise you have to fight on til you have acquired it. Sadly the game could have been better if there were 3 button options instead of only 2. It is what it is. Grade : C+
Assault City (phaser only version)- What a phaser game should be! This was entertaining for sure. You are Joe who is trying to stop a robot invasion from happening. The gun is pretty reliable and accurate (except on my TV where the left side of the screen is kind of scrolled away and I havent been able to fix it). You have a survivability which is unlike a lot of phaser games. I got to level 3 or 4 before my time was up. I would definitely play this again. The only downside is the actual price of this game which is by far the rare version and tough to come by. Grade : B
Asterix - Platformer involving two viking looks guys. Asterix is a short old little guy and Obleisk is none of those. It kind of feels like a weak wanna be version of a Mario game. Fairly fun for what it is. I didnt get too far in the 5 minute play but what I did do was cool. Each character has their own options to survive. Asterix can jump, punch, drop explosive potions. Obleisk can jump, head butt, and pound things. There are hidden rooms through what looks like castle turrets. Replayable for sure. Grade : B+
Astro Warrior - 3rd person shooter. Nothing to set it apart from others but kind of fun in its own form. Upgrades include little orbs that follow you around and attack as well. The game could have done well with an auto fire hold down the button option. Grade : C
Aztec Adventure - My shocker for the evening. The game looks nothing like the boring case. It really doesnt seem to have any sort of story but has a Zelda/Golvellius feel. You start with what looks like a small dagger and you have to navigate yourself to .. who knows where. Along the way, you kill stuff and they drop various items which help you navigate further. Flame, for example, will burn the plants out of your path. Definitely requires more play!

Grade : B