Today, we topple L/M/N!

Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse - Platformer that is identical to Castle. Pretty unimaginative all things considered. Grade : C
Lord of the Sword - Adventure title. Kind of feels like Ys mixed with Zelda II. You are armed with a bow/arrow and a sword. You have to pass 3 tests to take over as king of the land. Game feels good. Controls are pretty exact and has a lot of potential. Grade : B+
Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck - Yet another Disney based game. You are Donald set to rescue the triplets from the hands of Magica De Spell who is after Scrooge's lucky dime. You have the ability to jump and swing a hammer. When you get hit, you lose the ability to swing that hammer for who knows how long. Death in this game is imminent. Weird pathing for some monsters and an awkward hit detection make it tough to survive for long. Replay level is high however as you really do find yourself wanting to save the triplets. Grade : C+
Marksman shooting/Trap shooting - Phaser game. So far, the best phaser game I have tried. Marksman shooting is pretty entertaining. Very simply designed but super challenging once you get up in levels. Trap shooting isnt as fun but its a lot more challenging once you change sceneries. I like this one a lot. Grade : B+
Master of Darkness - Castlevania clone. Pretty fun. Hit box is weird but ehh doesnt really take away from the game. Grade : B
Maze Hunter 3D - Action game. Cant give it much of a grade yet cause its hard to play without the glasses. Grade : Undetermined
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Action game. The pasty white one is on the hunt for kids in the closet (how ironic). You punch, kick, and throw your hat at mobsters in this really large house full of pinball machines and beds to try to rescue kids. Could be fun but very repetitive. "Smooth Criminal" playing the background was my favorite part for sure! Grade : B-
Miracle warriors - RPG. Very unique RPG title. I enjoy this game a lot. Easy to pick up and play. Storyline is a bit lacking from that aspect however. Fun title that is recommended highly. Grade : A-
Missile Defense 3D - Phaser/3D title. Hard to play without the glasses but doable. I got halfway through the game without them. Difficulty ramps up quite linear where a few levels in, it gets pretty tough. Not a bad game however! Grade : C
Monopoly - Board game. Basic version of said board game. Nothing to mention as Im sure everyone knows what Monopoly is. Grade : C
Montezuma's revenge - Adventure game along the lines of Pitfall. Much better than Pitfall however. You must navigate through tombs to get the treasure at the end. This game is pretty fun. Repeated play is mandatory! Grade : B
Mortal Kombat - Fighter. Mortal Kombat!!!! Weak graphical arcade port with one huge issue - No Kano. Pair that with only 2 buttons and you have a tough time making moves consistant. But it is MK so it has that. Grade : B-
My hero - Action fighter. Ugh, not really much action or fighting going on. The game starts with a "punk" running up, punching you out and taking your girl. You have to rescue her. You can jump kick or punch your way through bad guys. One hit kills them ... or you. Refresh rate of your punch is painfully slow and causes you to die often. Just ... ugh. Grade : D
Ninja - Scrolling ninja game. Mediocre option in the ninja game genre. One hit deaths and bad targetting do not help this game at all. If you can survive all that, the game is kind of cool. But the forementioned problems make the fun hard to acquire. Grade : C-
Ninja Gaiden - Arcade port. Much better than the NES version. You are Ryu and have a katana of asskicking. You will jump, slice, climb, and grab your way through the levels. Controls are precise and very well done. Great game! Grade : A-