Author Topic: My on-going SMS test thread  (Read 77467 times)


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Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #45 on: July 09, 2014, 07:00:16 pm »
No mention that Wonder Boy is Adventure Island on the NES?  I guess you don't like that one either?


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2014, 08:07:17 pm »
Is it? I never bothered with Adventure island.


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Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #47 on: July 09, 2014, 08:25:06 pm »
Give it an honest go. It's pretty fun. It may be because I loved it as a kid. That happens every now and then.
It's funny too because Adventure Island and Wonder Boy are the same game with a different main character.


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Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #48 on: July 09, 2014, 09:19:50 pm »
Adventure Island is fun. But it got a lot better with the sequels when they added power-ups and the rideable dinosaurs.

And it sounds like I have to give Wonder Boy 2 and 3 a shot.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 09:23:53 pm by burningdoom »

Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #49 on: August 19, 2014, 01:30:27 pm »
Alex Kidd in high tech world... I've played that game all the way through.

In order to get to the 2nd action stage & to the ending you have to get a pass for a guard to allow you through. How do you get this?

You go into the temple, that triggers a dialog box of Alex praying. You walk onto the same spot & it triggers the same box with the same text of Alex praying. You have to step on that spot a HUNDRED times in a row & close that dialog box a HUNDRED times in a row & a "god" will give you the pass for your persistent prayers. How would anyone know to do this back then!? This task has got to be the worst thing in gaming history. Regardless of if this had anything to do with religion the idea that you should have to repeat an identical dialog box ONE HUNDRED times to complete the game is despicable.


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #50 on: August 19, 2014, 02:03:13 pm »
Glad someone bumped this ... Im working on getting more games to add to this list. :)


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #51 on: September 09, 2014, 11:48:30 am »
Bumping this again. Im 3 games away from the complete list I wanted plus a few extras. One of the game has been purchased and is on its way. I am going to start on this again tomorrow (if everything goes the way I hope).

I still need some 3D glasses (or an adapter for the 3rd party crappy ones I have now) and a sports pad so I can do some of the other ones on my list.


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #52 on: September 22, 2014, 08:21:24 am »
This is very useful! I really want to love my master system I only have a handful of games :/
I've been tempted to buy Golden axe warrior for a while but I wasn't sure if it was actually any good. I think I'll have to check it out.


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2014, 02:56:00 pm »
This is very useful! I really want to love my master system I only have a handful of games :/
I've been tempted to buy Golden axe warrior for a while but I wasn't sure if it was actually any good. I think I'll have to check it out.

A good way to try Golden Axe Warrior out would be through Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection on the PS3 or Xbox360. It's a much cheaper alternative than buying an actual copy first (plus it comes with lots of other great games). From what I understand Golden Axe Warrior on the SMS is fairly expensive.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2014, 11:31:45 am »
All right, SMS fans, I finally had a few moments to add to my growing list of games on here. I added reviews of the following : Ace of Aces, Asterix, Danan the jungle fighter, Desert speedtrap, Dynamite Dux, Gauntlet, Great ice hockey, Impossible mission, Snail maze, and Sports pad football.

I will do another round of these in a few days : Land of Illusion, Lucky dime caper, Master of Darkness, Mortal kombat, Sonic 2, Submarine attack, World games, and Xenon 2.

Once I get some 3D glasses, I will attempt a run of all the ones that use those including Outrun 3D.


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2014, 12:18:58 am »
Okay so it took me a bit longer to finish the last half than I expected. :o

Hoping to get some 3D glasses sooner than later and finish off the final set of games.

Updating my played list. :)


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2014, 09:09:26 am »
Hello :D I haven't actually posted anything in 16 months -- though I've still been poking my head in from time to time to see what's going on -- but there is nothing like a good SMS thread to change that 8) My opinions do differ on many of the titles but then for the most part I'm remembering my time playing when I was much, much younger. Perhaps if I played many of them today I wouldn't care for them. I know I played a lot of Blackbelt, Gangster Town, Pro Wrestling, and Astro Warrior, among others, and liked them plenty. I think the SMS version of Monopoly is a really good computer version too, though the computer opponent can get annoying when they want to trade for the same property every single turn. Also, Ghostbusters isn't that bad!  ;) On the other hand, I never had much fun with Kenseiden, Lord of the Sword, or Kung Fu Kid. Astro Warrior is actually an arcade port I believe. At least the screenshots look a lot like a game called Star Force from Tehkan.

Although I've played a lot of SMS games, there are many good ones I never played unfortunately, such as Phantasy Star and Golden Axe Warrior. I did try Phantasy Star on one of the Sega compilations though I didn't get too far. Of the games I've played I'd say Wonder Boy in Monster Land and Shinobi are the best, and Wonder Boy III is quite good too. I would be curious to see if you like any of the 3D games. I've still got my glasses and own a few of the games, none of which are very good (nice 3D effects, just not good games).
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 09:10:58 am by psydswipe »


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2014, 09:14:15 am »
I just got my 3D glasses in the mail a few days ago but Ive been working so many hours that I havent had a chance to use them yet. Once I get some time, Ill do them all. :)

It is possible that my impression on a lot of these games is a bit rough. But I am also playing most of them as anyone else would : first time playing in 2014. If it was 25 years ago, it may be a different perspective.

Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #58 on: December 02, 2014, 01:41:46 am »
I can agree with just about all of these review scores! hahaha

Global Defense - you can move the ship! you have to hold one of the buttons to move... it adds an extra element of complexity to the game. its still little more than a C imo.

SpellCaster - you def need more time playing it!

You got your hands on quite a few imports to play.. What model SMS are you using to play?


Re: My on-going SMS test thread
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2016, 12:43:17 am »
Alex Kidd in high tech world... I've played that game all the way through.

In order to get to the 2nd action stage & to the ending you have to get a pass for a guard to allow you through. How do you get this?

You go into the temple, that triggers a dialog box of Alex praying. You walk onto the same spot & it triggers the same box with the same text of Alex praying. You have to step on that spot a HUNDRED times in a row & close that dialog box a HUNDRED times in a row & a "god" will give you the pass for your persistent prayers. How would anyone know to do this back then!? This task has got to be the worst thing in gaming history. Regardless of if this had anything to do with religion the idea that you should have to repeat an identical dialog box ONE HUNDRED times to complete the game is despicable.

Actually, there is another way. You can buy the backscratcher (or something like that, can´t remember correctly right now) and sell it at the pawn shop (or antiques shops, really can´t remember) to get a lot of money and buy a real passport. If you don´t have money, you get into the burger shop at exactly 14:00 and you will be awarded a ton of money.

That way, praying is not required.

Also, about this topic, it´s pretty interesting to see other opinions about the SMS. Here in Brazil we are very emotionally attached to it since he was way more popular than the NES in the 90´s (because Nintendo took too long to come to Brazil officially) and some of its games are highly considered (as Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Shinobi, R-Type and Phantasy Star).

Here are a few personal notes about some of SMS´s games.

Alex Kidd in Miracle World - very good and colorful, challenging in a way for kids. It has a few secrets (including how to get the stone with the code to get the crown at the ending) but also a very bugged game (i´ve died tons of times on the small flame enemies, falling from places i shouldnt fall). But the game is long, has a cheerful (but repetitve) soundtrack and is somewhat creative, stages vary a lot. It came bundled on a few SMS brazilian versions and they inverted the buttons order (to be more "marioish") on later versions. As a kid, that game gave me a lot of work to beat. But hard to control some moves with that controller´s d-pad.

Alex Kidd in High-Tech World - It may be the AK game Soera enjoyed most, but here it´s the most hated AK game. It was very badly accepted here (not by me, i really liked adventure games where you have to find stuff to progress!). I remember the first time i saw this game... it was an imported version (US) on a rental game shop i used to go. It amazed me how well made the plastic box and the white-and-blue manuals were (early brazilian SMS games had paperboard boxes and black-and-white manuals) and also introduced me to a new AK game that still were not released here. Even after our version came out, it had poor sales and it´s hard to find good complete copies today. 

Alex Kidd in Shinobi World - very fun and colorful, but very, very easy. Its an ok game, you get the mechanics easily. Has a lot of secrets too. Very low replay value... but very loved here too! The music is a parody of the original Shinobi and it´s very funny.

Castle of Illusion - this game had a very strong marketing strategy here. It was very sought by SMS owners and rare to find (copies used to run out quickly). It´s a good platformer, considering the SMS´ capabilites, and in my personal opinion i think it´s even better than the Genesis version in some ways (stage structure design, secrets, mechanics - you could carry barrels instead of shooting apples like the genesis version, making the game more interesting strategically speaking. And you could also carry keys to open doors, what gives the game a bit more depth on the gameplay). Don´t get me wrong: the Genesis version is beautiful, head to toes, but the SMS had those particular mechanics and challenges i couldn´t find on the Genesis version (which i consider to be more "straight-on action" than "use you wits and think how to reach that place") .

Phantasy Star - A monster. Not only it was translated for portuguese for its brazilian release, but also made use of 100% processor capacity on the screen-moving-in-1st-person-view in dungeons. Very hardcore root-based rpg, you have to go thru hell before finishing it. Requires tons of griding, exploration, and homemade map charting (otherwise you would be stuck forever on Medusa Tower´s and Baya Malay Tower´s traps). It has big and colorful enemies and great boss fights. A must-play for RPG lovers. Even the music is good on that limited sound chip.

And there are some other good games too... even though most of SMS´s games were C games, there are some high quality games into those. Of course, not as much as the NES, but there are. Whoops, i guess i typed a lot already.


« Last Edit: February 16, 2016, 01:17:12 am by HarvestDude »