Take some pics of the actual fightstick. 
Done! It's a doozy of an arcade stick. I have never had one before, though of course I've played on actual arcade cabinets before. It's pretty large, has some nice weight to it, and seems to work pretty nice. Gonna take a lot of practice to get use to the button spread compared to the controller and some of the quicker movements, but in training for Super Street Fighter, I was able to more reliably get certain moves off. A Hadouken or Shoryuken has never been as easy lol

Now that's sexy.
I'll second that, VERY nice looking!

Here are my b-day gifts from my wife.

IMG_3983That last one isn't an actual Pac-Man ghost, it's a lamp.

Very cool, you can change it to about 15 different colors, set it to flash, strobe, or my favorite a gradual fade from one color to another. It also has a remote where you can control all of that as well as dim it, change the flash/strobe/color change speed & of course turn it off & on. Great addition to the game room.