Author Topic: Best jrpg you have ever played?  (Read 12087 times)


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2014, 06:58:09 am »
Ive been playing JRPGs since the NES was still on the shelf and nothing has come close to the experience that is Ni no Kuni. I literally daydreamed about that game when I wasnt actually playing. I can not wait til a sequel is announced.
You sure it will have one? I don't think studio ghibli do sequels. As far as jrpgs go it was ok it felt just like a  jrpg from the 90s but modernized, translated better, and more polished all round made in 3d. But the core of it was just more of the same as jrpgs go.  A dragon quest 8 with pokemon elements but I did enjoy it. Maybe only because the ps3 has been starved of quality jrpgs through.


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2014, 11:31:12 am »
Can't pick just one, but Pokemon and Shin Megami Tensei are my 2 favorite JRPG series.


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2014, 11:54:53 am »
SMT games would be pretty high on my list, too.
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2014, 12:17:33 pm »
Very hard for me to narrow it down to one, but these are probably my favorites in no particular order:

Suikoden II
Dragon Quest VIII
Dark Cloud 2
Shadow Hearts 1&2
Final Fantasy X
Tales of Vesperia
SMT: Nocturne
Legend of Dragoon
Wild Arms 3
Valkyrie Profile 2

...I could probably keep going.  Love me some JRPGs.  ;)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2014, 01:12:46 pm »
Is Kingdom Hearts a JRPG?  That's a good one too.


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2014, 01:45:01 pm »
"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2014, 02:13:43 pm »
Easily Chrono Trigger for me. The way the time travel elements affected every era was really cool and just spoke to sci-fi geek in me.

Other honorable mentions: Dragon Warrior IV, Golden Sun series, Legend of Legaia.

I should probably point out that I'm not that big into JRPGs. When I get into the mood I'll play one. And, believe it or not, I'm not a fan of most of the Final Fantasy games.

In fact, I could probably name all the JRPGs I've played and enjoyed in this post, right here. (I do own other ones I haven't played yet, though.)

Dragon Warrior I & IV, Final Fantasy IX, Golden Sun 1-3, Legend of Legaia 1 & 2, Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire 1 & 2, Parasite Eve, Xenogears, Super Mario RPG, and Evoland. Does Brave Fencer Musashi count? It has JRPG elements in it. Same goes for Mega Man Legends 1 & 2.

I don't like the super-cutesy ones, or the incredibly political-driven plots either. Nor do I like the romance stories of the later FF games. So it really does narrow-down the games I'd like. I'm just not a JRPG guy. I do like the ones that give you that sense of a grand, epic adventure, though.

Some of the ones I've played that I didn't like:

Radiant Historia, Final Fantasy 1, VIII & X; FF Legend, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Time Stalkers, Xenosaga Episode II (I may have liked it if I wasn't incredibly confused by what was going on, I probably have to play the first game beforehand)

JRPGs in my collection I have yet to play:

Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy Anthology, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Xenosaga (actually in the middle of it and enjoying it, but haven't gone back in a bit),  Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve II, Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2014, 06:07:38 pm »
My favorite JRPG's are Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2, Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Trigger, and I might even include FFX.


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2014, 08:53:21 pm »
In no particular order, my favorite JRPGs are Final Fantasy Tactics, Golden Sun series, Wild ARMs, Thousand Arms, and Suikoden series.

Please check out the games I have for sale.


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2014, 09:51:50 pm »
My personal favorites in no particular order are:
-Earthbound (SNES)
-Final Fantasy IV (Any of the versions)
-Mother 3 (GBA)
-Dragon Quest IX (DS)
-Disgaea (PSP port)
-Persona 3 (Either P3 FES on the PS2 or P3 Portable for the PSP)
-Mega Man Battle Network 3 (GBA)
-Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (Wii)
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2014, 02:42:58 am »
Top Favorite:
Final Fantasy VI

Honorable Mention:
Valkyrie Profile 2

It's such an incredibly fun game to play. I don't like the first one all that much, but the sequel was amazing.


Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2014, 08:51:05 am »
Easily Chrono Trigger for me. The way the time travel elements affected every era was really cool and just spoke to sci-fi geek in me.

Other honorable mentions: Dragon Warrior IV, Golden Sun series, Legend of Legaia.

Radiant Historia, Final Fantasy 1, VIII & X; FF Legend, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Time Stalkers, Xenosaga Episode II (I may have liked it if I wasn't incredibly confused by what was going on, I probably have to play the first game beforehand)

I definitely think that's a game that relies heavily on the story of the first one. I can imagine that being incredibly frustrating!
Currently Playing: The Witcher


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2014, 09:46:34 am »
In no particular order:

Tales of Symphonia
Xenoblade Chronicles
Final Fantasy VII
Dragon Question VIII

I'm sure Ni No Kuni will make the list once I get a PS3.


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Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2014, 10:14:40 am »
In no particular order:

Tales of Symphonia
Xenoblade Chronicles
Final Fantasy VII
Dragon Question VIII

I'm sure Ni No Kuni will make the list once I get a PS3.

What was the answer, guv?

"Attempts must be made, even when there can be no hope.
 The alternative is despair.
 And betimes some wonder is wrought to redeem us"

Re: Best jrpg you have ever played?
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2014, 11:13:36 am »
Do I want aids or Hep-c.. I mean uh...

Megaman X Command Mission? Sure, I'll go with that.