Xenoblade Chronicles--and I think that's because it dumped a lot of JRPG tropes in favor of a lot more more Western design concepts.
It's my favorite as well, and I like to say it took the best of both worlds - JRPG & WRPG design. My only complaint was the poor inventory management system, but that's so minor in light of everything that game does right that it's hardly worth mentioning.
Yeah, most of my complaints were very minor gripes. The inventory system was cumbersome and I would have liked a more Kingdoms of Amalur-style quest system, but it was nice not having to revisit certain characters for quests to be considered completed.
I was particularly pleased with how much insane depth there was to the game, and even 20 hours in, I was still discovering stuff to do--like the specific collection system for each area, and the branching shared abilities and perks system. Had I discovered that before I'd spent 30 hours or so making Shulk "great with anybody on the team," I'd unfortunately failed to make too many other characters stronger with each other.