Author Topic: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?  (Read 2729 times)

Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
« on: August 03, 2014, 07:27:25 am »
I am doing some kind of research about those "Wii" leaflets that were inserted alongside with manuals in many first-party games. I wasn't be able to track their changes during Wii lifespan because I had no Wii, so I have to do it post factum.
As far as I noticed, there is three kinds of Wii inserts, at least in PAL regions.
  • The first one has stock image of a white Wii and mention launch titles and "upcoming games" (interestingly, it mentions Project H.A.M.M.E.R). All copyrights are circa 2006, and I've found this leaflet in the launch-day edition of TLoZ: Twilight Princess (with red Nintendo logo), so I suppose it's the first edition of the leaflet.
  • The second one has an image of a dude playing Wii and "P-RVL-EUR-1" code. Copyrights are 2006-2007, and the back cover has giant symbols of Wii Remote and Nunchuk. I've found it in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
  • The third one has images of white and black Wii, 2011 copyrights and "P-RVL-EUR-15" code. It was found in TLoZ: Skyward Sword. I think it's the last one, but I am not sure since I do not have any Wii games from 2012.
Is there any other leaflets in PAL region that I missed? Is there some sort of list of games with these leaflets included? I often buy used games and I want to know that my copies have every single printed material.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2014, 07:29:09 am by ylitvinenko »


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Re: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2014, 08:35:42 am »
Interesting reasearch indeed, I will check my Wii games to see which leaflets they have and if any new one popup

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Re: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2014, 08:45:12 am »
    • The third one has images of white and black Wii, 2011 copyrights and "P-RVL-EUR-15" code. It was found in TLoZ: Skyward Sword. I think it's the last one, but I am not sure since I do not have any Wii games from 2012.
    Is there any other leaflets in PAL region that I missed? Is there some sort of list of games with these leaflets included? I often buy used games and I want to know that my copies have every single printed material.

    In my copy of: TLoZ:Skyward Sword (-HOL) i have the leaflet P-RVL-EUR-14, 2011 copyright, with the same front as the picture you uploaded, with the following game ads inside: Wii Party, TLoZ:Skyward Sword, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit Plus, Xenoblade Chronicles, Mystery Case FilesĀ± The Malgrave Incident, Nintendo Selects

    In my Copy Of Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition (-UKV/EUR) i have the leaflet R-RVL-EUR-12, 2010 copyright, with the following game ads inside: Wii Party, Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Wii Sports Resort, Tetris Party Deluxe, Animal Crossing: Let's go to the City, Mario Kart Wii, PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure

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    Re: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
    « Reply #3 on: August 03, 2014, 08:51:31 am »
      • The third one has images of white and black Wii, 2011 copyrights and "P-RVL-EUR-15" code. It was found in TLoZ: Skyward Sword. I think it's the last one, but I am not sure since I do not have any Wii games from 2012.
      Is there any other leaflets in PAL region that I missed? Is there some sort of list of games with these leaflets included? I often buy used games and I want to know that my copies have every single printed material.

      In my copy of: TLoZ:Skyward Sword (-HOL) i have the leaflet P-RVL-EUR-14, 2011 copyright, with the same front as the picture you uploaded, with the following game ads inside: Wii Party, TLoZ:Skyward Sword, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit Plus, Xenoblade Chronicles, Mystery Case FilesĀ± The Malgrave Incident, Nintendo Selects

      In my Copy Of Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition (-UKV/EUR) i have the leaflet R-RVL-EUR-12, 2010 copyright, with the following game ads inside: Wii Party, Metroid: Other M, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Wii Sports Resort, Tetris Party Deluxe, Animal Crossing: Let's go to the City, Mario Kart Wii, PokePark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure

      Super Smash Bros Brawl (-HOL), has the P-RVL-EUR-3, copyright 2008, with the playing dude on front

      WaroWare Smooth Moves (Nintendo Selects) (-HOL) has the R-RVL-EUR-13, with the black and white Nintendo Wii.

      There's a different version of leaflets, with maybe 3 main ones, like you described above, but with different ads inside depending on the year of release of the game it comes with, hence the 12/13/14/15


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      Re: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
      « Reply #4 on: August 03, 2014, 09:01:51 am »
      There's a different version of leaflets, with maybe 3 main ones, like you described above, but with different ads inside depending on the year of release of the game it comes with, hence the 12/13/14/15

      Yeah, I definitely overlooked that. I've collected a lot of information, thanks to all of you and people on NintendoLife forums, so I'm making a spreadsheet with all info that I know now. Of course I will post a link here - maybe it will come in handy.

      Re: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
      « Reply #5 on: August 03, 2014, 09:42:26 am »
      Okay, I made a spreadsheet and it seems that we have a lot of interesting data. There is, eventually, four main designs, the one I didn't mention is the one with a guy and a girl (P-RVL-EUR-7). Besides, we have two types of inserts that are identical to each other but have different codes and barcodes. Sadly there is a lot of missing data, but at least it's something.

      Here's the link:


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      Re: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
      « Reply #6 on: August 14, 2014, 02:58:39 pm »
      Some extra info

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-10   
      Front cover design: White and black Wiis and Wii Remotes   
      Back cover design: White Wii with Wii Remote
      Advertised games: Monster Hunter Tri, Wii Fit Plus, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies, Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, Animal Crossing: Let's go to the City, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy
      Latest copyright: 2010
      Barcode: 6112266
      Found in: Monster Hunter Tri: Limited Edition - Ultimate Hunter Pack (-EUR/FHUG)

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-13   
      Front cover design: White and black Wiis and Wii Remotes   
      Back cover design: White Wii with Wii Remote
      Advertised games: Wii Party, Mario Sports Mix, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit Plus, Mario Kart Wii, Fling Smash, Metroid Other M
      Latest copyright: 2010
      Barcode: 6115766
      Found in: Wario Ware Smooth Moves (Nintendo Selects) (-HOL)

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-11   
      Front cover design: White and black Wiis and Wii Remotes   
      Back cover design: White Wii with Wii Remote
      Advertised games: Monster Hunter Tri, Wii Sports Resort, Super Mario GHalaxy 2, Wii Fit Plus, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies, Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, Animal Crossing: Let's go to the City, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Sports Resort Pak
      Latest copyright: 2010
      Barcode: 6113866
      Found in: Super Mario Galaxy 2 (-HOL), Metroid: Other M (-HOL)

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-5   
      Front cover design: Man with Wii Remote and Nunchuk   
      Back cover design: White Wii with Wii Remote
      Advertised games: Wii Fit, Wii Music, Mario Kart Wii, PES 2008: Pro Evolution Soccer, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Big Brain Academy for Wii, Animal Crossing: Let's go to the City
      Latest copyright: 2008
      Barcode: 6108566
      Found in: Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 (-HOL)

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-6   
      Front cover design: Man with Wii Remote and Nunchuk   
      Back cover design: White Wii with Wii Remote
      Advertised games: Wii Fit, Wii Music, Mario Kart Wii, PES 2008: Pro Evolution Soccer, EA Sports FIFA 09, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Mario Power Tennis (new play control), Pikmin& Pikmin 2 (new play control), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Big Brain Academy for Wii, Mario Party 8, Animal Crossing: Let's go to the City
      Latest copyright: 2009
      Barcode: 6109366
      Found in: Another Code (-HOL)

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-15   
      Front cover design: White and black Wiis and Wii Remotes   
      Back cover design: White Wii with Wii Remote
      Advertised games: Wii Party; Mario Kart Wii; Wii Fit Plus; Go Vacation; Kirby's Adventure Wii; Nintendo Selects
      Latest copyright: 2011
      Barcode: 6117566M1
      Found in: The Last Story: Limited Edition (-EUR)

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-16
      Front cover design: White and black Wiis and Wii Remotes   
      Back cover design: White Wii with Wii Remote
      Advertised games: Mario Party 9, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, The Last Story, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit Plus, Go Vacation, Kirby's Adventure Wii, Nintendo Selects
      Latest copyright: 2012
      Barcode: 6117966M
      Found in: Pandora's Tower: Limited Edition (-EUR)

      Code: P-RVL-EUR-1
      Found in: Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (-HOL)
      « Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 03:06:56 pm by kam1kaz3nl77 »

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      Re: Wii promotional inserts - any additional info?
      « Reply #7 on: August 18, 2014, 05:07:52 am »
      Thank you for detailed info! I'll add it in the spreadsheet when I will be at home.