While browsing the PS Vita games I noticed that there are double and even triple entries of the same product. Don't get me wrong but most of them don't even have actual differences (Platinum, Collector's or something like that). How about encouraging those people to use the "Notes" part instead of making a brand new entry? (Example image at the end of the post)
In case people agree with me, how about adding some kind of "report" button to let the admins know that there are doubles?
I'm sorry in case this has been discussed in the past, but I didn't find anything similar in the recent pages. Maybe I didn't look hard enough too. 

Some entries (like those with a country code between brackets) are for regional releases with localized artwork and / or manuals, so they're technically
not duplicates. We approved adding new entries for these localized releases after discussing things with some European collectors so be absolutely sure they're real dupes before reporting them.
This goes for you too, exo. Be sure they're not dupes, check the item details to be sure, I've asked these collectors to mention any details in the listings themselves.