Lost Kuma-Ki (male Akita) a few months ago,
Shadow (my female Rottie...both of these dogs are now pictured in my avatar), is getting older but, still doing about as well as can be expected,
and my sister Melissa, (doesn't live here but visits w/ her dog & my brother-in-law pretty often...I prefer the dog (*any* dog!) vastly but...families, and whatnot)

recently bought a Dobie that's now around 6 months old.
I love (and, so does my girl, which is a good thing since we *practically* do live together) just about all of the bigger breeds of dogs - smaller & yappier dogs...not so much.
My last 3 dogs = 2 Akitas + 1 Rottie and - I'm so happy with those 2 breeds that I don't see myself ever buying or owning a dog that's not one or the other