Author Topic: Timeless games that still hold up today?  (Read 10705 times)


Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2014, 10:14:59 pm »
That was quite a wild ramble but it's meaningless because it's clear you hate the system and games from that era. You see only the bad in the system but none of what made Atari one of the greatest home gaming systems ever.
You are correct that the topic is games that are timeless and by your own statement earlier in the thread, when you weren't getting the answers you wanted, when people were giving valid answers like Galaga, Tetris and Breakout, you dismissed those answers and you felt you needed to clarify with the mangled expression of "modernish". It's obvious that you personally don't find those early games timeless or valid today. Again, many people do. Your personal opinion on what is timeless when it comes to video games is irrelevant. You don't speak for everyone, and I doubt you even speak for a majority. Many lists of top games of all times are going to include games from that era whether you like it or agree with it.

The thread was about games that are timeless, not games that are timeless for YOU so please stop acting like a petulant child when you don't get the answers to a thread you created that was ambiguous and completely open to interpretation to being with.
No not really there wasn't that much writing there the point was already made in previous comments but it seemed you weren't understanding the reasoning behind it so I thought I would make the point clear for you, and any counter points you would have i'm sure. If we want to get  down to the meat of the question. You leave your nostalgia at the door.

Please don't assert things that I never said I never said they were "invalid answers" I said I was looking for something more modernish you know that has moving parts? It's hard to fault a blank canvas. And I never said I hate atari, or games from that era I love atari in there own way please read again "the quality standard of activision and some of the in house atari made games like "warlords, maze craze, pong, frostbite, ice hockery,dodge'em, solar fox, joust, freeway, my favourite kaboom etc..
But as a whole most games were well.. shit they were clones of games like pac man and space invaders for a quick buck this is not an opinion there's plenty of evidence out there supporting this if you bothered to do any research of the quality standard of atari why do you thinkwe had a video game crash? Don't insult me with ad hominems please, go look at this yourself.If anything postive came from it. It's nintendo learn't what not to do with a system, and games. Was only half as bad that generation, and improving.

"not games that are timeless for YOU so please stop acting like a petulant child"

To me lol? I don't believe I ever said I speak for everyone, can you tell me when I said that? Just statistics, and facts. Atari
gravitating towards males in there late 30-50s. nostalgia does not always mean a high quality game you seem to
be getting clouded by this point why? This was about timeless games.

And no not at all or I wouldn't be asking I believe it was you that  wasn't satisfied with the responses you receieved as you got counter points to your claims then you resort to straw man, and ad hominems. The majority of the atari 2600s game library is shovelware, crappy ports, and clones you can accept this fact, or don't if you want just don't insult me. There's plenty books
out there on atari I suggest you read them first, then come back, and read back on what you put as it's irrelevant to the discussion.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2014, 10:18:09 pm by dreama1 »


Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2014, 01:22:16 am »
Mario Kart 8)
Which one?

The original on SNES
I could see that as  being a pretty timeless game. Sure the CPU players can be really cheap, and some of the graphics look pretty blocky because of the mode 7 limitations( even with the DSP-1 chip), but I think it holds up very well in most of its components, especially for being the first kart racer ever! Its such an influential game and great fun with friends!


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Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #48 on: October 10, 2014, 02:38:09 am »
I agree with whoever said E.T.

While it's in my collection, I certainly have no time for that game. :)

Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #49 on: October 10, 2014, 06:31:54 am »
Total Annihilation (PC)
Monkey Island 1-3 (PC)
Abe's Oddysee/Exoddus (PS1/PC)
Baldur's Gate 2 (PC)
Turrican 2 (Amiga)
Golden Axe (Amiga)

It's difficult separating nostalgic love from actual excellence but i know i've gone the right way on the above games.

Furthermore there are a lot of earlier-edition games that have received countless sequels which have held up fine on their own despite the newer editions having more bells and whistles.

Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #50 on: October 10, 2014, 06:56:41 am »
Lets walk this thread through shall we? We have a thread title - "Timeless games that still hold up today?" followed by a comment by the OP stating the exact same thing.

People then follow with responses like Galaga, Tetris and Breakout which are, IMO, legitimate answers.

OP then says "Thinking something more modernish. Some games just get so boring while others just don't."

My first reponse was, in part - "Lots of the 2600 library is still eminently playable today. Games don't have to be "modernish" to hold up well. A good game is a good game from any period. " - my thought reading through the thread was (1) the thread never mentioned that games needed to be post-NES to qualify as timeless and (2) there are plenty of timeless games on the 2600 and those early systems. Remember, I said "lots" of the 2600 library, not all. Of course it's full of shovelware, no one is saying it isn't. There are still dozens of 'timeless' games from that era like Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Pacman, Robotron, Defender, etc. Even if you want to dismiss the 2600, those original arcade games ARE timeless and those who originally mentioned galaga, tetris and breakout never even mentioned the 2600. YOU were the first one to bring up the 2600. I assumed they were talking about the arcade versions anyway. Another poster then goes on to talk about Galaga and you continue to bring up the 2600. Galaga isn't even on the 2600!

At this point you move from the argument of what constitutes "timeless" to accusing me of letting my nostalgia cloud my judgement and that people who talk retro don't even think atari and that atari has "aged terribly" and is worthless besides a handful of games. A blanket statement which is blatantly false. I countered that Atari is not only still a popular retro system that has a thriving community and active homebrew scene which makes it far from "worthless" but that nostalgia isn't the driving force. If it was, homebrews wouldn't be as popular as they are. It's the arcade style of game that still holds up - hence games like Galaga, Tetris, and Breakout are still eminently playable today

Then you go on a rant which began with a completely false statement about those who grew up in those "short Atari years". Seriously? One of the longest running systems EVER which had a shelf life from 1977 - 1992? Other than maybe the PS2 it's the longest running console. I could tell from that first sentence I was dealing with someone who doesn't know their video game history. Follow that with wild assumptions that no one actually plays the 2600, we just let them collect dust. Not true, see Atariage again, which I doubt you will. You continue with something that, again, everyone knows and is not the argument at hand - Atari made massive mistakes and made a ton of shovelware. Again, that doesn't mean there are no "timeless" games from that era. Remember, the topic YOU started?

Then you make some pretty bizarre statements - "Why does it even need a homebrew scene every few months, or even matter if the games were timeless? People wouldn't need to try and remember. It's irrelevant, if it was timeless it wouldn't need life support to try and stay relevant today. It's nothing but a show piece, and people showing there programing skills for a high price."

Homebrew scene every few months? What does that even mean? Why does it matter if the games were timeless? Seriously? That's what we're talking about!!
People wouldn't need to try to remember? They don't need to. The 2600 is still in the collective conscience of the modern world. Everyone remembers it who was around then. If it was timeless it wouldn't need life support? Like the NES which is still being sold in stores today? Or the Genesis? Or any other now discontinued video game system?

It's obvious you have a deep bias for anything before the NES which in and of itself is fine but don't pretend that some of those games still don't hold up well today. That's my problem with your stance from the beginning.



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Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #51 on: October 10, 2014, 09:27:15 am »
Timeless and fun vary from person to person.  There are no wrong answers in this thread... other than:
Superman 64

The Guy Game


I agree with whoever said E.T.

You gentlemen are completely wrong.   :D


Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2014, 09:29:20 am »
I have several 2600 games that are worth more than most of the stuff that is being produced today. I'd say that they are hardly worthless.  On a side note, I have to disagree with Super Metroid aging well. Don't get me wrong, this is one of my all-time favorite games ever, but even compared to Metroid: Zero Mission or Metroid Fusion, the gameplay feels too stiff. Every time I go back to it, it's almost like I have to train myself how to play all over again.
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Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2014, 11:50:30 am »
I have several 2600 games that are worth more than most of the stuff that is being produced today. I'd say that they are hardly worthless.  On a side note, I have to disagree with Super Metroid aging well. Don't get me wrong, this is one of my all-time favorite games ever, but even compared to Metroid: Zero Mission or Metroid Fusion, the gameplay feels too stiff. Every time I go back to it, it's almost like I have to train myself how to play all over again.

But those other games totally stole Super Metroids controls.

Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2014, 12:08:38 pm »
I have several 2600 games that are worth more than most of the stuff that is being produced today. I'd say that they are hardly worthless.  On a side note, I have to disagree with Super Metroid aging well. Don't get me wrong, this is one of my all-time favorite games ever, but even compared to Metroid: Zero Mission or Metroid Fusion, the gameplay feels too stiff. Every time I go back to it, it's almost like I have to train myself how to play all over again.

I think the only part of Super Metroid to truly age poorly is the wall-jumping mechanic. 

I think Fusion was a horrible back-step for the franchise that was only made worse as it lead to Other M--and by that, I mean the stilted storytelling and forced linear gameplay in a franchise that was founded on isolation and exploration.  I think the openness of Super Metroid feels fresher than the forced straight line progress in Other M, which feels closed and absent of freedom or anything player-driven.

Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2014, 12:20:00 pm »

Most of them in there 30s, and 40s demographic most likely who grew up in those short atari years. How many of them actually sit down and play the atari rather than just let it collect dust is questionable. Yes you're right the homebrew scene is reasonablly big but I would hardly say the homebrew scene is for timeless playability rather than a collectors show piece for bragging rights.  Seriously how long is someone going to sit down and play halo atari for presuming that don't have epilepsy yet. I'm guessing to make an educated guess not very long, or any atari game outside activisions quality standard, and some of the atari in house games. Why exactly do you think atari crashed and burned? Because the games were terribly repetitive even then and had no lasting appeal as a whole even worse so than the NES relying on nothing but pac man, space invader clones, and brand name to sell. Christ even the atari top CEO at the time a little time towards there demise said quote We could put shit inside a cartridge and it would sell a million copies" If you want my opinion the intellivision held up far better than atari ever had, in just about every way possible except for controls, and they were just getting started.

Your argument may be flawed from the start by stating "short Atari years."  Atari dominated the gaming scene for the first two generations, and the 2600 ran successfully from 1977 to 1983, and even had a lingering life after that until the 90's.  I grew up in the Atari and NES days, but I have a friend ten years younger than me that also grew up with the Atari 2600.  That is hardly a system that had a short lifespan. 

Atari didn't fail because they didn't have or make some great games or true classics.  They failed because they couldn't change with the times properly, and they clung to hard to too many of their older franchises and ideals rather than changing, growing, or adapting them an era re-created in large part by Nintendo, but also by Sega.  The other problem with Atari was that it had become further disconnected from the gaming industry by corporate sales and decisions.  The 7800 was originally scrapped with the belief that the gaming industry was a dead fad until Nintendo revived it.  The 7800 then became an after-thought still based on obsolete design concepts. 

While Atari attempted to modernize with the Jaguar, there is ample evidence that the designers were still unable to properly change with the times and as the Jaguar was the last console released that still had a ridiculous and dated numeric pad on the controller which relied on overlays, rather than the modern controller set forth, again, by Nintendo. 

People can be nostalgic for all kinds of things, good or bad.  Nostalgia cannot be controlled or directed.  It just happens.


Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2014, 02:27:19 pm »
I agree with whoever said E.T.

While it's in my collection, I certainly have no time for that game. :)

lol, I see what you did there.

this is quite a popular thread you started  ;D

It reminds me of another question I got the other day - if you could had only one game to play for the rest of your life, what would it be?  Could potentially be tied to the same thing as what someone would consider "timeless" but also possibly not.  Considering "timeless" doesn't necessarily mean that you'd want to play it over and over and over again.

I admit Tetris (my original answer) is simple, but it's definitely timeless to me, even with all the variations it's seen over time.  Finding a more modern game that fits the bill is a little tougher as we get used to what graphics accompany a certain era or the limitations of the systems at that time.  My friend and I popped open Geometry Wars 2 the other night and decided to look at Geometry Wars right afterwards and boy, did that game look outdated in comparison.

It's much harder for me to think of something that's more modern and still timeless, but I think a game like the original Katamari Damacy might fit the bill.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 04:45:28 pm by desocietas »
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2014, 04:36:27 pm »
Lets walk this thread through shall we? We have a thread title - "Timeless games that still hold up today?" followed by a comment by the OP stating the exact same thing.

People then follow with responses like Galaga, Tetris and Breakout which are, IMO, legitimate answers.

OP then says "Thinking something more modernish. Some games just get so boring while others just don't."

My first reponse was, in part - "Lots of the 2600 library is still eminently playable today. Games don't have to be "modernish" to hold up well. A good game is a good game from any period. " - my thought reading through the thread was (1) the thread never mentioned that games needed to be post-NES to qualify as timeless and (2) there are plenty of timeless games on the 2600 and those early systems. Remember, I said "lots" of the 2600 library, not all. Of course it's full of shovelware, no one is saying it isn't. There are still dozens of 'timeless' games from that era like Donkey Kong, Asteroids, Pacman, Robotron, Defender, etc. Even if you want to dismiss the 2600, those original arcade games ARE timeless and those who originally mentioned galaga, tetris and breakout never even mentioned the 2600. YOU were the first one to bring up the 2600. I assumed they were talking about the arcade versions anyway. Another poster then goes on to talk about Galaga and you continue to bring up the 2600. Galaga isn't even on the 2600!

At this point you move from the argument of what constitutes "timeless" to accusing me of letting my nostalgia cloud my judgement and that people who talk retro don't even think atari and that atari has "aged terribly" and is worthless besides a handful of games. A blanket statement which is blatantly false. I countered that Atari is not only still a popular retro system that has a thriving community and active homebrew scene which makes it far from "worthless" but that nostalgia isn't the driving force. If it was, homebrews wouldn't be as popular as they are. It's the arcade style of game that still holds up - hence games like Galaga, Tetris, and Breakout are still eminently playable today

Then you go on a rant which began with a completely false statement about those who grew up in those "short Atari years". Seriously? One of the longest running systems EVER which had a shelf life from 1977 - 1992? Other than maybe the PS2 it's the longest running console. I could tell from that first sentence I was dealing with someone who doesn't know their video game history. Follow that with wild assumptions that no one actually plays the 2600, we just let them collect dust. Not true, see Atariage again, which I doubt you will. You continue with something that, again, everyone knows and is not the argument at hand - Atari made massive mistakes and made a ton of shovelware. Again, that doesn't mean there are no "timeless" games from that era. Remember, the topic YOU started?

Then you make some pretty bizarre statements - "Why does it even need a homebrew scene every few months, or even matter if the games were timeless? People wouldn't need to try and remember. It's irrelevant, if it was timeless it wouldn't need life support to try and stay relevant today. It's nothing but a show piece, and people showing there programing skills for a high price."

Homebrew scene every few months? What does that even mean? Why does it matter if the games were timeless? Seriously? That's what we're talking about!!
People wouldn't need to try to remember? They don't need to. The 2600 is still in the collective conscience of the modern world. Everyone remembers it who was around then. If it was timeless it wouldn't need life support? Like the NES which is still being sold in stores today? Or the Genesis? Or any other now discontinued video game system?

It's obvious you have a deep bias for anything before the NES which in and of itself is fine but don't pretend that some of those games still don't hold up well today. That's my problem with your stance from the beginning.

First off it doesnt have to "post-NES" I said I would prefer it to make the disccusion more interesting I didn't say it's FORBIDDEN
as you're just stating the obvious cult titles everyone on the planet has heard already. Why do you think i'm saying old games
are all bad? I never said that.I don't even own any modern games? where are you getting this from?

You do know not a single one of those games your mentioned is exclusive or even best version? Why would anyone logically speaking want to play pac man on the atari 2600 than the NES, or any other version that outclasses it in every way possible from playablity, graphics, and sound? Other than just giving it the sentiment ,or show piece. Yes bravo programing it for the
the atari but a timeless version no ,or your just running on nostalgia if you won't even listen to reason how crappy these ports actually were in the run of things. They're not "timeless" you can try and fog this point if you want but just having a monologue i've already given the definition so we have something to go off.

Next your gripe over me saying I Would prefer more modernish titles of 1985+ and that somehow equals I hate retro games?
I don't even own any modern games! I'm not sure the point your making with this i've already given
you examples and facts why the atari is less timeless than say the NES. You can try and blur, and fog the this point with a liberal stance if you want but it's false dichotomy, again has nothing to do with the discussion.  I've already said I like atari, and activision games on atari were gold standard. But the argument has been made. Saying "SOME PEOPLE DISAGREE WITH YOU
I KNOW SOMEONE WHO LIKES ATARI YOU'RE JUST A HATER THE HOMBREW SCENE IS HUGE THESE ARE TIMELESS GAMES" again not an argument, and you didn't reason it all the points made  because it's totally avoiding the meat of the discussion asked if your not capable of looking at it empirical stand point in the run of things. I'm well aware of how ground breaking these ports were at the time but what does it matter if it's on the NES a year later and improved 10x? It's not timeless.

"A blanket statement which is blatantly false."

Again this isn't an argument the games are worthless because they're indeed worthless you can buy 10 atari games for a few dollars today but that's nothing in retro pricing atari is close to the bottom. Hence worthless. (Btw Yes I know there's a few extremely rare atari games around the crash but there few and far between. Anyway it's not what the disccusion was
about.) While the NES, sega, and others enjoy much higher values. Yes this is open to debate why. But my guess i'm going to say they were fun, and set a quality standard never seen before the crash not always perfect but it was
a hell lot better than the atari generation had. From level design bright colours, music, playablity.. The list goes on There's plenty people on here who can explain to you why this is, far better than me. If you bothered to read what's already been said. But there seems to be in an agreeance, if you disagree you can make the argument why but you
haven't done that yet. But there seems to be in an agreeance, if you disagree you can make the argument why but you
haven't done that yet.

Your argument was when I said i'm looking for timeless games I think it's been made pretty clear that means playability included, and most atari games don't hold up to this besides the obvious cult classics not to mention most had superior ports on NES,
reasons been already stated why on the thread you jump to "BUT ATARI HAS A HUGE HOMEBREW SCENE AND A WEBSITE NOT BAD FOR SOMETHING YOU CONSIDER ""WORTHLESS"" YOU  JUST HATE ATARI PETULANT CHILD!!" Again you can reason if you want but not sure what this has to do with if double dragon , pac man, donkey kong, zaxxon, burgertime, or rampage is more timeless port than just about everything that came after it. But it's not timeless games they have aged terribly you're just ignoring the reality.

Yes obviously it had late releases so what? The dreamcast had offical games coming out in 06-07 hell it still has games coming out today but it was game over in 2001, and the atari was game over when the NES came as far as relevance goes no one cared about double dragon, or an array of other crappy ports on atari 2600, and most of there exclusives were ported to
intellivison, and NES. The point being they weren't timeless.

 "Atari made massive mistakes and made a ton of shovelware. Again, that doesn't mean there are no "timeless" games from
 that era. Remember, the topic YOU started?"

Erm.. are you capable of telling difference between "most", and "all" I never said that. Again I said i'm looking for something more modernish ports like double dragon on atari are of no importance to this discussion. The NES version is superior so it's automatically more timeless than the atari version.

You're the only one with bias you can't put down the fact that atari holds no wieght today only those who grew up with atari mention it. Yes alright I know a tall chinese person as well. But we are speaking in statistics here. If you think they hold up better
make the argument you haven't done that. This was about what games were timeless, repetitiveness isn't a characteristic.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 04:40:34 pm by dreama1 »


Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2014, 04:39:14 pm »
Wow, this thread went really sour... really fast.
E.T for the win.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: Timeless games that still hold up today?
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2014, 04:41:30 pm »
Wow, this thread went really sour... really fast.
E.T for the win.
Speaking of E.T..
« Last Edit: October 10, 2014, 04:43:21 pm by maximo310 »