Author Topic: Our Pets.  (Read 4898 times)

Re: Our Pets.
« Reply #30 on: October 31, 2014, 12:25:02 am »
I have a pitbull she's great her name is Star and she looks like a cow lol. Unlike what most people think pitbulls are loving, caring, and wants to cuddle up all the time. Everyone has the wrong idea about pits. It's the way people train them, not the pit itself.

Pittys are the best, like ours when you raise them correctly, they can be the biggest babies. They tend to be bad watch dogs too, mine may bark at people, but once inside he is thinking they are his best friend. Luckily for most people the bark scares them off.

Your so right about that my pit always barks and then once we allow the person in the house ... It's i want to cuddle up to or play with the person who just came in.

That is if they want to get off the couch. Lazy lumps...

Mine once she is laying down she is a rock and you can't move her at all..its crazy... But she is a big cuddle bunny ... Lol

Re: Our Pets.
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2014, 12:29:09 am »
I have a pitbull she's great her name is Star and she looks like a cow lol. Unlike what most people think pitbulls are loving, caring, and wants to cuddle up all the time. Everyone has the wrong idea about pits. It's the way people train them, not the pit itself.

SO True!

I have to pay extra for my Homeowner's insurance because both Akitas & Rotties are on "The List" = breeds that humans have earned shitty & unfair reputations 1st Akita (Kodiak)...*might* have come closest to being the stereotypical Akita, my 2nd Akita (Kuma-Ki) was (obviously), abused & was terrified of his own (friend), Shadow AND my 1st Rottie (*Shadow*) is a, by God Lap Dog...literally - if me + Carrie are on the couch, she'll back her black n tan ass up & somehow, wedge/land it on the couch Between us!

SOOOOoooooooo CUTE!    ;D

Sorry missed your message ... Your right we actually called our homeowners told them we rescued a pitbull and they said you know they are on the list ... So make she you don't have any incidents were your dog attacks... It's such bullshit.. If my dog bites you it was clearly because you either hurt my family or you broke in my house..

My dog does that all the time wedges herself between me and my wife and looks at us like Yeah I just did that you got a problem with it ? And en tilts her head to the side and gives the I am cute you aren't going to kick me off the bed look...  :P


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Re: Our Pets.
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2014, 12:02:46 pm »
2 cats, an older black cat with 2 white patches under her. and a devil cat that attacks and bites everyone....

If I didn't live in a duplex, I would have a german shepherd.
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