Author Topic: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!  (Read 2455 times)


New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« on: January 28, 2012, 04:35:19 am »
I'm not sure if this is the proper place to post this, so yeah. ;>.>

The rumor mill is a buzz today over the prospect of the new Xbox having software in it to make used games completely inoperable.  I for one do not see this going very far for a number of reasons.  In no particular order.

1. Life of the console.   We're going to have hardware issues.  No if, and, or but about it.  New console it's pretty much inevitable.  Making any game purchased completely useless for the new console.  Time to buy them again.  People just aren't willing to cough up $60 for a game they already purchased, because the launch quality of the console is crap.

2.  We all know that games go out of print.  So unless they intend to print them for many years, even if demand is low overall.  It'll end up costing too much in the long run.

3.  Fanbase.  You tell a gamer that your system cannot play a used game and he/she will tell you where you can subsequintly shove said console as they buy a competitors system, that will play used games.

4.  Not everyone is made of money.  We can't plunk down the cash for a new game all the time.  

5. Gamestop does sell new games.  Albiet my definition of new and theirs is "slightly" different.  They would have to completely change their policies.  That is the only good that comes of this.

I know this is supposed to curb the empire that is used game sales.  Unless everything goes digital (heaven forbid) I don't see this happening.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2012, 05:27:39 am »
How would the system be able to tell that the game is used?

Also, that would hinder the game rental industry, since all of their games are "used". Of course, Sony and Nintendo gamers would still be able to rent stuff. But imagine the hit places like GameFly would take if all those Achievement whores out there couldn't rent a ton of crap games for easy points. ha
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2012, 05:42:07 am »
I don't know how the system would be able to tell unless it was a one time use code.  Something like the EA online codes.  

Rental industry would be screwed.  No question.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2012, 05:46:24 am »
How would the system be able to tell that the game is used?

The system would have to be online at all times (which in and of itself is a terrible idea), and each disc would need some kind of ID in it. When the disc is inserted in the system, the game's ID would be registered online along with the system's ID, and then that particular disc could only work after an online verification that this particular disc is in the right system. Unless they make their next console cartridge-based, then that whole process could be done within the cartridge itself... but that's unlikely.

When I first heard this rumor, all I could do was facepalm. It's already hard for game companies nowadays to make people spend 60$ on their games at launch, but making that the only option is just stupid. People will be less willing to spend 60$ on a game that they're completely uncertain if they'll want or not if they have no way to try it out beforehand, so niche games will die out and even the slightly less popular games now will have even more trouble finding an audience. Some people like lending their games to friends and stuff. Renting games will be impossible, and renting games is a GOOD thing for game companies (people can rent a game to see if they want it or see if they want to buy the sequel, in the end game rentals become potential profit for game companies). Add to that all the problems ffxik mentioned and it's clear to anyone that it's a terrible idea.

If this ends up being true, I don't see Microsoft staying in the console gaming industry very much longer. The only way this could work is if they end up selling the games for dramatically less than the competition... and that's not happening.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2012, 05:52:14 am »
The system would have to be online at all times (which in and of itself is a terrible idea), and each disc would need some kind of ID in it. When the disc is inserted in the system, the game's ID would be registered online along with the system's ID, and then that particular disc could only work after an online verification that this particular disc is in the right system. Unless they make their next console cartridge-based, then that whole process could be done within the cartridge itself... but that's unlikely.

That's probably right on the money.  The system is Blu-Ray so carts aren't happening.

If this ends up being true, I don't see Microsoft staying in the console gaming industry very much longer. The only way this could work is if they end up selling the games for dramatically less than the competition... and that's not happening.

Maybe that's what they want,  maybe.

I already hate that the Xbox has region encoding.  This means I will not be buying another system from them, if rumor is true.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2012, 06:43:35 am »
If this is true, I also find it unlikely that I'd buy the next Xbox system. Anything that prevents me from picking up games I've missed out on is a horrible horrible idea. They do know that their games are only printed for a certain amount of time, right? Unless they want to print old games for the entire life of the system. Then you'll just end up with an over-saturated market and burying them along side ET in the desert. ha
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2012, 07:36:58 pm »
There's no way that they would be that stupid. Who in the hell would buy a console like that? Nintendo isn't doing it with the Wii U and I really, really doubt Sony would be a part of such a ludicrous idea. Also, you think GameStop would continue to sell their games/hardware? There's just no way. The company makes some sick amount (like 80-90%) of their income from used game/hardware sales. GS is a very powerful company. Choosing to completely turn your back on them is a death sentence, even for something as popular as the xbox.

I could see them possibly going forward with something to limit online gameplay (like that garbage passkey system in Homefront) but even that is a stretch.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2012, 07:54:36 am »
I highly doubt this is true. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that MS, Sony and Nintendo have all talked about doing something like this but the bad press they would receive would outweigh anything they could make from it. Like darko said GameStop is too important to the industry at this point too and going this route would ruin anyone who tried.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2012, 10:15:19 am »
Why not get rid of discs altogether (from a company standpoint)? I read somewhere that it could possibly have a blu-ray player that was just that, then have a marketplace for ALL their game content. At that point, they were trying to figure out if it was financially viable, given that 20-something % of 360s have never been connected to a broadband connection at this time. Completely remove the discs from the equation, remove used games.
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2012, 11:27:49 am »
If they do decide to get rid of physical games, I'll more than likely have a lot more money to put towards my collection of older items since there's no way I would buy something like that. I know a lot of you guys really like steam, but I have to have something I can physically touch or I don't collect it.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2012, 12:41:36 pm »
If they do decide to get rid of physical games, I'll more than likely have a lot more money to put towards my collection of older items since there's no way I would buy something like that. I know a lot of you guys really like steam, but I have to have something I can physically touch or I don't collect it.

agreed. although I have a few games on steam. I prefer the physical copy. I only have a few PC games where I don't have a physical copy. Things like starcraft, you buy an account that works online, not the game...

if the ps4, xbox720 and wii require games to be bought online. They've lost me. Besides, datacaps would hurt their sales so bad.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2012, 04:29:47 pm »
I prefer physical copies as well.  They go all digital and I quit buying games.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2012, 04:46:49 pm »
I prefer physical copies as well.  They go all digital and I quit buying games.

Pretty much my sentiments. I appreciate the physical copy as much as the game (box art, manual, inserts, tangibility, etc).  The worst part is how it's all just a money making racket - not only do they not charge less for the digital copy, even though they don't have to manufacture a box, manual, etc, but they charge a PREMIUM for what they call a "special edition" that actually comes with this stuff with the download code in the "box" (like with the Marvel vs Capcom 2 re-release).

So digital only media can go fuck itself. I'll just be a pirate when it comes to this.


Re: New Xbox unable to play used games. Say what?!
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2012, 06:10:55 am »
If they do decide to get rid of physical games, I'll more than likely have a lot more money to put towards my collection of older items

I agree with this completely. If the main consoles ever went digital only, I'll focus on classics instead.

I appreciate the physical copy as much as the game (box art, manual, inserts, tangibility, etc).

Too bad game companies don't appreciate the box, art, etc.

Now-a-days manuals are 2-3 pages and are hardly informative. 360 boxes are super cheap and the tray that holds the disc is flimsy as hell and the artwork while usually cool, lacks any kind of info on the back at all....

Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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