Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 627097 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3480 on: October 22, 2017, 09:17:59 am »
I decided to put a stop to Kuon for this year. I know it's the Halloween season, but I didn't realize just how many horror games I went through this year. Siren, Ghosthunter, Corpse Party, The Suffering, and maybe a couple of others. Instead of rushing Kuon, I want to take my time with it so I'll probably hold off until I'm in the mood for a horror title again.

So! I decided to finally step back in time with some old PS1 titles that I barely touched. Up first: Dragon Seeds. Here goes nothing!

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3481 on: October 23, 2017, 03:57:11 pm »
I'm working my way through the Metal Gear franchise at the moment, at least some of the titles. I've played through 4 in the past, and may have a go at it again soon. Just recently finished Snake Eater and loved it. I've seen playthroughs of 1 and 2 and don't really feel like I'll get much out of playing those two. I got V at release and played a decent amount of it but fell off for one reason or another so now that I've finished 3 I'm looking to get back to V and hopefully make it through this time. Besides that I'm waiting on my Switch to ship from my employers rewards center and will hopefully jump into some Switch titles, Zelda probably coming first.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3482 on: October 23, 2017, 03:57:35 pm »
I don't know what I'm doing to myself.  I'm basically sabotaging my 104 game challenge.  My wife pointed out to me that I've been playing Phantom Pain for weeks now and probably haven't beaten a game in weeks.

I really want that Platinum trophy though... and I really really love this game.

But I do intend on stopping to play Super Mario Odyssey and Assassin's Creed: Origins.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3483 on: October 24, 2017, 08:59:31 am »
Dragon Seeds was...odd. I'm glad I found it, I'll always keep it because memories, but the chances of a replay are slim.

All of this talk on here and on other forums inspired me to start a new file with Rena in Star Ocean: The Second Story. I'm still on a high from Xenogears, so I'm trying to get in more PlayStation RPG time. I plan on finally -FINALLY- recruiting Ashton. It's going to be tough to say no to Opera and all of her power, but I want to try new characters this time around. I plan on the team being Dias, Ashton, Bowman and Noel. I won't participate in the Cave of Trials, though.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3484 on: October 24, 2017, 01:54:53 pm »

Just started Lunar the Silver Star Complete on PS1. Been wanting to play this one for a long time.

But I have to ask since I just started: Is the set-up of the story really just because some kids wanted to have an adventure...that's it?! No invading enemy? No world-threatening event happening? The world isn't dying? You aren't the chosen one? You just want to go on an adventure...huh.

I hope the story gets better than this...


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3485 on: October 24, 2017, 02:22:34 pm »
Being having loads of fun with Fire Emblem Warriors so far.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3486 on: October 24, 2017, 02:26:12 pm »
Oh man. Now I'm worried. I just acquired robo-maid and the princess, so I'm guessing my next major encounter is going to be that boss you're talking about. How has the Mistress class been working out for you? I've been abusing the hell out of the Etoile's skills because they activate instantly. I can't believe how useful she's been.

You're right :) She's awful! After kicking my arse up and down the dungeon she made me shake hands and apologize before getting my arm up my back and forcing me to eat the biggest, hairiest spider in the house. Jeez, I just wanted to turn her into a book  :-\

I've read the mistress doesn't get good until later levels and I'd agree that seems to be the case - whipping multiple enemies is all well and good but the individual attacks are weak. I didn't know etoile skills activated immediately - TBH the whole maid/bard/singer thing confuses me, people talk about maids being essential.. I'm not sure for what though? I've never used the valkyrie (apparently they're vital) and can't get my head around dark lords either.. I dunno, at this point I'm feeling pretty beat up by it.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3487 on: October 24, 2017, 03:10:31 pm »
You're right :) She's awful! After kicking my arse up and down the dungeon she made me shake hands and apologize before getting my arm up my back and forcing me to eat the biggest, hairiest spider in the house. Jeez, I just wanted to turn her into a book  :-\

I've read the mistress doesn't get good until later levels and I'd agree that seems to be the case - whipping multiple enemies is all well and good but the individual attacks are weak. I didn't know etoile skills activated immediately - TBH the whole maid/bard/singer thing confuses me, people talk about maids being essential.. I'm not sure for what though? I've never used the valkyrie (apparently they're vital) and can't get my head around dark lords either.. I dunno, at this point I'm feeling pretty beat up by it.

I just got to Chapter 8, so maybe I can offer some insight? The boss at the end of Chapter 7 went pretty smoothly for me so I feel like I have a better grasp on things than when I first started playing.

Maids - I find having one Maid very useful. Level up Generous Heart a fair amount because it will save you from having to use items to restore your team. My Witch is able to use one of her nuke spells to mop up trash mobs and, when then the battle ends, Generous Heart restores all of her lost TP.

I also recommend leveling up Maid Mastery a few levels, and then putting anything extra into Cook.

The only thing I like about Bards is that they get a song that increases experience. However, I find the Dancer class to be much more useful. Bards require casting time whereas Dancers activate their skills from the start. In the most recent boss battle, my Etoile lowered her speed AND attack. It made things so much smoother.

Of the two Maids you have, Ist is the better of the two because her Unique Skill ups the potential of all Maid abilities. Generous Heart will feel even more generous. One more thing about Generous Heart - you can run away from battle and it will still activate.

Valkyrie - I don't think that they're vital, but mine has proven to be supremely useful when fighting a single, difficult enemy because of one skill: Daedalus Lance. This attack hits 3 to 5 times at random. But, if there's only one enemy then it'll feel the brunt of that attack. Valkyrie's can also protect the entire team from magic or physical attacks if they have a shield. They're a solid tank, but when they don't need to protect anyone, you can use Daedalus Lance.

Dark Lords - I look at them as the Warrior class glass cannon. Two handed axes means that they can't use shields and they're slow as a snail. They make up for everything in raw power. Megaton Press can clean a battle in one use. Power Charge will increase their attack power for a turn to an insane degree. Grudge can restore TP since they burn through it quickly. Finally, they have a passive skill called Dark Quest. If your Dark Lord gets inflicted with any status ailment, then their power increases massively. The more inflictions the better. Aside from dangerous ones like Sleep, you can walk across traps to get her inflicted and watch the chaos unfold.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3488 on: October 24, 2017, 04:23:10 pm »
Retro - Working on GTA2 on PS1. In modern, I'm working through Stardew Valley on Switch and also Overwatch on XB1. I can't stop. It's a rough, rough addiction! I need those halloween skins!


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3489 on: October 24, 2017, 07:22:23 pm »
Retro - Working on GTA2 on PS1. In modern, I'm working through Stardew Valley on Switch and also Overwatch on XB1. I can't stop. It's a rough, rough addiction! I need those halloween skins!

Have you played Stardew Valley on other platforms? I'm curious how it all compares between the various platforms.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3490 on: October 24, 2017, 07:46:54 pm »
Thanks for taking the time to explain Kashell, appreciated. I'm gonna sit down and experiment with those classes - in particular I'm gonna swap Connette out for Ist and try a dancer build with her and take a look at my front line (probably lose the Papillon and get a valkyrie), hopefully this will make things easier with that boss.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3491 on: October 24, 2017, 07:47:38 pm »
Retro - Working on GTA2 on PS1. In modern, I'm working through Stardew Valley on Switch and also Overwatch on XB1. I can't stop. It's a rough, rough addiction! I need those halloween skins!

Have you played Stardew Valley on other platforms? I'm curious how it all compares between the various platforms.

Yes! I've played it on PC before making the jump onto the Switch. In my opinion, it looks and feels exactly the same. The only difference is the load/save times on switch are much longer than on PC. But that is my only gripe. It's worth picking up! They really made the controls very intuitive as well, which was a worry of mine when I first heard that it was going to the Switch.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3492 on: October 24, 2017, 08:18:47 pm »
Retro - Working on GTA2 on PS1. In modern, I'm working through Stardew Valley on Switch and also Overwatch on XB1. I can't stop. It's a rough, rough addiction! I need those halloween skins!

Have you played Stardew Valley on other platforms? I'm curious how it all compares between the various platforms.

Yes! I've played it on PC before making the jump onto the Switch. In my opinion, it looks and feels exactly the same. The only difference is the load/save times on switch are much longer than on PC. But that is my only gripe. It's worth picking up! They really made the controls very intuitive as well, which was a worry of mine when I first heard that it was going to the Switch.

With how much time and long nights I put into this game on pc, and my Switch shipping soon, this sounds like a bad/amazing combination for sitting in bed and not sleeping.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3493 on: October 25, 2017, 12:54:42 am »
Retro - Working on GTA2 on PS1. In modern, I'm working through Stardew Valley on Switch and also Overwatch on XB1. I can't stop. It's a rough, rough addiction! I need those halloween skins!

Have you played Stardew Valley on other platforms? I'm curious how it all compares between the various platforms.

Yes! I've played it on PC before making the jump onto the Switch. In my opinion, it looks and feels exactly the same. The only difference is the load/save times on switch are much longer than on PC. But that is my only gripe. It's worth picking up! They really made the controls very intuitive as well, which was a worry of mine when I first heard that it was going to the Switch.

With how much time and long nights I put into this game on pc, and my Switch shipping soon, this sounds like a bad/amazing combination for sitting in bed and not sleeping.

You’re basically describing me. The only difference is that I’m catching myself playing on the couch while the Mrs. watches TV. I don’t know how many hours I’ve put into it, but it has to be pretty close to my Zelda addiction I had at launch!


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3494 on: October 25, 2017, 07:49:21 am »
Thanks for taking the time to explain Kashell, appreciated. I'm gonna sit down and experiment with those classes - in particular I'm gonna swap Connette out for Ist and try a dancer build with her and take a look at my front line (probably lose the Papillon and get a valkyrie), hopefully this will make things easier with that boss.

You're welcome! And good luck with that boss.

I finished the first boss battle in chapter 8. I suggest defeating the one on the left first when you make it to that point.