Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 633157 times)


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3630 on: January 27, 2018, 12:03:25 am »
Gamefly-ed Phantasy Star Zero for the DS but while I wait for my bf to feel like playing it, I got the urge to pull out the Phantasy Star Collection on my GBA. I remember by being shocked that the original games weren't anything like the PSO games, lol. Anyway, it's hitting the spot of old school RPGs where you have no idea where to go and just have to risk going out into the wild, hope you run into a weak monster, run away from strong monsters, and run back to town to heal. Repeat 50 more times until you can buy better gear. Good stuff!

LOL. I was always curious if this is how everyone played these games. I try to stay away from guides and videos so games aren't spoiled. I will say the first part of Phantasy Star I had to use a guide because i never figured out on my own how to get the road pass when I was a kid. I still remember pulling out paper and pen to map the dungeons.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3631 on: January 27, 2018, 03:40:44 am »
Actually did put time into Dragon Ball FighterZ, beating one of the story arcs they have.  Sadly it's pretty boring so far.  The entire first arc, all like 2 to 3 hours of it (I left the game running abit, so can't tell for sure), and its almost entirely a tutorial.  You do get fights without battle tutorials, but they are almost all braindead AI.  See an enemy twice your level? Don't worry, you probably won't die.  They hit harder, but the AI is nothing here.  I really don't understand what they were thinking as they have a proper tutorial mode people can go play.  I don't need to be two hours into the games plot and still have to practice how to backdash.  The design of the singleplayer is boring too, and kinda lazy, when I think one of the Budokai games already did the multi-path board game aesthetic, but I think they did it better or at least had more to do.

What saves it as a Dragon Ball fan, is all the interactions between characters, saying stuff that made me laugh or chuckle, and that it is an original story.  So far, it doesn't seem like a particularly good original story, but when nearly every Dragon Ball games rehashes the same god damn story from the Saiyan Saga to the Buu Saga in practically every game, getting anything that feels new is a godsend.  Being a fan is what makes it watchable, but if someone doesn't care about the story or characters, people are just gonna be bored.

I mean everything else about the game is fantastic.  Best playing and the best looking DB game ever.  Top notch music, gameplay, lots of good stuff here outside of the story mode.  Just don't expect much out of the story mode unless hearing Goku and Gohan talk about fusing sounds funny and entertaining lol


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3632 on: January 27, 2018, 03:40:03 pm »
Playing Monster Hunter World.

I’ve never played one of these games, and I’m absolutely hooked! The gameplay loop is very addictive and I’m doing better than I thought.

Maining a Hammer which means I’m right in the face of the monsters... it’s quite the buzz when you get one down.

Haven’t tried multiplayer yet.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3633 on: January 27, 2018, 10:40:51 pm »
Playing Monster Hunter World.

I’ve never played one of these games, and I’m absolutely hooked! The gameplay loop is very addictive and I’m doing better than I thought.

Maining a Hammer which means I’m right in the face of the monsters... it’s quite the buzz when you get one down.

Haven’t tried multiplayer yet.

Multiplayer is pretty fun! Solo is fun when I'm in the mood to gather, etc., but it's nice having friends to help take down a big monster.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3634 on: January 28, 2018, 04:38:41 am »
Playing Monster Hunter World.

I’ve never played one of these games, and I’m absolutely hooked! The gameplay loop is very addictive and I’m doing better than I thought.

Maining a Hammer which means I’m right in the face of the monsters... it’s quite the buzz when you get one down.

Haven’t tried multiplayer yet.

Multiplayer is pretty fun! Solo is fun when I'm in the mood to gather, etc., but it's nice having friends to help take down a big monster.

I’m definitely going to need some help at some point! Think I’m about to hit my first difficulty spike against the t-Rex looking thing (Ajanath?) in the Ancient Forest.

I’ve got an Armor set with skills I like and levelled it up a bit, so bring it on!

That’s after I’ve taken my daughter out on her new scooter first  :)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2018, 04:42:49 am by arkaneer »

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3635 on: January 28, 2018, 05:15:33 am »
Anjanath is a rough fight, even still for me, and I'm progressed into the third area.  He's not dragon hard, due to their mobility, but if you slip up against his fire blast, it'll likely insta-kill you, and his knocked down chomp is annoying.  I've actually rarely fought him, maybe twice, because he's an ordeal.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3636 on: January 28, 2018, 03:56:42 pm »
Anjanath is a rough fight, even still for me, and I'm progressed into the third area.  He's not dragon hard, due to their mobility, but if you slip up against his fire blast, it'll likely insta-kill you, and his knocked down chomp is annoying.  I've actually rarely fought him, maybe twice, because he's an ordeal.

I got him down! Fainted once....first time I've been carted, and the animation made me laugh quite hard.

Not sure if it's scripted, but I spent quite a lot of the fight between him and an irritated Rathalos. There was a lot of fire!

I got caught in his fire blast once and it hurt!

Great game...I'm so glad I picked it up :)

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3637 on: January 29, 2018, 08:25:42 am »
With the Assassin's Festival leaving soon, I've decided to buy and jump into FFXV... and I'm really digging it.

I'm at Chapter 5 right now, probably close to Chapter 6.  The game suggests waiting until Chapter 7 to do the festival as it takes place during that chapter.  Might just spoil things so I can play it before it disappears Wednesday.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3638 on: January 29, 2018, 09:57:58 am »
I’m playing through Bioshock Infinite... again. God, I love this game.
What’s really standing out to me this time is the amazing shifts in tone during each section of the game, and how each makes you feel something different.


At first there’s amazement at the floating city and the seemingly idyllic lifestyle, and everything is calm...
Then you discover what’s hidden beneath the exterior and are made to feel the downtrodden minorities are justified in rebelling...
Until things go too far, all hell breaks loose, and innocent people on both sides end up murdered for no reason. Citizens evacuate among the gunfire and lightning in the sky, and you (along with Booker and Elizabeth) realize that no one can really “win” in this situation...
Then things REALLY get deep, and you end up the creepy asylum/brainwashing facility known as Comstock House...

The Finkton level can, IMO, be a little boring, but most everything after that is just amazing and I really have to force myself to stop playing.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3639 on: January 31, 2018, 06:47:38 am »
I've put in an absolute ton of hours into Monster Hunter World, to the point that I still haven't played Dragon Ball FighterZ for more than a few hours lol It's grindy, but in a rewarding way, because rather than worrying about levels and grinding out tedious amounts of enemies in other RPG's, I am mostly doing missions that lead to me getting sick new armor and weapons and I can tackle them with different weapons if I want which really changes things up.  I just hit Hunter Rank 11, unlocking all the High Rank stuff.  I'm not too happy with "Congrats! All your gear is now butt! Kill all those enemies you killed before, to get the good versions!", but having two variations of the armor is pretty sweet.

I think games like this and even Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are gonna ruin other RPG's for me like Tales of Berseria I still have lying around with how basic it feels lol

The only things that are a negative on the game to me is that the story and characters aren't good.  I guess the story is on par with past games from what I've heard, and it's not bad, it's just generic, when I feel like the setting is pretty ripe for something more interesting.  Also the co-op seems kinda convoluted at times.  Not that I've done multiplayer yet, don't got a proper crew to play with, but from what I've seen from people streaming is that it gets abit clunky if you just simply want to do missions together at times, particularly story ones, but that's a minor thing at best.

This game is already shaping up to be top GOTY territory for me.  There isn't a lot more that is coming up that I feel like I'd be as hooked too.  Gonna take something pretty ridiculous to top it, though one or two specific games if handled really well could give it a run for its money, such as Metro: Exodus.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 06:59:32 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3640 on: January 31, 2018, 11:31:41 am »
I've put in an absolute ton of hours into Monster Hunter World, to the point that I still haven't played Dragon Ball FighterZ for more than a few hours lol It's grindy, but in a rewarding way, because rather than worrying about levels and grinding out tedious amounts of enemies in other RPG's, I am mostly doing missions that lead to me getting sick new armor and weapons and I can tackle them with different weapons if I want which really changes things up.  I just hit Hunter Rank 11, unlocking all the High Rank stuff.  I'm not too happy with "Congrats! All your gear is now butt! Kill all those enemies you killed before, to get the good versions!", but having two variations of the armor is pretty sweet.

I think games like this and even Xenoblade Chronicles 2 are gonna ruin other RPG's for me like Tales of Berseria I still have lying around with how basic it feels lol

The only things that are a negative on the game to me is that the story and characters aren't good.  I guess the story is on par with past games from what I've heard, and it's not bad, it's just generic, when I feel like the setting is pretty ripe for something more interesting.  Also the co-op seems kinda convoluted at times.  Not that I've done multiplayer yet, don't got a proper crew to play with, but from what I've seen from people streaming is that it gets abit clunky if you just simply want to do missions together at times, particularly story ones, but that's a minor thing at best.

This game is already shaping up to be top GOTY territory for me.  There isn't a lot more that is coming up that I feel like I'd be as hooked too.  Gonna take something pretty ridiculous to top it, though one or two specific games if handled really well could give it a run for its money, such as Metro: Exodus.

I'm at Hunter Rank 8 and still loving the game as well. Like you I think it will be hard to top for GOTY...but I live in hope  :)

I like the grind to upgrade my gear and the feeling that you mastered a monster that was hard before. I literally haven't tried any other weapon than the Hammer and I am guessing that may gimp me with future fights. I'll stick with the Hammer until I hit a brick wall, but I may have to look at trying to find a range weapon I like eventually.

I think my favourite thing has been learning the various systems going on in the game. It's overwhelming to start with, but it's great when you have it all arranged in your head and understand the core gameplay loop.

Are you near the end of the story at Hunter Rank 11? I feel like I am about half way through.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3641 on: January 31, 2018, 02:05:46 pm »
I'm at Hunter Rank 8 and still loving the game as well. Like you I think it will be hard to top for GOTY...but I live in hope  :)

I like the grind to upgrade my gear and the feeling that you mastered a monster that was hard before. I literally haven't tried any other weapon than the Hammer and I am guessing that may gimp me with future fights. I'll stick with the Hammer until I hit a brick wall, but I may have to look at trying to find a range weapon I like eventually.

I think my favourite thing has been learning the various systems going on in the game. It's overwhelming to start with, but it's great when you have it all arranged in your head and understand the core gameplay loop.

Are you near the end of the story at Hunter Rank 11? I feel like I am about half way through.

I don't know exactly how long the story is, but I just finished the Zorah Magdoros part, which isn't the end of the story, and doing that unlocks all the High Rank stuff, making me feel like perhaps it's only the halfway mark of the story or at least 2/3rds.

I'd also recommend you start playing with other weapons too, find a few you like as some enemies could make the hammer seem tough due to their mobility.  Like I've found the regular bow, especially if you can get the Dragonbone one, will just ruin Rathian and Rathalos day due to the raining spike balls move.  Dual blades are amazing against faster enemies types like the Tobi or Odogaran, who by the way, has so far some of the sickest looking armor in the game at the moment, for females at least.


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Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3642 on: January 31, 2018, 04:26:52 pm »

I don't know exactly how long the story is, but I just finished the Zorah Magdoros part, which isn't the end of the story, and doing that unlocks all the High Rank stuff, making me feel like perhaps it's only the halfway mark of the story or at least 2/3rds.

I'd also recommend you start playing with other weapons too, find a few you like as some enemies could make the hammer seem tough due to their mobility.  Like I've found the regular bow, especially if you can get the Dragonbone one, will just ruin Rathian and Rathalos day due to the raining spike balls move.  Dual blades are amazing against faster enemies types like the Tobi or Odogaran, who by the way, has so far some of the sickest looking armor in the game at the moment, for females at least.

I just tried the bow & the light bowgun in the training area. Both seemed quite simple to pick up, so I'll try one when I start struggling.

If I'm feeling brave, I might venture into multiplayer tomorrow!

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3643 on: January 31, 2018, 04:47:04 pm »
The bowguns feel more like something better utilized in a multiplayer setting to me personally as a backup weapon.  Like I did take out monsters with the light bowgun and tried the heavy bowgun just abit, but their mobility and slower kill time make the experience abit rough solo.  Takes forever to kill things.  Bow is better at keeping the pressure up, while still having good mobility, which is why I like it.  Keep those spike balls raining!


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #3644 on: February 01, 2018, 02:06:53 am »
Its been over 2 years since the last time ... but I platinum'ed another game. 4 Goddesses online. I adored the hell out of this game. The characters are so amusing and the game play literally made me feel like I was on Everquest all over again. <3

Its time for 1) Monster hunter world or 2) Summon night 6.