Back to playing Mordor: Shadow of War so that I can get this finished before Red Dead Redemption 2 later this month and buying my new PC soon. Took a big break awhile back, and since then they did the big overhaul update that removes the marketplace and supposedly deals with late game grinding, which I'm not sure how close to that I am. Don't particularly notice any differences, but I don't think most folks will that haven't beaten the game yet. The normal grind does get abit repetitive at times, as there is only so many ways to progress, but the side content I don't feel is overly exciting, especially side quests.
I feel like what keeps me going is the chance to get an interesting new captain to fight or get ambushed by someone at inopportune times, because damn the Nemesis system is impressive. While you start to see some slight overlap in visual design and voice actors after awhile, there's only so many ways you can make these Orc's look different, I don't think there's ever been a point where a Captain shows up and the dialogue he is giving is familiar to me. That's impressive 30 hours in. This continues to be the highlight of this series.