Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 636232 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4650 on: July 18, 2023, 10:16:03 am »
I'm making my way through Final Fantasy 7 Remake hard mode right now. Once done, I'll do the interlude. Then it's a debate between playing through Crisis Core or FF XVI. Crisis Core might have an edge because of price.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4651 on: August 31, 2023, 11:48:10 pm »
Got PC Game Pass for abit with Starfield coming up, so decided I'll check out a few other games available that I haven't played yet till then, starting with Atomic Heart.  It's alright so far, it's Bioshock by way of the USSR.   The retro-future designs are kinda neat, gameplay seems alright, I kinda love the loot mechanic of being able to just vacuum through stuff.  My biggest annoyance is the voice acting for the lead character and his dialogue, it's just awful.  He's functional, but he's so flat, like he's just reading off a script (He is, but he's not supposed to sound like it lol) and it gets really rough combined with his weirdly abrasive dialogue.  It honestly could become a problem with my enjoyment if it doesn't settle down soon, because he is just a super unlikable character.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4652 on: September 02, 2023, 09:21:44 pm »
Tried to play Exoprimal again since I got Game Pass, but eh, even with the option to play PVE only, it seems like such a boring gameplay loop, just as it was in the playtest.  Which is a shame as I think the game's Exosuits and gameplay is decent, but the start and stop, wave fighting, just isn't an interesting gameplay loop.   They should've just made their own version of EDF, fighting crazy dinosaurs in huge amounts across big locations, amped up the movement and speed, more of a bigger singleplayer experience with optional co-op than an online only experience.

Also grabbed I'm On Observation Duty, seen it a few times being played and normally I'm not into "scary" games, I want more of an action bent to my creepy games (Resident Evil, etc...), but this one and it's following sequels are built around watching cameras, and spotting differences in the location.  They can be obvious spooky things, or very obscure, very tiny things, like a cup moving or a chair disappearing.  It is lightly unsettling, and there's a jumpscare or two, but it's almost more like one of those found object games or "Where's Waldo", where you have to try your best to memorize the location, and then spot the changes.  Sometimes its easy, sometimes it's insanely hard and I've lost not knowing what was changed.  The only thing I hate is that when you've found the anomaly, and then fix it, it flashes a bright yellow screen at you every time and it's murder on the eyes.  I think they fixed this in the following sequels, but it's rough.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2023, 12:29:01 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4653 on: September 06, 2023, 02:40:18 am »
A half dozen hours into Starfield and it's okay.  For a game that comes 8 years after Fallout 4, there's a lot of that same feel here, which isn't a positive.  It's a very much cleaned up and smoother feel than Fallout 4, but for a brand new game, I think it needed a few more pass on everything from UI, to the menu's, to the combat.  It's not bad and I can see elements hooking me in, but something I was worried about in the trailers for this, was that it seemed like a very straightforward scifi thing, doesn't have a lot of character to it compared to Fallout.  Maybe that'll change as things go on, but we'll see I guess.  I'm currently glad I'm only playing it with Game Pass lol

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4654 on: September 11, 2023, 02:42:58 am »
Started into No Man's Sky after failing to be engaged by Starfield (Because I still have Game Pass due to Lies of P coming up) and because I've wanted to give it another try as I tried to play it a year or two ago and it didn't run great for me, but it seems to be doing okay now.  Right off the bat, No Man's Sky does a much better job nailing the whole space experience.  It actually did a good job of this initially all those years ago, kinda the one right thing it had, that experience of traveling off the planet, into space, jumping to another planet, is seamless.  It's still great. 

It's the complete opposite of Starfield, which is basically just a cluster of zones you warp to and never really feeling like you are traveling towards.  I can also land anywhere on the planet, use my ship to get around and while planets can be barren, they feel more involved, better procedural generation for the terrain.  On the other hand, I think Starfield being more of an RPG, it does make the questing and interactions abit more interesting, I'm not gonna say it's always great, but it generally does have stuff that feels more like actual locations, known cities, voice acted characters, that sort of thing, being able to scour an abandoned base for all sorts of resources, or weapons, and gear, the standard Bethesda experience, that aspect is kinda missing here from the few hours I've put in.

I don't know about everything they've added to the game over the years, I know it's become way more involved, lots of content of all sorts, and while it's not super catching me yet, it's much more chill and nicer to play, doing a much more fun and exciting space theme, so I'll try to play for awhile longer to see if I can find some of that new content to really hold me in.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4655 on: October 02, 2023, 04:46:54 pm »
I just finished Dead Island 2.

I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.  :-\

  • Pretty graphics
  • dismemberment
  • good weapons, overall good gameplay

But everything else is bad.

The zombies respawn too many times and quickly, I don't even have time to breathe or explore because I'm always attacked. (that doesn't make me want to explore)

The side quests are not interesting and repetitive, like some objectives of the main quest which consist of beating waves of zombies in an arena or finding clues/maps in each location.
"kill them all" ; "kill them all"

At the end, I just rushed the game because I wasn't interested in doing the same things over and over again.

The end boss is just a reskin of an already existing zombie, it's quite shameful.
But the most shameful remains the "end" of the game which will probably be in DLC.

The story makes no sense, we are not explained what the numen consist of and how they are nor what the nucleus is used for in the sewers.

I think this game was botched and they released it just to say that the game finally had to be released.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4656 on: October 02, 2023, 10:06:09 pm »
I had the opposite reaction with that game lol I went in expecting very little, like there was no way it was going to be even decent after all the years it struggled in whatever forms it took and then it turned out to be kind of a surprise hit for me.  Story, character, gameplay, it was generally all a lot of fun.  Sure, some of the side stuff got a little tedious, but it's very optional and it's like a 30 hours game to completion, so it's not a very dragged out experience at all.  I can't see any reason to call the game "botched", it's a little outdated in the type of game it is, but it's like a legit 8/10 game lol

Definitely agree on that ending though, leaving the other half of the story as cliffhanger DLC bait was a real bummer.  I'm fine with loose ends becoming DLC stuff, but this was a huge part of the story turning into likely DLC.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4657 on: October 03, 2023, 06:20:21 am »
I've had so much to play lately that it was getting a bit overwhelming so I've dialed it back a bit.Ended up playing through Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure last month and it really gave me the Nippon Ichi itch.. so I've gone back to Disgaea 5 to finally finish its postgame while I wait for 7 later this month. Also been working my way through The Last Story finally. Wasn't really feeling it at first but kept at it for a couple hours and it really started to gel with me.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4658 on: October 05, 2023, 11:50:24 am »
It's the spooooooky season, so I started Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. I'm giving my favorite horror series some love by playing an entry I haven't touched yet!


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4659 on: October 06, 2023, 09:32:36 am »
I haven't played Dr Mario since I was ten or something and remember that I didn't care for the game back then. I guess now I like puzzle games more than platformers, but when I was a kid that was reversed.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4660 on: October 11, 2023, 09:58:19 am »
Been playing the fuck outta Lies of P.  Game has been great, very good souls formula game, I'd say the best non-From Software Souls game I've played to date.  Does things differently in areas, but it works well.

That all said, most bosses are easy to cheese almost like OG Demon's Souls... except the final final boss, that dude is tough as nails.  Haven't beat him yet.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4661 on: October 11, 2023, 11:42:26 am »
That all said, most bosses are easy to cheese almost like OG Demon's Souls... except the final final boss, that dude is tough as nails.  Haven't beat him yet.

Really? I heard you had to master a parrying mechanic to get through bosses.

Lies of P has been on my wish list since I first heard of it.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4662 on: October 11, 2023, 07:14:29 pm »
Lies of P is definitely good.  Absolutely agree on being the best Soulsborne-like I've seen and played.  It doesn't nail everything as well as FromSoft does, but it's really good.

The very last boss was definitely tough, though funny enough, way easier than the two fights that preceded it lol My big issue with the final boss was the second phase, where the weapon is engulfed in flames/visual effects and it made it incredibly hard for me to figure out the perfect guard timing.  If they toned back on that, I feel like I could've handled it abit better.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4663 on: October 12, 2023, 03:19:59 pm »
Lies of P is definitely good.  Absolutely agree on being the best Soulsborne-like I've seen and played.  It doesn't nail everything as well as FromSoft does, but it's really good.

The very last boss was definitely tough, though funny enough, way easier than the two fights that preceded it lol My big issue with the final boss was the second phase, where the weapon is engulfed in flames/visual effects and it made it incredibly hard for me to figure out the perfect guard timing.  If they toned back on that, I feel like I could've handled it abit better.
Phase 1 is pretty cake, Phase 2 is where I was struggling too.  Aggressive, fast, infinite stamina, hard to judge if an attack is regular or fury, attacks in general are obscured making guarding/perfect guarding difficult.

That all said, most bosses are easy to cheese almost like OG Demon's Souls... except the final final boss, that dude is tough as nails.  Haven't beat him yet.

Really? I heard you had to master a parrying mechanic to get through bosses.

Lies of P has been on my wish list since I first heard of it.
By design,yes, but in execution bosses are super weak to throwables.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4664 on: October 15, 2023, 05:12:30 pm »
I finished Trepang2 today.
The game is short (main story) but fun, nervous and OST is great, it's a good surprise.

I played Megaman Dive X Offline, it's nice but a little redundant.
It seems to me that it was basically a "gacha" so there is a bit of farming even if the levels are generous for the rewards.
I still spend more time having to upgrade than playing lol

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar