Author Topic: What are you playing?  (Read 636117 times)


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4665 on: October 16, 2023, 09:26:54 am »
Lies of P is definitely good.  Absolutely agree on being the best Soulsborne-like I've seen and played.  It doesn't nail everything as well as FromSoft does, but it's really good.

The very last boss was definitely tough, though funny enough, way easier than the two fights that preceded it lol My big issue with the final boss was the second phase, where the weapon is engulfed in flames/visual effects and it made it incredibly hard for me to figure out the perfect guard timing.  If they toned back on that, I feel like I could've handled it abit better.
Phase 1 is pretty cake, Phase 2 is where I was struggling too.  Aggressive, fast, infinite stamina, hard to judge if an attack is regular or fury, attacks in general are obscured making guarding/perfect guarding difficult.

That all said, most bosses are easy to cheese almost like OG Demon's Souls... except the final final boss, that dude is tough as nails.  Haven't beat him yet.

Really? I heard you had to master a parrying mechanic to get through bosses.

Lies of P has been on my wish list since I first heard of it.
By design,yes, but in execution bosses are super weak to throwables.

So you can chuck projectiles at them? Are they easy to come by/inexpensive/etc.?

Just wondering what I'm in for because I want to play it soon.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4666 on: October 16, 2023, 10:17:31 am »
Lies of P is definitely good.  Absolutely agree on being the best Soulsborne-like I've seen and played.  It doesn't nail everything as well as FromSoft does, but it's really good.

The very last boss was definitely tough, though funny enough, way easier than the two fights that preceded it lol My big issue with the final boss was the second phase, where the weapon is engulfed in flames/visual effects and it made it incredibly hard for me to figure out the perfect guard timing.  If they toned back on that, I feel like I could've handled it abit better.
Phase 1 is pretty cake, Phase 2 is where I was struggling too.  Aggressive, fast, infinite stamina, hard to judge if an attack is regular or fury, attacks in general are obscured making guarding/perfect guarding difficult.

That all said, most bosses are easy to cheese almost like OG Demon's Souls... except the final final boss, that dude is tough as nails.  Haven't beat him yet.

Really? I heard you had to master a parrying mechanic to get through bosses.

Lies of P has been on my wish list since I first heard of it.
By design,yes, but in execution bosses are super weak to throwables.

So you can chuck projectiles at them? Are they easy to come by/inexpensive/etc.?

Just wondering what I'm in for because I want to play it soon.
Yes, there are 3 main elemental throwables: a firebomb, an electric bomb, and an acid bomb.  All bosses take considerable damage from all three elements, some weaker to some than others, and they have their different effects.  From my experience, you can take a bosses full health bar down to like 10% left with a full carry (5 each early game) of the throwables.

Early game, if you want them, you've got to grind fighting enemies that drop them, it's kinda painful.  Mid-game (Chapter 5) there is a merchant who will sell you all 3 types of main throwable items in unlimited quantities.  Cost is like 300-400 Ergo each, so you might have to grind for a few minutes to have enough Ergo to buy up what you can carry.

My experience personally was, I didn't need the throwables until Chapter 4 boss, after which you meet the merchant before the Chapter 5 boss.

Also the cost of leveling up in the game feels more linear than exponential like Souls games.  I stopped playing last night (100% completion) and I was at level 170ish and it cost under 20,000 ergo to level up, I feel like Souls normally has a steeper curve to leveling up.  I'd beat a boss and then level up like 5 times.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4667 on: October 20, 2023, 02:57:22 am »
Been spending a bit of my free time waiting on Spider-Man 2, by playing Banjo-Kazooie on the Switch.  I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy going back to the original, as it doesn't have the improvements the HD remasters had, and having to use buttons for camera controls isn't great, but man I still love this game.  Been taking it easy, only doing a level at a time so I don't burn through it, kinda savoring, and yeah the controls get a tad wonky at points, but it's not been too big of a deal.  At least I'm not using an N64 controller lol  Only a couple levels in, and it'll probably get put on the backburner with Spider-Man 2 now, but I'll get back to it soon.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4668 on: October 21, 2023, 10:29:01 pm »
The first Insomniac Spider-Man was my favorite PS4 game.
That said, am I the only one who isn’t enjoying Spider-Man 2?

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4669 on: October 22, 2023, 12:42:45 am »
The first Insomniac Spider-Man was my favorite PS4 game.
That said, am I the only one who isn’t enjoying Spider-Man 2?

Seems right on par with the previous ones so far with some fun new moves.  I'm only a few hours in though, which is still in the early game, Kraven just made himself known in the city, haven't come across anything that seemed bad.  I think there is potential for this game to not feel as fresh and exciting as the original, being that it's technically the third game, but I haven't come across anything bad or out of place yet.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4670 on: October 22, 2023, 02:53:12 pm »
Mario Wonder finished. As expected, the game is simply excellent.
My most satisfying purchase with Kirby this year.

The animations are incredible, the levels reinvent themselves each time, there are some new concepts. I love the delirium with the seed, what surrounds it and the flowers that speak.
It's funny. The game is also prettyful, I liked the world of Desert, secrets are nice !

The levels of rythmes are awesome too.
Pinraha plants on parade or the last level where the developers had a little fun by making a mix of everything.
The staging is magnificent.

Usually I don't like collectibles but in Wonder, it's a pleasure to redo the levels to look for coins and seeds.
Even if I don't think I will succeed in the special world, I will try the 100% (at least have all the seeds and coins)

It's been a long time since I last touched a Mario Bros and this one won me over, unlike the old ones which bored me.
Shows that a little madness doesn't hurt.
Thanks to Nintendo for raising the level.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4671 on: October 22, 2023, 10:56:36 pm »
Seems right on par with the previous ones so far with some fun new moves.  I'm only a few hours in though, which is still in the early game, Kraven just made himself known in the city, haven't come across anything that seemed bad.  I think there is potential for this game to not feel as fresh and exciting as the original, being that it's technically the third game, but I haven't come across anything bad or out of place yet.

I don't know...
I'm not enjoying the loooooong periods you spend just walking and listening to other characters talking to you (give me a cutscene instead!) and the bicycle riding gameplay (although sparse) is just broken.
Besides, the amount of bugs and crashes in which the game needs to restart itself I've had so far is just too high for a AAA title in my opinion.
I'm also having a lot of trouble to get the feel for the parry system and also miss the stealth gameplay options of the first game, but those two are on me.
The game is far from bad, though! Maybe my expectations were way too high...
« Last Edit: October 22, 2023, 11:01:51 pm by ferraroso »


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4672 on: October 26, 2023, 05:28:14 pm »
Bulletstorm, a good outlet.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4673 on: December 25, 2023, 08:57:46 am »
Kingdoms Of Amalur: Re-reconing. Somehow I skipped this one before and no clue why. It's quite fun.
Changing between this and Hogwarts Legacy currently. Both on Switch, so I can continue on train.


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4674 on: December 28, 2023, 04:09:36 pm »
I discover Ghost Trick, it's excellent.

The inspector is really special and there is a woman who lights a candle with her butt  ;D

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4675 on: December 31, 2023, 10:04:32 pm »
I started to play the newest (and last) Saints Row game, since it was given free, but I played for an hour or so and it just wasn't feeling great, I know it's been patched up after going through development hell, but it just sorta feels like an outdated, janky, game with a decent character creator. 

That got me thinking about how something like Saints Row: The Third still plays, as I had that Remastered version from a few years back, and gotta say...It's not bad.  It's a little old school feeling of course, it's bound to be, but it's not far off from the recent game.  Honestly, Saints Row 2022 feels like it could have come out right around something like Saints Row IV, which was 10 years ago. A real shame as someone who use to really love the series, even when it got with Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell.  It even hit a point with Saints Row 2, where I personally thought it was better than GTA4, a game I think is genuinely not good.

I'll probably keep playing Saints Row: The Third at least for abit, since I haven't played one of these types of games in a long while.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4676 on: January 01, 2024, 08:46:15 am »
I started to play the newest (and last) Saints Row game, since it was given free, but I played for an hour or so and it just wasn't feeling great, I know it's been patched up after going through development hell, but it just sorta feels like an outdated, janky, game with a decent character creator. 

That got me thinking about how something like Saints Row: The Third still plays, as I had that Remastered version from a few years back, and gotta say...It's not bad.  It's a little old school feeling of course, it's bound to be, but it's not far off from the recent game.  Honestly, Saints Row 2022 feels like it could have come out right around something like Saints Row IV, which was 10 years ago. A real shame as someone who use to really love the series, even when it got with Saints Row IV and Gat Out Of Hell.  It even hit a point with Saints Row 2, where I personally thought it was better than GTA4, a game I think is genuinely not good.

I'll probably keep playing Saints Row: The Third at least for abit, since I haven't played one of these types of games in a long while.
I played it recently and really enjoyed it.  Felt like SR3 to me, which for sure is outdated, but fun.

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4677 on: January 01, 2024, 02:33:15 pm »
I played it recently and really enjoyed it.  Felt like SR3 to me, which for sure is outdated, but fun.

I wasn't hating my time with it, but there's this overall lack of polish to everything that adds some extra jank to the whole experience, so it feels both outdated and unfinished, which is a rough combo.  SR3 feels outdated even with the remaster, but it also feels better put together, especially the physics. 

Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4678 on: January 04, 2024, 04:20:59 am »
Ended up just grabbing Monster Hunter World on PC.  I'm double dipping on this as I've already played it and Iceborne on PS4/5 and had a great time, put like 400 hours in, but I picked up Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak to maybe hold me over till Monster Hunter Wilds, but at some point they updated the game and added an absolutely gamebreaking bug to the PC release and haven't fixed it and I couldn't find a workaround.  So I refunded that and I'm just gonna replay World, have fun with some mods and such to add some extra flavor.  It'll probably be something I play over the entire year casually after I get through the story as I'm just dying for Wilds lol


Re: What are you playing?
« Reply #4679 on: January 05, 2024, 02:04:24 pm »
It's supposed to be a spin off but it works like a classic Yakuza with a skin detective.

I like the characters, Kaito reminds me of Kiryu.
The physics is pretty weird, there's always a huge ragdoll.

The side quests are always crazy and good.
A bit of a shame there's no karaoke.
Apart from Paradise VR there are not many new mini games.

EDIT : I finished the game a few days ago and I think the narration is excellent, see above some yakuza games.
I was really captivated by the story, it was a real pleasure to follow it even if there were a few lengths.

The OST is very good.
It's quite simplistic but I enjoyed looking for the clues (except the cat meowing in each scene) to carry out the investigations.
Except for the shadowing, it was really boring and long because some NPCs went back or sometimes turned around.
The track part too, it's pretty lame and it seems to me that it was already in Y4.

The staging is always at the top. I would have liked to have the skateboard for free mode lol
There are the same ambient noises and music, posters or storefronts as in the old Yakuza.
The same NPCs, animations and license plates.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2024, 03:05:58 pm by alligo »

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar