Author Topic: Best Finds of 2014  (Read 7335 times)


Best Finds of 2014
« on: December 28, 2014, 01:05:41 am »
Here's my personal best finds in 2014. Based on rarest or most wanted in my collection. Going through my list of finds there was a lot of good stuff this year. What where your best additions to your collection this last year?

- LSD (PS1)
- Philips Tele-Spiel
- Epoch Game Pocket Computer (CIB)
- Commodore CDTV
- Sonyo 3DO TRY with 2 games
- PC Engine Super Grafx (CIB)
- Sega Mark III (CIB)
- PC Engine with CD expansion
- Game Master with 5 games
- Gamate plus 1 game.
- Found Earthbound Twice at garage sales for $7 total and traded for Godzilla (T16CD) and credit.
- Sega CDX
- Legend of Zelda Game and Watch
- Retro City Rampage DX (PS4) only 2000 made
- Secret Scout (NES)
- Acetronic MPU 1000 with game
- Supervision with 7 games (CIB)
- Harvest Moon (SNES)
- Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP Zelda Edition
- Nintendo 3DS XL Classic NES Edition
- Nintendo 3DS XL Persona Q Edition
- Dragon Fighter (NES)
- Power Glove (CIB)
- T16 TurboBooster Plus CIB
- Gold Nintendo 64 system
- Sonic the Hedgehog (SMS)
- Wacky Races (NES)
- Beauty and the Beast (NES)
- Pepsi Man (PS1)
- Famicom Revolver Style Lightgun
- Gameking II
- Power Strike II (GG)
- 8-Bit Xmas 2014 (NES)
- Class of Heroes 2G (PS3)
- Magician Lord (MVS)
- Knights of Valor: The Seven Spirits (ATOM)
- Wayne's World (NES)
- Game Boy Pocket Hello Kitty Edition
- King of Dragons (SNES CIB)
- Mega Man (GG)
- Back to the Future II (SFAM)
- Ghost Manor (T16)
- Splatterhouse II (GEN CIB)
- Ghostbusters (GEN CIB)
- My Horse & Me: Riding for Gold & Fritz Chess (Wii) I had to search every Gamestop in NA to find these, and only 1 store had a copy of each game CIB. They are considered 2 of the rarest games on Wii.

BTW, would you guys like to see all the pic's I took over the years of everything I got this year?
It was kinda fun going over all my finds this last year.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 01:20:39 am by theflea »
"Happy game hunting!!!"


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 01:13:39 am »
BTW, would you guys like to see all the pic's I took over the years of everything I got this year?
It was kinda fun going over all my finds this last year.

Yes please!!


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 02:17:21 am »
This year was very good for finds indeed:
 Ice Blue Nintendo 64 w/ Ice Blue Controller
 BC Fat PS3 60GB
 Phantasy Star Online Episodes I+II CIB (Gamecube)
 Mario Kart Double Dash Not for Resale
Ultimate Shooting Collection cib-Wii
Ketsui Limited Edition PS3
 Trigger Heart Excelica Limited Edition Dreamcast
Gradius Gaiden- PS1
Xenoblade Chronicles-Wii
Kororinpa: Marble Mania- Wii
Marvel vs Capcom 2 (JP)- Dreamcast
Dragon Quest X Part 1(USB Bundle), and Dragon Quest X Part 2- Wii
Bayonetta 2- Wii U
Super Smash Bros Melee+ Super Smash Bros.(N64)

That's what I can think of off the top of my head; I've got to check my collection for more stuff. I will say that it has been a fantastic year for my Gamecube collection. Hell, most of these have been picked up in the last two months: 

« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 02:23:46 am by maximo310 »

Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2014, 02:42:21 am »
- Earthbound (Actually found it on Jan 1 of this year at a thrift shop for $5)
- JP Operation Genesis - PS2 (actually found this one on Tuesday - $3)
- Fritz Chess - Wii
- Suikoden II
- Tales of Destiny
- Tales of Destiny 2
- SNES - CIB ($5 garage sale score)
- .hack GU Trilogy - PS2

Probably more, but these are the only ones I'm sure of that I picked up in 2014.


PRO Supporter

Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2014, 03:33:58 am »
Gonna limit mine to 10:

3DO FZ-10 with 28 games
Tomb Raider Target and Survivor Editions and Hardcover strategy guide
Tomb Raider complete series for PS 1 (thanks flea!)
2 Super Cobra light guns for PS1 (8 dollar thrift store pickup)
WiiU Zelda Edition CIB with 20 games (14 digital 6 physical) bundle
TG-16 with 2 games (thanks BurningDoom)
Phillips CDi
Ducktales 2 (thanks to a vgcollector who's name slips my mind right now)
Xenoblade Chronicles
Chrono Trigger collectors edition with soundtrack for the DS


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2014, 11:42:06 am »
- Earthbound (Actually found it on Jan 1 of this year at a thrift shop for $5)

It makes me happy that there is a place in the world where this can still happen. Thrift stores around where I live are all way to savvy for that.

My best score this year was a $20 LaserActive with Sega pac at the flea market, which is almost as good. not really.

Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2014, 01:28:18 pm »
- Earthbound (Actually found it on Jan 1 of this year at a thrift shop for $5)

It makes me happy that there is a place in the world where this can still happen. Thrift stores around where I live are all way to savvy for that.

All the big, corporate thrifts (Goodwill and Arc mostly) almost never have decent games anymore. They throw anything cart based and even most of their disk based stuff on Ebay, Amazon or their respective auction sites. I have several independent thrifts around town that I still can score big at on occasion. That's actually where I found Earthbound, and in the same trip found Shadowrun, CIB Breath of Fire 2, and some uncommon Soccer game for the SNES. It was definitely one of my best scores not just of this year, but of all time.


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Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2014, 02:44:08 pm »
This was my best this year. Either it or the Popeye cabinet.


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2014, 03:03:09 pm »
I think that my favourite finds and buys of the year are, in order of acquisition:

Super Princess Peach
Muramasa Rebirth Collector's Edition
Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure
Arc Rise Fantasia
Dokapon Journey

And all of my import games, which are not necessarily rare or anything, but 2014 was the year of beginnings for them, so they hold a special place in my heart!
Battle & Get: Pokémon Typing DS
Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland
Tingle's Color-Changing Balloon Trip of Love
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children (Red Book and Black Book)

Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2014, 03:15:39 pm »
I forget all I found this year exactly...I found Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on PS1 for a buck.  I believe I found the pile of Dreamcast games for around 2 bucks a piece earlier in the year, about 20 to 25 of them which was a super awesome find.


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2014, 04:13:58 pm »
my best fines was not in gaming in 2014 but got some other items that are amazing

super 8 camera set: it come super 8 camera with box and papers, super 8 projector (new old stock) and a few other super 8 items  for 30-40 dollars from the thrift shop, its valued at 350-600 dollars

a rare record player that was only sold in canada that i got from a antique shop for $52 and once i get it restorated it. it will  be valued at 500 - 1000 dollars


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2014, 04:15:58 pm »
Well look what the moose dragged in. Sup, htimreimer?


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Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2014, 06:56:06 pm »
As far as deals go
That bundle containing Pokémon Red and Emerald I got around the beginning of Spring
that day I also picked up a box of mostly SNES strategy guides and a few loose Dreamcast games for I think around $10
After that it was pretty much dead for me until I found Muramasa: the Demon Blade and Sin & Punishment: Star Successor  for $0.04 each
outside of that a lot of the imports I got were so cheap I was just basically paying for shipping

Outside of that I watched Alphaomegasin's video on his Resident Evil collection which reminded me about RE2 was on the N64 and I find it the next day at the closest place I could call my local video game store. So I guess that's worth  mentioning.


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2014, 07:32:43 pm »
The only one's i can remember is probably the RPG game for the PS2 & NES esp. DW 2 & 4.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: Best Finds of 2014
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2014, 09:40:21 pm »
Well look what the moose dragged in. Sup, htimreimer?
well life, me and my family moved back to regina, i have been hanging out with the lordkat community and a lot of other things