Author Topic: What are your collecting goals for 2015?  (Read 18324 times)

Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2015, 07:19:19 pm »
-Finish my PS2 collection (only 3 games away) Done!!! :)
-Get my PS1 want list to under 10 games (I still have 41 games on the want list) Done as well, although to be fair I took a few off that I decided I didn't want enough to actively pursue. I currently only have 9 PS1 games on my want list left.
-finish my Smash Bros Amiibo set (49 is the magic number)Still in Progress, By year end, assuming I don't get screwed with finding any of the remaining Smash Amiibos, I should have all of them minus DLC characters.
-Add at least 10 new import Saturn games to my collection (added 0 in 2014) Sadly this one is looking less an less likely. I have added a total of 1 new Saturn game to the collection this whole year and would bet money I won't be adding anymore in 2015 :/


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2015, 07:46:42 pm »
From last year, I completed most of my goals- Get at least 400 games, get 40 Gamecube games, Get a Wii U.
Now for this year-
-Hit 1000 games
Gamecube-  Get 200 games at least ( currently at 120 overall) Still going for that complete NTSC set, and other region exclusives.
Wii- Hit 175 games( currently at 108)
DS- Hit 111 games ( currently at 80)
3DS- Hit 50 games
More shmups
PS3 Hit 75 games
Dreamcast- Hit 50 games
Wii U games- Hit 50 games. Hopefully I can get lucky with some clearance finds for some of these games.
For 6th gen, look for multiplats only for Gamecube, PS2/Xbox games will only be for exclusives.
Find 7th gen exclusives before they become more expensive/unavailable
- Work on some more arcade 1cc's
 I probably have more to add to this, but these are just my general goals for the moment.
After 12 months..
-  I'm at about 1162 games overall
- Currently at 180 gamecube games
-, have 190 wii games
- DS is at 80  games, haven't found too much, 87 including digital
- 3DS is at 31 games, 40 including digital
- Got a few shmups, not at many as I like because of  escalting prices especially on Saturn
- PS3 is at 73 games
-Dreamcast is at 23, can't find much of this for cheap
- 1ccs has increased by 8 games.

Besides these goals, I should be getting pretty close to finished with my Wii collection for now.
Edit update for Dec 2015
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 07:27:09 pm by maximo310 »


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2015, 03:03:44 pm »
You guys are doing very good!  8)

Last year's goals weren't achieved, mainly because I removed from my collection the games that I don't own myself but are my family's. I took a drop in number, I'm at a little more than 350 total right now, but now the number is more accurate!

As for this year, I'll complete the list I had started last month:

1- Get a Playstation 4 (this will be checked off the list very very soon... I got a shipping confirmation yesterday!)
2- Complete at least 3 Zelda games, ideally starting with the top of the chronological order
3- Have >10 Vita games

4- Bust either 50 3DS games or 100 DS games

Might add more as I see fit :)

Obviously I now have my PS4, but I've completed the original Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening and Minish Cap, and I'm now sitting at 11 Vita games, so that's 3 out of 4 goals achieved! And I don't think I'm going to achieve it by December 31st, but I don't mind. Everything's doing good :)


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #78 on: September 05, 2015, 03:53:09 pm »
Still want a 3ds xl and a wii u.... Also gotta get my friend to send me his PSP an Dreamcast....

have the wii u and now 2 dreamcast. Now just need a psp and 3ds xl
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Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #79 on: September 05, 2015, 04:50:00 pm »
Still want a 3ds xl and a wii u.... Also gotta get my friend to send me his PSP an Dreamcast....

have the wii u and now 2 dreamcast. Now just need a psp and 3ds xl
I still need a psp as well lol


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #80 on: September 05, 2015, 04:51:11 pm »
Still want a 3ds xl and a wii u.... Also gotta get my friend to send me his PSP an Dreamcast....

have the wii u and now 2 dreamcast. Now just need a psp and 3ds xl
I still need a psp as well lol

I know 2 guys each with one, tried working deals with both but to no avail. One wants to add movies to the deal and i dont want the movie nor pay extra for them lol.
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #81 on: September 05, 2015, 04:52:04 pm »
Still want a 3ds xl and a wii u.... Also gotta get my friend to send me his PSP an Dreamcast....

have the wii u and now 2 dreamcast. Now just need a psp and 3ds xl
I still need a psp as well lol

I know 2 guys each with one, tried working deals with both but to no avail. One wants to add movies to the deal and i dont want the movie nor pay extra for them lol.
So both of them were asking too much for each deal then?


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #82 on: September 05, 2015, 06:48:30 pm »
Still want a 3ds xl and a wii u.... Also gotta get my friend to send me his PSP an Dreamcast....

have the wii u and now 2 dreamcast. Now just need a psp and 3ds xl
I still need a psp as well lol

I know 2 guys each with one, tried working deals with both but to no avail. One wants to add movies to the deal and i dont want the movie nor pay extra for them lol.
So both of them were asking too much for each deal then?
1st guy yes
2nd guy, it was the first item he ever bought with his first job/paycheck, so he is asking kinda high atm.
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)



Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #83 on: September 08, 2015, 11:22:48 am »
have the wii u and now 2 dreamcast. Now just need a psp and 3ds xl

It's funny how things work.  Dreamcast's are hard to come by in my area for anything resembling a reasonable price.  Meanwhile, PSP's are everywhere.

I'm actually up to four PSP systems now.  I have an original PSP 1000 model complete in the box with all the extra goodies, demo's and Spider-Man UMD.  I bought an OEM replacement shell & button set for it and it looks pretty much brand-new.

I have a PSP 2000 system that I replaced the casing with an aftermarket.  It's a bronze color and can be seen in my gallery.

The third I picked up was a mint condition PSP Go which I subsequently got a box and all paperwork for so it's complete like-new.

Finally, found a helluva deal on eBay for the God of War red limited edition new/sealed.  It's pure gorgeous.   8)

The PSP is a really, really great system.  There are a ton of great games on it both new & exclusive as well as games ported to it like Tactics Ogre and the first two Star Ocean games.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 11:24:50 am by gf78 »
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #84 on: September 08, 2015, 02:27:07 pm »
Updated my list. :)


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #85 on: September 08, 2015, 02:36:47 pm »
Updated my list. :)

I saw that you'd updated it.  Does "Another homosexual experience" really need to be on a game list?   :o


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #86 on: September 08, 2015, 08:57:55 pm »
GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were not supposed to mention that.  :o


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #87 on: December 04, 2015, 01:44:40 pm »
so with the year almost to a close and a new thread in place:,6679.0.html

How has everyone done this year? did you accomplish your goals? or have you not gotten any progress in it?

Lets see.. My goals for 2015 are..

1. Get my collection to 600 games. (currently 283)
2. Finally start in on my 1993 game collection (haven't taken the time to see what I have)
3. Get 50% finished with my 5200 collection. (currently have 18 different titles with 1 duplicate)
4. Get 2 more CIB Systems.
5. Get another suikoden and .hack game that I currently do not have
6. Get 5 more Steel Book Cases

1. finished. I am currently over 900 total items. Dang I just checked and I have 899 games.
2. not started. I haven't been consciously trying to collect 1993 titles but i'm sure I have picked up more than a few more games with a 1993 release date.
3. Not finished. I have not found any more 5200 games in the wild to add to my collection so I am still sitting at 18 titles.
4. Finished. I recently found a blue 2ds in box and complete and my brother gave me his Xbox 360 in box and complete.
5. Finished. Since this I have found 2 more .Hack games and Suikoden 3.
6. Finished. I'm at work right now but if I remember correctly I now have 20+ Steel books, When I posted this I had 12.

So 4/6 are of my goals are finished!

1. update: I have 1163 items with more needing added
2. still un-started
3. Found 2 more titles bringing my total to 20 Titles (21 games)
4. Im getting a Wii U for Christmas and found a 32x boxed and won a gold ps4 from taco-bell so that brings the total to 5 new boxed systems.
5. found suikoden 1 complete
6. since last post I have purchased 4 more steelbooks.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 01:54:11 pm by rayne315 »
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy


Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #88 on: December 04, 2015, 02:23:50 pm »
I finished all my "2015" goals with time to spare.  Time to start a 2016 thread!   ;D
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: What are your collecting goals for 2015?
« Reply #89 on: December 04, 2015, 05:18:43 pm »
150 PS2 Games 170!!
A new system. PS3
10 Saturn Games. 1 AWAY  :'(

I'd say I did pretty damn well!