I have an N64 with:
Star Fox 64
Perfect Dark
Golden Eye
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
six other games I don't remember off the top of my head.
I've played Perfect Dark and Golden Eye once.
I wouldn't say I hate the system. But I agree the games have not aged well which is why I haven't played it more. Playing the games in emulators is little help since the blurry texture stuff is baked in.
I also agree that in their purist form 3D games of the PS1 era have not aged well either. But when played under emulation a lot of these games upscale and then smooth out very very well. The Final Fantasy and Parasite Eve titles look amazing at 1080p with the right filters.
The PS1 also has an undeniably larger library of games that were not 3D that have aged incredibly well. These games in particular were as arcade perfect as it gets:
Area 51
Maximum Force
Leathal Enforcers
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Many cross platform games were also superior on the PS1:
Mega Man
Destruction Derby
Resident Evil 2
Several AAA exclusive franchises emerged on the PS 1 were serious contenders against the trickle of 1st party IP from Nintendo:
Parasite Eve
Dino Crisis
Final Fantasy
Tomb Raider
This is all just off the top of my head.
Now that I have a 3DO and I've been playing through my backlog I have to say the 3DO honesty blows me away yet many consider it a failed platform. It's got a library nearly as large as the N64. The graphics on most of the games I've played (Night Trap, Street Fighter 2, Gex, The Need For Speed) crush both N64 and first gen PS1.
When it comes down to it I agree with disgaeniac. I can have my own nostalgic and pet systems and for that the rationale doesn't have to make sense to anyone but me. But the reality in my case is I only collect what I want to play. So looking at the numbers themselves...

My 3 favorite consoles appear to be in rank order:
Sega Genesis (Actually in this case it is my wife's favorite because it's her system and games)
Atari 2600
Playstation 3
Super Nintendo
Seems like a pretty accurate (and sobering) breakdown to me. I had no idea I liked PS3 as much as I do. But it makes sense because it has a LOT of games I like to play. NES and Atari 2600 pretty much dominated my childhood. SNES was a system I only got to play when visiting my uncle.
Everything else is stuff I sought out myself once I was on my own.