Author Topic: We covered FAVORITE console, now how about the 1st console you bought yourself  (Read 8460 times)


My PlayStation 2.

I traded in about $50 worth of CDs for $300 credit at a semi-local FYE (back when they had good trade-in values), and got a system, a memory card, a Guitar Hero II set and a bunch of other games.

Wii U
PlayStation TV
Xbox 360

Where's the Mega Drive?  :o


Mine was the first PlayStation - I saw it at the store with the first Tekken. I told myself I have to buy it, took all my savings I had and bought it even though it was way over priced since it was new. Never regretted it at all, such a wonderful console.  :D
  l    l 


Wii U
PlayStation TV
Xbox 360

Where's the Mega Drive?  :o

I know, it's almost sinful.

I  haven't come across a good one out in the wild yet. I guess I could buy one on ebay, but I kind of like the thrill of the hunt. That being said, I do have a Retron 5 which allows me to play Mega Drive games. In fact, it plays a crap ton of games and they look great on my HD TV. The controller sucks, but you can plug up the original controllers. Best part is, it plays imports and supports translation patches. It's open the door to a whole new world of RPGs I missed out on ... where to start!?!?!

See news, reviews and more at Nintendo Frontier!

The first console I bought was a Super Nintendo, with allowance I saved. I got lucky, and came across a garage sale which had the system w/ all hook-ups and about 20 games, all for $25.

After that I started collecting.

Before that I owned a Nintendo NES and NES Mini.

Now I own:

Atari 2600
Super Nintendo
Nintendo Gameboy Color
Nintendo 64
Nintendo Gamecube
Nintendo Wii
Nintendo 3DS
PlayStation 2
PlayStation 2 Mini
PlayStation 4
XBOX 360 & Kinect

I feel like an ass for getting rid of my Genesis...


If we're only counting money we earned and not money we were given, mine was a PSP.
I'd wanted one for ages so I could play Dissidia, not long after starting my first job I got a PSP for free, I used my first pay to buy some PSP games but it turned out the PSP wouldn't read games, so I used my next pay to buy a new one.
Didn't end up playing it much but there's something really fun about collecting for it.

If money we were given counts then I bought a SNES and Saturn at the same time using money I was given for my birthday a few years ago. Got them from a retro game shop that used to be in town, me and my friends from college were regulars so he knocked the price down for me. Good times.  8)

The first console that i bought with my hard earned money was the Playstation 3 on 2007 with the game of "The Darkness". I don't know if that is one of the reasons that i consider the darkness as one of the best and more intense games that I've ever played. And i'm playing games since the NES.


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First system I bought with my own money (earned from a job - so I'm not including birthday cash or anything) was the N64.

Within a few weeks I bought the Playstation.

I had been rocking my SNES up until then and had been working for a few months and decided instead of saving my money for a car it was going to video games!

I was so upset because I had saved up my money and then realized that I had to buy a memory card too!!! At least I knew up front for the Playstation that I was going to need one.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


I had a SNES that was handed down from some friends when they got a 64, and then my parents bought me a PS2 for Christmas, but the first system I bought on my own was my 360. Got it about 2 months after I got my first job. it was the first thing I saved up for. I bought it with Gears of War which I ended up hating, lol.


first I bought myself....hmmmm

I think it was an Atari 5200 from a garage sale when I was 16. I think I paid $10 for it, two controllers and about 12 games back in the early 90's. I remember riding my bike and picking up games and consoles. This is when I first started collecting video games. I recall having the console in a bag hanging off my bike handle and the games, hook ups and controllers in my backpack. before that I had an Atari 2600 and an Odyssey 2 as gifts. I got the Colecovision and Intellivision not long after the 5200, then got an NES and a SMS a little after that from garage sales cheap. The SNES and Sega Genesis I got as Christmas gifts from my family. I remember buying a Sega CD and 32X from a pawn shop.

First system I recall buying brand new myself was the Playstation, I got it when it first came out. First system I bought near launch. You know out of all the systems I mentioned here, The Playstation in the only console I don't still own the original system. The first one I bought started to not read disc's after a six months and I remember exchanging it for a new one.  :P
"Happy game hunting!!!"


My first system that I bought myself was probably a used Jungle Green Nintendo 64, back when the Wii was still young.

The first system that I bought myself and that was current-gen was a used Playstation 3.

The first brand-new current-gen was my Playstation 4. Wow, that just made me realise how much more special that PS4 is  :o


The first system I bought myself with my own money I earned was my Nintendo DS Lite. It was super satisfying to finally be able to buy something with my own money. It's gotten a lot of use over the years with Pokemon and Dragon Quest. Dragon Quest IX is probably still my favorite DS game and one of my favorite games of all time.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


I first one i bought my self was a used 2600, since it was the first one I ever played when I was in 1st grade. I found it at Videogames then and now After some people at Game Stop told me about the place. That as about 5 years ago, and that got me back in to collecting games and buying systems.


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Growing up, I had three consoles; an APF TV Fun (a Christmas gift from my grandparents to my father), an Atari 7800 (purchased new to replace a game console damaged in a flood) and a Sega Master System (purchased by my parents at a garage sale as a gift for me). The first console I purchased with my own money was also brand new - Sega Genesis. Almost everything after that was purchased at garage sales and such, with the exception of the Dreamcast (open box special at Sam's Club and Christmas gift from my parents), Gamecube, Wii, and PS2.


The first one I bought myself was a Wii back in 2007/08, can't quite remember which. Pretty exciting to start buying consoles by myself, but I do miss the feeling of being surprised by one as a gift :P