Author Topic: We covered FAVORITE console, now how about the 1st console you bought yourself  (Read 8451 times)


Mine was a Gamecube, and it was between my Freshman and Sophomore years of college.

I'll never forget it, because my mom said something to my grandmother right after I bought it that I've always remembered. "When she was 8, I bought her a Nintendo and said she'd grow out of it. When she was 10, I bought her a Super Nintendo and said she'd grow out of it. When she was 14, I bought her a Nintendo 64 and said she'd grow out of it. Now she's almost 20 and buying these things for herself. I guess she's not going to grow out of it."

That's great.  ;D

I think the first system I bought myself was a Saturn...sadly. :P It had a handful of good games, but was largely a waste of money. My second one was a PSX, and that was a much better purchase. ;)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

first console i bought on my own was a used Playstation from a buddy of mine back in high school. first console i bought myself new at the store i think was a Wii

Trying to remember which one I bought myself...It was either a Gameboy Advance SP or a Wii, as I vividly remember buying the Wii by getting to my local Walmart in a small town at like 5am in the morning to wait for them to open up to buy one with two friends of mine lol


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Trying to remember which one I bought myself...It was either a Gameboy Advance SP or a Wii, as I vividly remember buying the Wii by getting to my local Walmart in a small town at like 5am in the morning to wait for them to open up to buy one with two friends of mine lol

I got a Wii back in at the very end of November 2006 when it was released.  People were snatching them up as fast as Nintendo could produce them.  It was my day off on a Sunday and I had to pick a few things up at Walmart.  As I always do, I moseyed down the game aisle and lo & behold...two Wii's they just put on the shelves.  A quick call to the misses to confirm it was ok (you non-married folks will find out what this is like someday!) and out I went with a new Wii and Zelda Twilight Princess. 

It was really just dumb luck that I happened to be at the right place at the right time. 
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Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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Trying to remember which one I bought myself...It was either a Gameboy Advance SP or a Wii, as I vividly remember buying the Wii by getting to my local Walmart in a small town at like 5am in the morning to wait for them to open up to buy one with two friends of mine lol

I got a Wii back in at the very end of November 2006 when it was released.  People were snatching them up as fast as Nintendo could produce them.  It was my day off on a Sunday and I had to pick a few things up at Walmart.  As I always do, I moseyed down the game aisle and lo & behold...two Wii's they just put on the shelves.  A quick call to the misses to confirm it was ok (you non-married folks will find out what this is like someday!) and out I went with a new Wii and Zelda Twilight Princess. 

It was really just dumb luck that I happened to be at the right place at the right time. 

Maybe "Have you ever camped out for a console release before?" should be a future question. I camped out for a Wii, while family members made fun of me because it released the night of the Ohio State University/University of Michigan game and that is a sacred day where I'm from.

That Christmas, they were all asking where they could find one, and I believe my (snarky) response was "in line, with me, over a month ago".
"You can buy everything, except love, friendship, and exp. points."


Mine was also the GameCube. It was pretty late in the system's life. I think it was the Mario Kart Double Dash bundle. After that I purchased a used Dreamcast, a PS1 and than my Wii. Been collection games and systems ever since  ;D

Got a lot to still get. Right now I have:

Wii U
PlayStation TV
Xbox 360

And a number of handhelds ...

I play most of my classic games on the Retron5. It works fairly well, and I like that I can put translation patches on imported games.

See news, reviews and more at Nintendo Frontier!


I buy the majority of my systems used so there hasn't been true feeling of buying something brand new. If it counts I recently picked up a Retron 5 at launch. I remember counting down the days until they shipped it (If you've been up to date with Hyperkin, you know that was another story of it's own. Which ment that I had to wait a year before my pre-order went in.) Overall I was very satisfied after the 4th delay to get the console I have been waiting for. With a small collection like mine I don't have any problems with compatibility issues with the exception of 3 games, although I wish they would still fix that as well as some of the bugs. Any who it was a defining moment I won't forget.

Maybe "Have you ever camped out for a console release before?" should be a future question. I camped out for a Wii, while family members made fun of me because it released the night of the Ohio State University/University of Michigan game and that is a sacred day where I'm from.

That Christmas, they were all asking where they could find one, and I believe my (snarky) response was "in line, with me, over a month ago".

I've only done it the one time, cause after that, I realized that consoles really don't have games for a good year or two afterwards lol I do midnight launches for video games cause it can be fun sometimes to hang out at the Gamestop with others since they usually have something to play there, but I'm done with console launches, though I'm in the best place for it being Florida where it's never usually that cold aside from a few times during the winter lol


The first time I spent my own money on a console it was buying my own Dreamcast, because the one we had in the house was being hoarded constantly to feed someone else's Fantasy Star Online addiction. Bought it for about $65 at KB Toys when they were clearing them out. Unfortunately I was too stupid to really buy any games with it, because I was convinced just burning games was the way to go.

so dumb, so dumb, so dumb, soooo!!!

I was a fairly spoiled child and did not have to pay for my own console until 2003 when I was 16 and bought my Gamecube in order to play Resident Evil Remake.

Oh, wow, that got me thinking ::)

It was probably a GameCube and Super Mario Sunshine


The first console I ever bought myself was the N64, still have the receipt too. I had to own that console, I forget what games I bought with it, but I think it was GoldenEye and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire.

The first handheld I ever bought myself was a Clear Game Boy Pocket. But that was with Birthday money or something, so I don't really count it as "my own money".
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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I bought my first NES when I was 19 in 1988. Sold it a year later and bought a Turbografx-16 in '89, which was the only system I bought at launch.

Now if I add older computers into the mix, then the winner would be the Tandy Color Computer 3 I bought myself at launch in 1986
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 08:42:56 pm by atarileaf »


First console I got with my own money was the Ps3 and DAMMMMMMMN, when your 14 years old thats a hell of a lot of money!  8)