Author Topic: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?  (Read 9217 times)


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2015, 08:09:41 pm »
I go in streaks. Usually I'll get hyped up on a console and just buy anything for that console that I come across, that's how I ended up with a lot of Saturn sports titles and $1 bin Game Boy games. But lately I've been more picky on things. So now it goes something like this...

1. Is it a Castlevania game?
1a. Do I own it? - If no...
1b. Is it Castlevania VS., Haunted Castle, Playchoice-10 Castlevania? - If no...
1c. Is it a variant? - If no...
1d. Is it better condition than my copy? - If yes...
1e. Is it a reasonable price? - If yes...
1f. Maybe purchase, if the funds are available.

2. Is it a PS2 game?
2a. Do I own it? - If no...
2b. Is it an Atlus Game? - If yes, see 3.
2c. Is it on my VGC Wishlist? - If yes..
2d. Is it complete? - If yes...
2e. Is it a reasonable price? - If yes...
2f. Cha-Ching!

3. Is it an Atlus Game?
3a. Is it Persona or Etrian Odyssey? - If no..
3b. Is it complete? - if yes...
3c. Is it a reasonable price? - if yes...
3d. Cha-Ching!

Not a lot of Cha-Chinging has happened lately, as I'm still working on getting my finances in order. But this is what I've been going by to help me keep from splurging. It also helps that I've not really been wandering the game stores much lately.
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2015, 09:12:46 am »
I go in streaks. Usually I'll get hyped up on a console and just buy anything for that console that I come across, that's how I ended up with a lot of Saturn sports titles and $1 bin Game Boy games. But lately I've been more picky on things. So now it goes something like this...

1. Is it a Castlevania game?
1a. Do I own it? - If no...
1b. Is it Castlevania VS., Haunted Castle, Playchoice-10 Castlevania? - If no...
1c. Is it a variant? - If no...
1d. Is it better condition than my copy? - If yes...
1e. Is it a reasonable price? - If yes...
1f. Maybe purchase, if the funds are available.

2. Is it a PS2 game?
2a. Do I own it? - If no...
2b. Is it an Atlus Game? - If yes, see 3.
2c. Is it on my VGC Wishlist? - If yes..
2d. Is it complete? - If yes...
2e. Is it a reasonable price? - If yes...
2f. Cha-Ching!

3. Is it an Atlus Game?
3a. Is it Persona or Etrian Odyssey? - If no..
3b. Is it complete? - if yes...
3c. Is it a reasonable price? - if yes...
3d. Cha-Ching!

Not a lot of Cha-Chinging has happened lately, as I'm still working on getting my finances in order. But this is what I've been going by to help me keep from splurging. It also helps that I've not really been wandering the game stores much lately.

I love Castlevania.  It pained me when several years ago, I had to sell my Castlevania collection for unexpected medical bills.  At the time, I had all three NES games, both SNES games and Castlevania Adventure for the GameBoy all in mint condition in their boxes with all manuals, the styro inserts, the polybags that the cartridges came wrapped in...everything.  Then of course, I had all the subsequent games in mint condition.  I was only missing the other two GameBoy titles and I just refused to buy them if they weren't complete.  And of course, they went for outrageous prices!

Someday maybe, I'll be rich and I'll score the entire set again.  I'm already working on it.  I've picked up Dracula X Chronicles and Lament of Innocence so far on the cheap and when I find good deals or at least reasonable ones, I'll continue to pick them up one at a time.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2015, 09:59:59 am »
I'll sell off everything else in my collection before my Castlevania collection goes anywhere. It's my most important part of my overall collection. I've been building it for about 10 years. It started with just searching for CIB disc based games and loose carts, and now I'm currently am sitting on a CIB copy and a play copy of everything except Kid Dracula...
Now Playing: Persona 5 Scramble, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario Kart 8

Brush Wizard - Mini Painting Blog | The SHMUP: BYOAC Build | Art Thread


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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2015, 10:34:04 am »
When it comes to disc based games, i have to have the original case/art work. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing games out its original case/art work....
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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2015, 11:50:44 am »
When it comes to disc based games, i have to have the original case/art work. Nothing pisses me off more than seeing games out its original case/art work....

It's ridiculous to me.  I've seen where people have games that have the cover art, but the inside book is not there.  I assume that it was a rental copy as I used to see Blockbuster renting games with coverless manuals. 

But really, who buys a new game and tosses the case, manual, etc. out?  Especially in the day & age where the games are in CD or DVD style cases??
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2015, 01:05:40 pm »
But really, who buys a new game and tosses the case, manual, etc. out?  Especially in the day & age where the games are in CD or DVD style cases??

Kids and GameStop.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2015, 01:41:21 pm »
But really, who buys a new game and tosses the case, manual, etc. out?  Especially in the day & age where the games are in CD or DVD style cases??

Kids and GameStop.

Wasn't even thinking along those lines.  You're right.  My kids don't mistreat expensive things because I taught them better.  Gamestop is just a menace.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2015, 01:51:51 pm »
I feel like I'm a lot more picky than most of the people here.  If I just want to play a game then I'd buy a modded system with every game ever made so unless a game comes with the game, case/box, artwork, and manual I won't buy it unless it's a good deal to either sell or trade later.  I see why plenty of people collect loose games and cartridges, but the way I see it is it is one extreme or the other.  Either you want to play games so just play an emulated version, or you want it as more of a collectible which would mean you want everything.  I don't get the price of loose cartridges in particular online, but it helps fuel my getting of complete versions. 


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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2015, 02:14:03 pm »
I feel like I'm a lot more picky than most of the people here.  If I just want to play a game then I'd buy a modded system with every game ever made so unless a game comes with the game, case/box, artwork, and manual I won't buy it unless it's a good deal to either sell or trade later.  I see why plenty of people collect loose games and cartridges, but the way I see it is it is one extreme or the other.  Either you want to play games so just play an emulated version, or you want it as more of a collectible which would mean you want everything.  I don't get the price of loose cartridges in particular online, but it helps fuel my getting of complete versions.

Everyone's different. Personally, I don't feel right owning anything pirated or emulated unless I already own a legitimate copy (except if it's a homebrew or freeware of some type that's meant to be free). So if I come across a game I want to play, I'm not gonna pass it up because it's missing a manual. I just want to be sure it's gonna work.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2015, 03:18:58 pm »
I feel like I'm a lot more picky than most of the people here.  If I just want to play a game then I'd buy a modded system with every game ever made so unless a game comes with the game, case/box, artwork, and manual I won't buy it unless it's a good deal to either sell or trade later.  I see why plenty of people collect loose games and cartridges, but the way I see it is it is one extreme or the other.  Either you want to play games so just play an emulated version, or you want it as more of a collectible which would mean you want everything.  I don't get the price of loose cartridges in particular online, but it helps fuel my getting of complete versions.

Everyone's different. Personally, I don't feel right owning anything pirated or emulated unless I already own a legitimate copy (except if it's a homebrew or freeware of some type that's meant to be free). So if I come across a game I want to play, I'm not gonna pass it up because it's missing a manual. I just want to be sure it's gonna work.

I don't really have an issue with emulators and ROMS.  For me, I have a modded Wii with lots of old ROMS on it.  I tinker with it.  But if there is a game I really like, I buy it.  When I owned all my original Castlevania games, I played them all on emulators because I didn't want to bother with dragging a NES or SNES or whatever out, hooking it up, etc.  It was easier to boot up the ROM.

Most emulators play games that are 20 or so years old or older.  I don't agree with pirating software at all and personally, I've never used "burnt" games. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2015, 04:36:49 pm »
Most emulators play games that are 20 or so years old or older.  I don't agree with pirating software at all and personally, I've never used "burnt" games.

And a lot of those games are being released via Xbox Live, PSN, and Virtual Console. It's still taking money out of people's pockets; if you are of that mindset about piracy.


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2015, 06:00:24 pm »
Well the first criteria I'll go for is if it's either Resident Evil, Star Wars or Metal Gear and I dont have it then I'll probably buy it (provided funds are available). Also, if I'm buying a game for one of these 3 collections then I'll want it in decent nick with everything in it. Other than that, I never buy loose disc games but I'm generally fine with loose cartridge games (Complete is better though, of course)
Generally, if I can afford it, i don't have it and I'll play it then I'll buy it :)


Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2015, 08:49:46 pm »
1) Is it a game?
A)Yes - Consider the game
B)No - Walk away
2A) After considering it... Is it still a game?
A)Yes - Look in your wallet and ask yourself "Is it affordable?"
B)No - Moonwalk away
3A) Empty wallet "Internally Cry" and ask yourself again "Is it a game?"
A)Yes - Purchase it with month's food money.
B)No - Question life while leaving through the exit.
4A) Was it worth it? Do you enjoy Cup ramens for breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner?
A)Yes - Proceed yourself to the exit with a smile.
B)No- Good I dont like Ramen diets ether.
5A)-You're home now and you look at yourself in the mirror... its a monster?
A)Yes - Go back and try to return the game and get the butterflies at the customer service center.
B)No - Cry yourself to sleep
6A)- Give up and enjoy the game

uhhhh I think thats about it... I dont think I strayed off the path of choosing a game too much.
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Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #28 on: January 29, 2015, 09:27:29 pm »
I tend to buy games based on the publisher (Konami, Capcom etc.). I usually buy new games, because I want to be the first one to open it. The majority of the time a game will sit on my shelf for several years without opening it though. If I decide I want to play it, I'll pick up a loose disc/cart instead of cracking it open.

Another reason I don't go to Gamestop anymore. I don't want their "new" stickers all over the packaging of an opened game. Kinda sucks when I see the sale ads and get lured in anyway..."sorry everything on sale is a gutted copy".

If the game is going into my collection, it has to be complete and like new condition. I noticed I was spending quite a bit more trying to piece together 3 copies of a single game vs. just buying the one that was already complete. I tend to stay away from garage sales and thrift stores for a similar reason. How much will I spend on gas in the hopes of finding a rare item?

Re: What collection methods or criteria do you use when buying games?
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2015, 11:56:33 pm »
Its varied with me. Usually it's is along the lines of Do I own it, does it work, and will I actually play it? However sometimes if I know it is a rare retro game I might grab it anyway to resell it or trade it if it is cheap enough. I saw Castlevaina SotN awhile back for 5$. I already have a black label copy but for 5$ I can easily trade SotN for something I want so I bought it. Ended up trading it off for Xenogears.