Author Topic: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them  (Read 8424 times)

Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2015, 08:47:33 pm »
Final Fantasy X: subpar music

I cringed reading this. Maybe I'm biased as FFX is my favourite game, but the music is a huge reason why it is for me. I just love the music so much in that game (talking about the original versions, not the remastered ones).


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2015, 08:57:55 pm »
Ever play a game or games that everyone raved about, but you just couldn't stand it?  Games that won Game of the Year awards, scored at the top of the charts, sold millions of copies and were praised by reviewers endlessly?  I can name a couple.

Super Mario 64.  I hate this game.  It started with the obnoxious controller that the left "handle" dug painfully into the back of my hand and I could only play for an hour at a time tops.  Then there was the crap camera that everyone seems to praise, assigned to the "C" buttons.  Next was that they took the huge diversity in the levels from past Mario titles, and now you kept repeating the same levels to find stupid stars.  Ugh.  I hate Hate HATE this game.  Not a Mario hater here.  Loved Super Mario World and thought Super Mario Sunshine was pretty cool. 

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.  Oh, how I loathe this game.  Stood in line at Walmart, making myself late for work to snag the gold covered special edition that was ridiculously priced at $79.99.  Oh, what a treasure I held in my hands!  I felt like a king all that night at work, with the Zelda theme buzzing through my mind and dreams of the moment I get home, carefully slice the plastic open with an exacto knife and put that gold baby in my N64!  And that's what I did.  But instead of being greeted by that familiar Zelda tune I loved so much, I heard music that sounded like "Beep, boop, beep, boop...boop boop boop!  Beep boop, be-be boop boop boop boop!" and this annoying as hell fairy that just kept repeating "Hey!  Listen!  Hey!  Listen!"  After an hour, I shut it off, my heart in my stomach and vowed to pick it up after I got a few hours of sleep.  It had to get better.  Right?  Well, nope.  It didn't get better.  More Hey Listens and Beep-Boops and annoying chickens.  And a stupid Deku tree.  To this day, I loathe that game.  And it's not that I'm a Zelda hater.  I loved Link to the Past and Wind Waker.  Ocarina though...ugh.  It made me despise Zelda games so bad that I wouldn't even play Majora's Mask because I was so pissed.

How about you guys?

I 100% agree with both of these, they were going to be my picks as soon as I read the thread title. For pretty much the exact same reasons you stated. I will say that Majora's Mask is amazing tho - don't let the blandness of Ocarina put you off from what's probably the most creative game in the series.

God of War. The entire series has been made with the dude-bro in mind. "BLOOD! B00BS!" There are a few fun boss fights but most of the time there are shoddy controls with a protagonist I cannot stand. Oh, and getting to have sex with women and getting paid for it is ridiculously chauvinistic to me.

Kratos has to be the most unlikable protagonist in gaming today. Very difficult to play a game when I kinda WANT my character to die.

Another game/series that for the life of me I can't fathom why it gets so much love is Half-Life.  People just revere that game and to even speak negatively about them or their creator Gabe Newell is to invite the wrath of internet fanboys.

The Half-Life games don't stand the test of time IMO, you had to play them when they first released. They are some of those games that aren't great by today's standards, but introduced a lot of elements that influenced pretty much every FPS that came afterwards.

Xenoblade Chronicles: I love RPGs but I hate MMOs. Actually, I'm finding lately that I don't like many modern RPGs, but that's another story. Xenoblade plays essentially like an offline MMO. Sorta. I really just can't get into it. Also the music is probably the most overrated part about the game. Yeah, deal with it.

I haven't played any other games in the Star Ocean series, but I picked up 'Till the end of time' a while back.  The game gets off to a very slow start, before you get to do anything.  Navigating through the menus with the battle segments takes some getting used to, meanwhile I felt like the attack input is imprecise.  After a while, I was able to somewhat efficiently using just a small portion of the dauntingly complex battle system. 

But then an AI character joined the party and all of my abilities went to hell out of sheer confusion. 

Then just a few asinine field controls later, I shut off the game and have yet to return, it really did leave a bad taste in my mouth.

TTEoT is a hot mess. Some of the most broken party AI I've ever had to deal with in a game, an absolutely retarded plot with a "twist" that will make you want to snap the disk in half and tons of backtracking. Blech, I've always found it more surprising that anyone actually LIKED that game.  ???

So to add one that hasn't been mentioned, I'd have to say Shadow of the Colossus. My God, what a boring game that was. It wasn't artsy, it was empty. It felt like a beta. Controls were pretty janky too, including that stupid, stupid horse. I actually cheered when that thing went over the cliff. No joke, stood up & cheered. Thing is, I really enjoyed ICO because it was an actual game - there were puzzles, enemies - y'know, stuff to DO in a game. Not riding a brain dead horse across emptiness to get to the next janky boss fight. Bah.  >:(
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2015, 09:04:53 pm »

I will preface this by saying that I do not "hate" any of these games, but did failed to see the appeal in them and was just unable to get into them at all.

Earthbound: I had really high hopes for this game, I mean it goes for nearly $200 loose and it isn't even a rare game. Tried for about 8 hours to get into the story, characters and the game in general and it really disappointed on all fronts. It seriously left me wondering how it can have such a rabid fanbase and why it is so highly spoken of, and even more so, highly sought after.

Metal Gear Solid: I've tried several times to get into this game, but every time I am left with the conclusion that I am just not a huge fan of stealth games. The only Metal Gear game I've been able to get into is Rising, which is the black sheep of the series, at least for core Metal Gear fan.

Uncharted: This game frustrates the hell out of me and just overall felt very generic and underwhelming. Great voice acting and the story is okay, but just overall failed to see what all the fuss was about.


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2015, 09:10:48 pm »
Uncharted: This game frustrates the hell out of me and just overall felt very generic and underwhelming. Great voice acting and the story is okay, but just overall failed to see what all the fuss was about.

Just curious, have you only played the first one or have you tried either of the sequels? They made massive improvements with the series with the second one.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2015, 09:22:41 pm »
Uncharted: This game frustrates the hell out of me and just overall felt very generic and underwhelming. Great voice acting and the story is okay, but just overall failed to see what all the fuss was about.

Just curious, have you only played the first one or have you tried either of the sequels? They made massive improvements with the series with the second one.

Just the first one, what improvements did they make in the sequels?

Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2015, 09:26:33 pm »
Mine's gotta be Mario, in general. I loved the Mario games when I was a kid, all the way through Super Mario 64 and I loved Super Mario Sunshine. Some time after that though, it just felt so repetitive. I can't get into the New Super Mario Bros. games at all. I have Galaxy and I found it OK but I didn't bother with the second one.

I don't hate Mario. Love the Mario & Luigi games. But the Mario platformers just don't do it for me at all.

I'm in the same boat, only difference is I've NEVER like the mario games, other than his original appearances in the donkey kong games, the mario bros arcade game, etc. When I got my first NES I loathed SMB but played the hell outta duck hunt. Still feel the same way. Don't care for smb style platformers. I don't like them as a genre at all


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2015, 10:46:17 pm »
Uncharted: This game frustrates the hell out of me and just overall felt very generic and underwhelming. Great voice acting and the story is okay, but just overall failed to see what all the fuss was about.

Just curious, have you only played the first one or have you tried either of the sequels? They made massive improvements with the series with the second one.

Just the first one, what improvements did they make in the sequels?

The first one is pretty much just a straight-forward third person shooter. With the sequels there's a ton more variety, much more interesting characters / story (some of the characters are the same but they are better written & more fleshed out)'s just better on every level. Now it may still not be your kind of game, but I'm just saying don't judge the series until you at least try out the second one. If you still don't like it, you can safely say the series isn't for you. :)
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2015, 10:46:31 pm »
Mortal Kombat- First off let me state that I did like MK9, that was a pretty damn good fighting game, however every Mk game has been utter shit, very clunky fighting games that have no rhythm to them at all. Not to mention the AI in MK2 and 3 is insane. I know fighting games are best played with another person however if you haven't learned to exploit the game you are going to be dominated.
As a big time fighting game fan I tried so many times to get into the MK scene since it is so huge now but it's frustrating. I prefer SNK and Capcom over MK all the way.

Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2015, 10:57:43 pm »
Uncharted: This game frustrates the hell out of me and just overall felt very generic and underwhelming. Great voice acting and the story is okay, but just overall failed to see what all the fuss was about.

Just curious, have you only played the first one or have you tried either of the sequels? They made massive improvements with the series with the second one.

Just the first one, what improvements did they make in the sequels?

The first one is pretty much just a straight-forward third person shooter. With the sequels there's a ton more variety, much more interesting characters / story (some of the characters are the same but they are better written & more fleshed out)'s just better on every level. Now it may still not be your kind of game, but I'm just saying don't judge the series until you at least try out the second one. If you still don't like it, you can safely say the series isn't for you. :)

i will give it a shot :).

I don't own it, but I see it often for $5 or less so I'll pick it up next time I run across it.


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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2015, 11:03:14 pm »
Wouldn't say hate but Dark Souls. I just don't like RPG's where the premise is to be as hard as f#@%ing possible. Not to mention the controls just felt off to me. Also Elder Scrolls I can see why people like them I just can't get into them for some reason.


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2015, 02:37:01 am »
I'm going to have to go with the Halo series. Granted, I'm not a huge fan of FPS games and a lot of it has to do with I don't like playing online very much, but it kills me sometimes how unrelentingly some of the Halo fanboys/girls can be. My coworker, and friend, speaks like it's the gospel of all gaming. I've played them, but I usually end up getting bored after an hour or so and just can't seem to keep up a good gaming pace.

I also have to mention that I'm a big Gears of War series fan, and a lot of Halo fans dog on it as well.

Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2015, 03:08:30 am »
I will also preface that I don't "hate" these games, hate is reserved for actually bad games.  Most games brought up in this thread aren't even bad games, but I definitely have my issues with these.

Super Mario Galaxy - I was such a huge fan of Super Mario 64, still one of my favorite Mario games, and while I didn't like Super Mario Sunshine a ton, I didn't like Super Mario Galaxy much at all.  The change to space and little planetoids, the cut back of the hub world, and add in motion control, which is a problem in most every motion controlled game, and I just don't like it.  Super Mario Galaxy 2 took it to the next level and I think is the downturn of the 3D Mario games.  All I hear is that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a work of art and 3D Super Mario World is the best Mario has ever been, but I don't want that game.  I don't want a rehashed Super Mario 3.  They already did that in the rehashed New Super Mario Bros games.  Now there isn't even much difference between them other than one being in 2D and another being in 3D.  Again, not bad games, but I don't like the direction they took.  The 3D games should be a more separate experience form the classic 2D ones.

The Witcher 2 - Tons of people rave about this action RPG.  I find it clumsy.  It's got some alright ideas, but the controls are unintuitive, the UI is clunky, it just doesn't work for me.  I made it about half way through the game and then just got bored.  I tried again recently and didn't make it out of the prologue.  I am still interested in The Witcher 3, I love an open world action RPG, so if they can improve it, I'll be happy.  I want to like the series cause it has a cool developer lol

Half-Life 2 - I never got the hype with this game.  I beat it, I thought it was okay, but others made it out to be the second coming of FPS gaming.  Even saying things like Ravenholm is gaming landmark for a horror-like area.  No.  I could probably come up with a dozen other games with areas more terrifying than that place.  It's a competent shooter, very bare bones, the gravity gun is cool, I'll give them that, but I think the story is actually pretty boring.  The setting and concept is cool, but I never found it that engaging.  I played all there was for it and I'll play Half-Life 3 when ever they decide to actually release the game (Come on, it's been seven years since episode 2 was released.  They could've released Half-Life 3 and 4 in that time frame), but I don't think there's anything really special with it.

Monster Hunter - While I wouldn't call this one "universally loved", it has it's very rabid and devoted fanbase.  I don't see why it still does.  I tried playing it once a long while back on the PS2.  I wanted to like it cause of this idea of fighting large monsters with big huge swords and everything kinda had a weight to it, but looking at the games now, I have to wonder why people are so hooked to it still.  I guess it's the same as Pokemon, in that they don't care that the game has basically been the same since it started, they just want more.  I played the Wii U version recently and it felt like I was playing a PS2 game.  I don't feel like it's been updated since then.  A lot of the UI element and such is rather clunky and dated too.  Maybe I'm abit wrong about that part, but that kind of stuff can be an instant turn off if it isn't handled well and I still feel it hasn't changed me since it's early days.  It's why I'm excited for Xenoblade Chronicles X.  It honestly feels like much of the same style of game, but will have RPG elements and a cool scifi setting.  Seems better to me.

I have a couple more I might add later on if I feel like thinking about them lol


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Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2015, 03:22:50 am »
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate xd
Currently playing:
Rogue Trooper [xbox]
Days Gone [ps4]


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #28 on: February 06, 2015, 05:46:31 am »
I could probably come up with a huge list, though part of that is many mainstream video game websites rate the majority of games too high which leads me to think most games are overrated by the media. User reviews on most websites aren't any good either. Also, I play a lot of games single-player so if a game is loved because of multi-player that's often lost on me. The one game I've played a lot of multi-player of is the Tribes series which was made for online play. Just about any other shooter I've tried online pales in comparison; I simply cannot comprehend the love for Halo or Call of Duty's multi-player modes. Even the worst Tribes game puts all console online multi-player shooters to shame and many PC ones as well.

As someone else mentioned, Kratos is a jerk and it's hard playing a game where you don't care for the character you're controlling. I tried a few God of War games but never got too far. I feel similar to The Witcher games. Geralt may not be a jerk but I don't like him much and that makes it difficult to get into those games.

Someone else mentioned Metal Gear Solid as well. I got the original game on PlayStation because of all of the 9 and 10 magazine review scores, and that's probably when I stopped trusting review scores. The game is okay and I can appreciate a well-made game even if it doesn't appeal to me, but why do people love it so much that is has spawned numerous sequels? I felt obligated to keep playing since money had been spent on it and I did reach the final battle. My lack of skills prevented me from ever finishing it though  :-\ I suppose if my memory cards still work then I've got a save file at the end of the game.

Super Smash Bros. might be the one that throws me the most. I know it is meant for local multi-player so perhaps I cannot fairly judge it at all. I've tried a few of them, once with others. It was so hectic though that I just mashed buttons and hoped for the best  :D The last one I played was on Wii and that single-player campaign portion to unlock characters is very boring. I suppose since I grew up playing Sega games and not Nintendo games the character appeal isn't too great either. However, I feel like even replacing all of the characters with ones I like wouldn't help.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 05:49:06 am by psydswipe »


Re: Games that are universally loved....but you hate them
« Reply #29 on: February 06, 2015, 08:55:18 am »
Super Smash Bros. might be the one that throws me the most. I know it is meant for local multi-player so perhaps I cannot fairly judge it at all. I've tried a few of them, once with others. It was so hectic though that I just mashed buttons and hoped for the best  :D The last one I played was on Wii and that single-player campaign portion to unlock characters is very boring. I suppose since I grew up playing Sega games and not Nintendo games the character appeal isn't too great either. However, I feel like even replacing all of the characters with ones I like wouldn't help.

I have to agree with you.  My kids like it, so I bought the new Wii U version for them.  But I just don't get it.  Aside from how chaotic everything going on is , the controls are pretty whack to me.  A dedicated jump, punch and kick button would be preferable to me.  And I just really don't get the hit percentage.  I mean, I know that it is supposed to be the more damage someone has taken, the easier they are to KO off the platforms.  But with how nuts everything is, I just can't follow it.  My kids will play against me and for the life of me, none of us knows who is going to be the winner and when it is announced, how the hell we won in the first place.   :-\
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us