Stop trying to defend the damn game already!!!! I really don't want this site to turn into an Xbox vs PS flame war.
Not everybody feels the same way about the games you like to play.
But it's cool. I'll make sure to defer to you personally before making any posts that you may deem unworthy.
Edit: My apologies for praising or discussing a PlayStation game. It's obvious why you felt angered after seeing your large collection of inferior Xbox games. 
cheap, trollish, juvenile, and uneccessary shots.
The whole
My opinion = right...(and - I'm gonna' tell you why & because right here & now) is ALWAYS kindling for flame wars & arguments on the interwebz.
you're certainly entitled to like what you like, share your opinions, and tell us what you like/don't like about a game.
Being objective (I can, because - from my pov - you're both starting in equal standing);
meaning that I really don't know either one of you very well --and-- neither one of you has said/done anything to make me dislike you.I'm going to have to side with
betelgeuse on this one, because:
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here,
gf78, and say that this topic *might* have once been objective, well-intentioned, and not a troll-bait and/or flaming sort of topic & thread.
It's gotten well past that point...awhile ago.
You're now coming-off as (a pretty damned good:) salesman/advertiser for the game.
I can understand annoyance at this; Hell if you (or me, or anyone!) was on the other side of a topic like this about a game that they strongly liked/disliked...well, I won't presume to speak for everybody, *but* I know that
I'd certainly understand & share
betelgeuses' perspective, opinion, and feelings here.
Don't get me wrong!

As the VGC resident Sensei of sarcasm, cynicism, verbal-shredding, and 'up-frontness' (everyone here that's known/interacted with me for awhile - will know that I'm speaking the truth when I say that
those members that I like...know damned well that I do so, because: I've told them so 
'other side of that coin =
theThose here that I dislike...also know damned well that this is the case, because...well, I've told himthem so to 
not trying to turn you off to posting here actively *or* even trying to disuade you from posting cynically, sarcastically, snidely, condescendingly, etc, etc, etc if, like myself, it's in your nature to do so 
Let's just try to keep it classier & stay above such childish types of shots/insults; whatever