Guys your replies here have brought me a good deal of happiness. The community here is something to really be proud of.

I'll try to answer your questions thus far.
As far as selling my collection goes. I had some offers in the past and decided to contact the individuals to see how serious they were. Out of five, one took me up on the offer and I was able to try to work something out. I need at least 10k and the buyer balked and wanted to give no more than 6k. I figured that selling it at $7.50 per piece was fair. Maybe I was wrong....
Have I spoken to the new owner? Yes, cool dude. The time limit isn't his it's mine. This is how long the owner of the house is going to wait until he decides we're not moving fast enough. So I'm trying to move as fast as possible.
Splitting up the family. I actually thought of this. Then my wife's family lives in Eminence, my family lives in Montier and we currently live somewhere in the middle in Winona. It's 11 miles to hers and 14 to mine we have only one vehicle and a kid in school here in Winona, plus my job. My dad doesn't have a running vehicle. I would have to leave the car with the wife since her mom is heavy maintenance, big rigs and the like and is usually gone.
That is a very kind offer soera.

The cost of living isn't actually that bad. This just happens to be one of
those times. lol As far as it goes I don't mind doing what I'm doing. I don't hate the actual job, just a lot of the BS I have to put up with at times. But hey that's a job for ya. On that note. When I made supervisor I had to sit in on the leadership meeting our HR director was doing. It's very demeaning to have somebody tell you there isn't anybody in the place worth over $9/hr. The workers in Winona aren't worth it but they are paying 10+ in Bourbon, for essentially the same job... I would have abandoned this place long ago. Except jobs in the area are scarce. You just have to suck it up put on your big boy pants and do what you have to do to try to support the family.
The Job and Family services are actually a bust in this area. When you call them up the only places they offer up for full time is Paramount Apparel International Inc. Guess where I'm employed.... There is also Missouri Hardwoods in Birch Tree. It's hard to get employed there when you have two crushed discs in your lower back and nerve damage in both arms, from the factory. The irony of this isn't lost on me either.
Driving record is non-existent. With the nerve damage in my arms and hands if I keep them in any one position for anything longer than 15-20 minuter they go numb and unresponsive. So guess who doesn't have a drivers license anymore.
I have a paypal and I opened a gofundme earlier after my deal fell through. The thought of this makes me sick to my stomach though. I was taught you help those in need and never ask for help in return. Because there is always somebody out there less fortunate than you.
This is the reason I'm in the spot I'm in originally. We were expecting our daughter and when I was working at Paramount I was part of the garment runners for NIKE. We got paid .22 a dozen piece work for embroidering the Swoosh on the left chest.
Fun fact: The total production cost of a single tee is 3.57. Marked up to $25.00 I was making over $12/hr. That's a lot of Tee's.
A few monthes before she was born the company owner Mark Reubenstien came down and thanked us all for our hard work and let us know we actually getting paid on average less than the division in Mexico. Right before he shut it down in the next breath. I went from $12/hr to $6.90/hr in a single day. I looked for other employment then but had zero luck. Figured I would tough it out there. Try to do it all by myself. No aid, no assistance. "Pride comes before the fall" Truer words...
Sorry for the long post I'm just trying to keep from double posting.