Hypothetically speaking, of course --And--
Making the mighty big presumptions & assumptions that anyone were to even '
suspend-their-disbelief' strongly enough & long enough; to enable them to believe my hypothetical to have any merit or honesty in it...
As a
Ex / '
pretend' and '
hypothetical' drug dealer - working as an "
independant" at times, while - at other times, working with "
employees" that had to answer to me (and, of course, some that I had to answer to:) -
- leading to & resulting in spending time as a '
guest-of-the-state(s)' in 3 different states; because - while there exists no officially printed "company policies & rules" manuals (it *IS* made quite plain - and very, very heavily-implied that...part of your
job description that
Talking" = No bueno - while
Not Talking" = intelligence, safety, care taken of your loved ones, and...
After* all of that - at the end of the day/week/month/year; receiving one hell of a hard-earned bonus for a job well done
And...to continue & stretch-out my fictional hypothetical even more -
If I presently made (a very nice) living, by being a (very good & "lucky") professional gambler (all legal, if this was non-fiction) my house being < a half hour from Atlantic City (by road or water)...
...Man oh, man!
If there was such a person - why, I'd bet that he/she had seen many interesting & unique things that would come under the "Job/Work" umbrella

I'd sure as hell like to hear from such a person!
*EDIT*Damn...that'd be some pretty funny & coincidental shit if this post was being typed at the same time as one by a CO