I feel like this could be an opportune time to plug my channel but I shan't since I don't really have any videos on there anyway.
But! LazyGameReviews is fantastic, especially if you're into older PC stuff, since he covers a lot of that. Also he makes hilarious LP's and an awesome series called Thrifts!
NerdCubed! He mainly focuses on more modern PC games but occasionally he goes into more retro material, like PS1 games and the like.
Ashens has some fantastic retro game stuff on his channel as well as some really funny non-gaming stuff as well.
Dan Bull is awesome, and he makes raps about gaming and politics and other stuff.
Yahtzee19 - You may have heard of Yahtzee from his Zero Punctuation series over on The Escapist but he also has some cool videos on his personal channel as well - mainly long plays of games with his friend Gabe, and their series "Let's drown out" focuses more on the ramblings and musings of the two rather than the game they're playing.
And, to name a couple others you should really check out, Rerez, PortsCenter, LarryBundyJr, Ahoy, Classic Game Room(Lord Karnage), CGRUndertow, DidYouKnowGaming, PBG.. that should tide you over for a while