Favorite Genres:
1. Survival Horror - RE2, Silent Hill 2, Alan Wake, Cold Fear, Dead Space
2. JRPG - Chrono Trigger, FFVI, FFXII, Shining Force, Star Ocean, Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga, Devil Survivor, Shadow Hearts, Dark Souls, etc, etc, etc.
3. Action/Adventure - A Link to the Past, Super C, Dual Hearts, Beyond Good and Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Shadow of the Colossus, Red Dead Redemption.
The survival horror genre is my favorite. Unfortunately, not many games fall into this category. It is one of the only genres that has gotten better and better with each advance in console generation in my opinion. JRPGs are plentiful and there are
plenty of solid offerings. The Action/Adventure genre is tricky because almost every genre that's not racing, sim, sports, turn-based or puzzle could probably go here.
If I had to pick a single game out of each genre to be my favorite:
Silent Hill 2
A Link to the Past
If I had to pick a single series of games out of each genre:
Silent Hill
Shin Megami Tensi
Metal Gear
To complicate things even more...favorite story:
Final Fantasy X
And favorite game:
Chrono Trigger - As a game (regardless of genre) this barely edges it out over FFVI in my book. However, as an RPG specifically, I like FFVI better.
I have a difficult time with questions like this