So I slipped and fell and bought a Retron 5. It was $100 brand new. We'll see how this goes. I figure I can use it if I ever get to recording gameplay.
In my mind I picture that you were browsing a game store, minding your own business, when all of a sudden you fail to notice the wet floor sign. You slipped, desperately grabbing onto the display case to break the fall, unable to catch your balance your feet shoot forward going above your head and your wallet falls out onto the floor sliding over to the cashiers feet. The display gives way and busts and you claw at Retron 5, dragging it out onto the floor as you finish tumbling down.
The guy looks at you and says... 'you break it you buy it.' So you look at him and your like 'you are looking at lawsuit buddy, that sign was French, how was I to know it meant wet floor?' and he's all 'alright guy, just take the Retron... $100 and this never happened' so you look at him and your're like
aaalllriiight (like the guy from Game Chasers).
Yep. I bet that's how it happened.