Author Topic: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL  (Read 5568 times)


Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« on: August 03, 2015, 10:33:20 am »
Well, picked up the New 3DS XL in black this weekend along with the lone game that only works on the "new" system-Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.  I figured I would share my likes, dislikes and general thoughts on the system.

The build quality is great.  The system feels very solid and has a nice heft to it without being overly heavy.  The subtle pattern in the shell that you can see when you turn it in the light is nice. 

The colored A, B, X & Y buttons.  It's a small thing, but I always loved the Famicom colors that never made it stateside. 

The C-stick.  Not really a stick, but more like one of those old laptop "nubs" that you gently push in a direction.  I hated it on laptops, but it works well here. 

Improved 3D.  the 3D does seem to be improved to me.  Moving the system a bit doesn't seem to cause the 3D effect to spaz.  I'm not sold on 3D as some giant game-changer and from the dwindling support for console titles as well as Blu-Ray releases, I don't think I am the only one.  Still, it is nice and an improvement over what the OG 3DS put out.

Backwards compatibility.  While I couldn't give a rat's ass about this feature with my consoles, it is very nice that I can play all my DS, 3DS and New 3DS games on one system. 

System software/interface.  It's clean, easy and not cluttered.  It pretty much falls in line with what was on the previous two systems so there is no learning curve.


Screen resolution.  What resolution are the screens running at?  Everything is a jagged, pixelated mess.  Playing Xenoblade Chronicles, the characters look like they are straight from a PS2 launch title.  FMV sequences look better, but are still quite clearly running on a low-res screen.  While it's not a deal-breaker to play games in lower resolution like this, it's disappointing that the latest system is still outputting graphics the same as two generations ago (original DS).  What exactly does Xenoblade Chronicles require that the vanilla 3DS cannot provide?

C-stick placement.  It really seems to me like Nintendo's insistence on the thumbstick and 4-buttons being asymmetrical is a mistake.  The Power and Select buttons could have been moved down a bit, or one placed on the left instead of both on the right side of the system.  The C-stick could then have been made larger and the A, B, X & Y buttons moved down a little lower.  This would have been ideal IMO.  While manageable, the layout as-is is a bit funky to get used to. 

MicroSD card.  Who in the world thought this was a good idea?  Making any item in a handheld console only accessible by removing screws is ridiculous.  I don't see myself needing more than the 4 gigs included, but heaven help those who decide to download a lot of games.

AC Adapter.  Sweet baby Jesus...what in the world were they thinking on this one????  Is Nintendo really that damn cheap that they don't include an AC adapter for a system that requires an AC adapter?!  I don't buy the BS excuse that they figure everyone is upgrading so they should already have one.  My nephew bought a New 3DS on Friday.  I was with him.  Wasn't even thinking till we got back to his place and he unpacked it and couldn't find the AC adapter.  Well, he wasn't upgrading as he primarily plays with his PSP and Vita.  So, back to Gamestop we go to get an AC adapter.  And what about those who trade in their previous system?  Most stores require the AC adapter so have to buy one separately.  Pure.  Stupid.

Transferring purchases.  I saw this nightmare in person when the New 3DS was being released.  Gamers trading in their old system for the new, standing around trying to get their stuff transferred before the exchange is complete.  Nintendo's policy on digital titles is ludicrous.  If you buy a digital game, you should be able to download it to at least two systems.  Just another reason to hate this digital-only hell nightmare that is predicted to be inevitable. 


I'm happy with the system.  Despite minor physical shortcomings and a screen resolution straight out of 2K, it's a lot of fun and Nintendo makes great games.  Many of the issues like data transfer headaches and lack of bundled AC adapter don't personally affect me as I didn't trade my old system in and I have four AC adapters from the various DSi and 3DS systems I already own.  I'm also not planning on needing more storage, so I don't have to worry about scratching the back plate from a slight slip of a screwdriver (that would really piss me off!).  It's up in the air what the future holds for the system with rumors that the NX will be a console & handheld hybrid.  Will this kill off support for the New 3DS?  I sure hope not.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2015, 10:44:54 am »
Since I got my PSVita 3 years ago, despise all the great games I hear there is on DS systems I just could never cope with the screen resolution and quality, so I never had any. Even retro 2D games look gorgeous on the Vita screen.

Too bad they didn't seem to improve on this revision.. :(


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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2015, 10:49:12 am »
It doesn't come with an AC adapter!? Well I am glad to know now, before I went to buy one and getting pissed.

When I finally buy one, I am not "upgrading" since I never bought one before.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2015, 10:51:31 am »
This topic in general is very interesting to me - I sold my 3DS to a friend of mine because I wanted the new one, and since I had a first model 3DS  (not an XL) I thought it would be a nice upgrade. However, I can totally get why people would be mad after moving from a 3DS to a 3DS XL to THEN having to buy the new 3DS just to play some of the games that were out for the system.

That being said, I have some questions for you since you have it now. - How do the older 3DS games look/play on the new handheld? Are they also pixellated? I'm wondering if Chronicles looks that way because it was a port from a Wii game, and while the extra processing helps, it still doesn't look great because the 3DS is roughly between a PS2 and a GameCube in terms of power, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, what's your opinon about the other two buttons on the back; the ZL an ZR buttons? Do those factor into the handheld at all?

And yeah, the transferring purchases thing/ having to buy a new adapter/ the SD card stuff is a little crazy. I didn't have anything on my old 3DS but a digital copy of Metroid II, so it wasn't as bad, but it was still a bummer to have to lose it. I'm also wondering if they will even make more titles for the "new" model. I guess it depends on how well it sells...
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 10:54:16 am by telly »
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2015, 11:16:43 am »
That being said, I have some questions for you since you have it now. - How do the older 3DS games look/play on the new handheld? Are they also pixellated? I'm wondering if Chronicles looks that way because it was a port from a Wii game, and while the extra processing helps, it still doesn't look great because the 3DS is roughly between a PS2 and a GameCube in terms of power, if I'm not mistaken.

Also, what's your opinon about the other two buttons on the back; the ZL an ZR buttons? Do those factor into the handheld at all?

And yeah, the transferring purchases thing/ having to buy a new adapter/ the SD card stuff is a little crazy. I didn't have anything on my old 3DS but a digital copy of Metroid II, so it wasn't as bad, but it was still a bummer to have to lose it. I'm also wondering if they will even make more titles for the "new" model. I guess it depends on how well it sells...

There is no discernible difference in the graphics between playing a game on the 3DS and New 3DS.  There is no upscaling, smoothing or any other change.  I've actually gone from a standard 3DS to an XL with the New 3DS and if anything, the aliasing and low resolution is more noticeable on the larger screen.

I can't say I've had much use with the two new shoulder buttons.  None of the games I have played thus far have made use of them.  It seems to me from just handling the system that it's easy to slide your finger over the outermost buttons to reach them.  They are also square in shape instead of rectangular like the outermost buttons so you can "feel" which button it is.  I guess in order to keep the system flat this was the best placement scenario.  Of all the little "niggles" I have with the system, this one doesn't bother me.

It seems odd to me that only one title-Xenoblade Chronicles 3D requires the "new" 3DS.  It's obviously not for the graphics or amount of storage needed.  The only thing I can think of is it needs the additional RAM that the "new" 3DS has.  I don't see this one game as a must-have system-seller like your Mario or Zelda titles, so it's baffling why Nintendo would only release one game specifically for the new system.  Where is the incentive to purchase it when the $20 (or more) cheaper model plays every other game out there?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 11:18:43 am by gf78 »
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2015, 11:25:18 am »
It doesn't come with an AC adapter!? Well I am glad to know now, before I went to buy one and getting pissed.

When I finally buy one, I am not "upgrading" since I never bought one before.

This is my single biggest beef with the New 3DS.  It's pure cheapskate, penny pinching BS that they didn't include an adapter for a system that is recharge-only.  I guess their thinking was to keep the system under $200...but how much would that AC adapter cost them?  If you pick the system up, add on at least $10 for a generic AC adapter to the cost.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2015, 11:38:53 am »
Since I got my PSVita 3 years ago, despise all the great games I hear there is on DS systems I just could never cope with the screen resolution and quality, so I never had any. Even retro 2D games look gorgeous on the Vita screen.

Too bad they didn't seem to improve on this revision.. :( has to be the screen resolution itself.  The Vita has absolutely stunning resolution whether 2D or 3D.  Dragon's Crown looks like a painting and 3D games like Killzone are close to PS3-quality.  Comparing a game like Dead or Alive Dimensions on the 3DS to Dead or Alive 5 on the Vita really shows the difference in screen quality. 

I also don't get it that Sony makes a profit on every Vita sold and do so with a high resolution display, a bundled game, bundled memory card and an AC adapter in the box.  You can also use any standard micro USB adapter to charge your Vita whereas you the New 3DS has a proprietary connector. 

Hardware-wise, the Vita blows the New 3DS away in every aspect.  Software-wise, the 3DS has the best software.  There are some real gems on the Vita and a lot of obscure Japanese titles, but for general retail releases the Vita just gets pummeled.  Nothing new at retail.  It's a real shame that Sony doesn't seem to care about the Vita.  It's a stunning piece of kit that just needs some damn software on the shelves at retailers.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2015, 11:45:21 am »
The only thing making me want one is the new Xenoblade game. But I don't want a single game enough to pay for an all-new console.

You'd think if Nintendo really wants to push this thing, they'd make some exclusive first-party titles.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2015, 12:16:17 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2015, 11:51:13 am »
The only thing making me want on is the new Xenoblade game. But I don't want a single game enough to pay for an all-new console.

You'd think if Nintendo really wants to push this thing, they'd make some exclusive first-party titles.

That's my thoughts.  One game-an obscure RPG at that-isn't going to sell the system.  Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Kirby...these are the games that will make people buy it.  A new Kingdom Hearts or Dragon Quest?  Final Fantasy?

At this point in time (as I stated before), you can get a standard 3DS XL for at least $20 cheaper and play all but one single game.  There are also all the cool variations like the retro NES version, Mario, Yoshi, Zelda and other themed systems.  With the New's just black or red.  The Zelda edition sold out instantly so there's no hope there.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2015, 11:52:48 am »
Xenoblade Chronicles doesn't look much better on the Wii either. I think the PS2 is about on par with it. No charger though? That's ridiculous in this day in age.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2015, 11:56:23 am »
Xenoblade Chronicles doesn't look much better on the Wii either. I think the PS2 is about on par with it. No charger though? That's ridiculous in this day in age.

I'm pretty sure the Wii is about as powerful as the original Xbox, give or take.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2015, 12:05:08 pm »
Xenoblade Chronicles doesn't look much better on the Wii either. I think the PS2 is about on par with it. No charger though? That's ridiculous in this day in age.

I'm pretty sure the Wii is about as powerful as the original Xbox, give or take.

That's what they always claim and maybe I just see the Gamecube through rose-tinted glasses and the Wii through turd-tinted glasses, but I always thought Gamecube games looked on-par with Xbox games and the Wii games never looked as good as the Gamecube game. 

Maybe it's just because I despise the Wii's waggle-wand-forced motion controls, but that's what I see.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2015, 12:07:06 pm »
Xenoblade Chronicles doesn't look much better on the Wii either. I think the PS2 is about on par with it. No charger though? That's ridiculous in this day in age.

I can't begin to describe the stupidity of the charger situation.  It would be like selling you a controller with no analog gotta buy them separately.  You absolutely cannot recharge the New 3DS without a charger.  It's a non-changeable, rechargeable battery.  I cannot imagine how many people this has pissed off when they got home, opened their system and found they couldn't even recharge the damn thing.
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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2015, 12:15:16 pm »
Xenoblade Chronicles doesn't look much better on the Wii either. I think the PS2 is about on par with it. No charger though? That's ridiculous in this day in age.

I'm pretty sure the Wii is about as powerful as the original Xbox, give or take.

That's what they always claim and maybe I just see the Gamecube through rose-tinted glasses and the Wii through turd-tinted glasses, but I always thought Gamecube games looked on-par with Xbox games and the Wii games never looked as good as the Gamecube game. 

Maybe it's just because I despise the Wii's waggle-wand-forced motion controls, but that's what I see.

I agree. I think original Xbox and GameCube looked better than Wii. And I own all 3 consoles. I think Wii was more on par with PS2. Of course Nintendo's first-party titles looked better on Wii than other games, but then so did Sony's first-party titles on PS2.


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Re: Early opinions & observations of the "New" 3DS XL
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2015, 12:18:18 pm »
You can also use any standard micro USB adapter to charge your Vita whereas you the New 3DS has a proprietary connector. 

Even if the cable's end is USB and can be plugged everywhere, the cable's base port used to charge and/or transfer data on the Vita is proprietary as well. A micro USB as it's now standard with smartphones would have been much better and cheaper, it's no biggie though since I don't have to bring the full charger with me, only the cable.

And yeah the Vita screen is fantastic, playing Castlevania SotN with it was like a dream. ;D

I can't begin to describe the stupidity of the charger situation.  It would be like selling you a controller with no analog gotta buy them separately.  You absolutely cannot recharge the New 3DS without a charger.  It's a non-changeable, rechargeable battery.  I cannot imagine how many people this has pissed off when they got home, opened their system and found they couldn't even recharge the damn thing.

I think their idea was since they use the same charger for every iteration of the console, the probability of people already having one at home raises over the years, so it's more "green" to sell it separately. With this logic they could also do the same with video and AC cables on home consoles but that's not very consumer-friendly to sell consoles in kits. :)