So now I own a
superb Dreamcast console and it's a NTSC-J model. Most of the games I want on this machine are JP but I'd like to collect a few US games. And I want to play the original games, not burnt copies..
From my understanding you can't play JP and US games on a EU console unless you modchip the console or use a boot CD like this:

And for US Dreamcast to play PAL and JP games you need either to modchip, either sue that one :

What about the JP console?
- Does it even block the PAL and US games?
- Do you also need a loader CD to play other regions's games?
- If so can the US Gameshark CD do the job?
Extra: I see the GameShark thing has a kind of "dongle" bundled in some versions, is it required to boot games? Only the CD won't be enough?
If you have intel about "importing" on a JP Dreamcast, please share!