Author Topic: Fatal Frame V  (Read 4155 times)


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Fatal Frame V
« on: August 24, 2015, 02:44:28 pm »
I was so excited for this game when it was announced, and then finally they decided to bring it to the rest of the world!

But of course, NOA being terrible, has decided that it will be a digital only title (even though Europe is getting a nice limited edition).

So that ruins that game for me. The sad part is that this will definitely hurt sales of the game, in addition to the fact that NOA has done absolutely no advertising for it, which means that future releases probably won't even get a digital release here because "no interest" or some other lame excuse. It has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. All those people petitioning for the game suddenly don't want it now because of being digital only.

For me I would probably get it anyway but I'd have to buy an external HDD first, and I can't justify spending $100+ for one game that will be gone as soon as Wii U servers go down.

Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2015, 03:05:21 pm »
I'll be fine with digital.  Been wanting a good creepy game for awhile and since Silent Hills isn't happening, Fatal Fame will have to be it lol One good thing about the release is that it is only 50 bucks, rather than 60, and for those that are on the fence with the game, it's essentially free to play up up to almost chapter 2, where you then have to buy the game to play the rest.  Neat way to do a demo.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 03:07:54 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2015, 03:22:43 pm »
Yep, no physical kills it for me. I won't spend $50 to "rent" a game. I'll look into possibly importing the UK version, depending on how the modding scene is going - I know it was fairly simple to soft mod the Wii to play imports.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2015, 03:27:55 pm »
I had forgotten about the possibility of "getting around" region locking. It was easy for the Wii, not sure if they've done it yet for Wii U.

Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2015, 03:35:22 pm »
I'm from the UK so if the special edition is available from Amazon I'll be getting that :)


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2015, 03:40:30 pm »
Nintendo can go "F" themselves in the "A."

This is completely ridiculous.  It's like they don't want to make money!  With the pitiful (and rapidly dwindling) retail presence that Nintendo currently enjoys, they need every title they can get on the shelves, especially exclusives!

Awesome exclusives on the Wii were like pulling teeth to get localized.  Xenoblade Chronicles, Last Story and Pandora's Tower needed a huge fan petition to gain traction and games like Fatal Frame IV were never localized.  Now here we are with the Wii U which is Nintendo's worst selling console of all time and Reggie has his fingers stuck in his ears going "La, la, la I can't hear you!"

F you Nintendo.  F you.
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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2015, 03:54:00 pm »
Just checked my HDD space and getting this might prove problematic because of it.  Gonna have to look to an affordable spare HDD first.


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2015, 11:45:27 pm »
Agh, I really wanted a physical copy of this game, since I've heard so many good things about it. Why is it that NA only has the digital release, while JP and EU get physical copies, and Europe even gets a limited edition thats actually pretty nice. Do they really think that it can't sell enough units to warrant a physical release here, when they can do it in any other region?

Looks like I'm gonna have to import a EU copy at this rate, and wait for homebrew to break region lock, just like on the 3DS.

I had forgotten about the possibility of "getting around" region locking. It was easy for the Wii, not sure if they've done it yet for Wii U.
Nope, modders for Wii U are still working on kernel/ IOSU exploits because they need to modify the code that launches applications( games) and get past the region check. I still can't believe that the Wii U and 3DS are the only natively region locked consoles still on the market, and I really wish they would change their policy on this.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 11:50:14 pm by maximo310 »


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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2015, 12:41:44 am »
For anyone interested in still getting the digital version, the word is that it's 16GB to download, and 24GB to install. This is almost the entirety of the HDD of the deluxe model of the Wii U, and well above the space on the standard model. And from what people are saying, you must have 32GB free because the eShop requires you to have double the space of the download available (not sure how true that is). You will very likely need external storage space.

Agh, I really wanted a physical copy of this game, since I've heard so many good things about it. Why is it that NA only has the digital release, while JP and EU get physical copies, and Europe even gets a limited edition thats actually pretty nice. Do they really think that it can't sell enough units to warrant a physical release here, when they can do it in any other region?

Looks like I'm gonna have to import a EU copy at this rate, and wait for homebrew to break region lock, just like on the 3DS.

I had forgotten about the possibility of "getting around" region locking. It was easy for the Wii, not sure if they've done it yet for Wii U.
Nope, modders for Wii U are still working on kernel/ IOSU exploits because they need to modify the code that launches applications( games) and get past the region check. I still can't believe that the Wii U and 3DS are the only natively region locked consoles still on the market, and I really wish they would change their policy on this.

Since last gen with the Wii and DS, NoA has really gone downhill. They kept so many games from us that we had to beg for (Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last of Us, Pandora's Tower) that we finally got because they were tired of people importing the games, and several that were highly demanded that they never gave to us (Trace Memory 2, Day of Crisis, Last Window, and a Wii RPG I can't remember the name of right now). Very very few limited editions, and when we got them, they're not even worth it. NoE, on the other hand, has gotten a lot better from the sound of things. They regularly get Limited Editions, even if it's just the game in a steelcase, and they often get even just small print runs of games that we get digital only. NoA also gave and is giving us Splatoon and Mario Maker respectively at full price while NoE sold the games at a lower price. In America, Amiibo are generally pretty hard to come by, other than the standard Mario, Peach, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Link that you see in like Wal-Mart or whatever, but in EU you can pretty much just go and get what you want. Not to mention all the crazy exclusivity deals. NoA intentionally delayed Yoshi's Wooly World for Amiibo production, even though it's been ready to go. NoE released Yoshi's Wooly World on time, plus they get Devil's Third this week. NoA has pushed back several games just because it fills up the holiday release schedule, even though the rest of the year has been barebones.

This game in particular seems to have people pretty upset, though. Nintendo has ensured that this game will not sell well, which in turn they'll use an excuse to never localize any future titles in the series most likely:

Digital only: Collectors get shafted, plus it cuts sales due to the fact the game is so large people just won't have the storage. Digital only games for consoles are a terrible idea right now because there's no insurance for the future unlike with PC.
No advertisement: This game appeared what, once in a Nintendo Direct a long time ago? No one but fans of the series know about this game and they seem to intend to keep it that way.
$50: This is only a problem because it's digital only. Digital games don't go on sale very often on the eShop and if it does go on sale, I'd be surprised if it were ever priced lower than $40. People just aren't going to pay that much.

Hopefully getting around the region locking will be sorted out before the end of the Wii U's lifespan.

Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2015, 12:49:23 am »
Geez, that is a huge download.  I'm not against a digital copy, but do they not realize that this is an issue, especially with how most of their systems come packaged with a download copy of the game and taking up their limited space? I haven't downloaded really any new games, mostly some older stuff and a couple slightly bigger games like Pikmin, but I'm already at 8 gigs left.

I like the Wii U, but Nintendo does have issues with fully thinking things through.  They really need to be much more forward thinking with the NX to help curb the problems they've been having for years now.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 12:52:03 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2015, 03:32:41 am »
I was so sad to learn that Fatal Frame was digital only. :'( How does Devil's Third get a physical release but Fatal Frame doesn't? They lost a sale from me. I'll gladly give them my money but there has to be more than a $50 access code. There's no way I'll buy it mainly because, like many of you have already said, storage. The Wii U has such a tiny storage capacity already, downloading a full fledged game like this isn't easy. It'd be one thing if it was digital only across the globe. But when Australia and Europe are getting physical releases, why not just release it in the States? NoA released that odd LBX game a few days ago, why not continue with the obscure games? Take a page out of Atlus and Xseed's books and take a chance on the obscure. It may not sell fantastically, but it would give the Wii U something special.

Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2015, 03:41:32 am »
I was so sad to learn that Fatal Frame was digital only. :'( How does Devil's Third get a physical release but Fatal Frame doesn't? They lost a sale from me. I'll gladly give them my money but there has to be more than a $50 access code. There's no way I'll buy it mainly because, like many of you have already said, storage. The Wii U has such a tiny storage capacity already, downloading a full fledged game like this isn't easy. It'd be one thing if it was digital only across the globe. But when Australia and Europe are getting physical releases, why not just release it in the States? NoA released that odd LBX game a few days ago, why not continue with the obscure games? Take a page out of Atlus and Xseed's books and take a chance on the obscure. It may not sell fantastically, but it would give the Wii U something special.

I understand it costs some money to physically release a game, but I have to wonder if it is really all that much?  I'd imagine having more on the shelves were would be important for Nintendo since they do have a small selection of games at stores right now.  I'm sure Fatal Frame V won't be knocking out millions of copies, but I have to imagine it would do more than Devil's Third  cause it is an established franchise and it's been awhile since a Fatal Frame game was released here.  Horror games are kinda big again and it would be a good push to have that available.  I'd take a physical release of Fatal Frame V any day over one for Devil's Third lol

Though perhaps if they don't see the numbers digitally and see enough complaints, they might consider a physical release at one point, kinda like how the Wolfenstein standalone expansion got a physical release based on fan feedback.


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2015, 04:53:22 am »
Booo... hiss...

Freaking turrible.


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2015, 09:55:42 am »
I wasn't even thinking deep enough into it to even get to the game taking all that storage space.  Coupled with Nintendo's bone-headed 32 gigs of storage, all they have done is ensure this game won't sell 100 "copies."  And I use "copies" lightly because lets be real, American gamers are getting the royal shaft sans lube with this "release."
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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2015, 01:27:22 pm »
This is pretty bad, just like the second half of last generation with the Operation Rainfall trilogy, which only managed to see physical release due to the immense amount of protest that NoA recieved from everybody. And even still, Xenoblade for Wii is still a hard game to find for a decent price.

Fatal Frame should defenitely not be a $50 release; I don't think its worth the money for a digital exclusive title, not to mention the game is 16gb of space, defenitely not enough if you already have a few Wii U titles on your 32gb hard drive. They need to at least give people the option to purchase a physical copy even in a limited print run since they need exclusives and I'm sure there would be decent sales if they had some good marketing.  People have got to protest this decision; the American branch treats it customers so stupidly and terribly compared to their European and Japan branches.