Author Topic: Fatal Frame V  (Read 4921 times)


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2015, 01:31:41 pm »
Yeah I emailed Koei Tecmo to see if they have any plans to release it physically. I called NOA and they didn't have any information about it. I would love to have this game physically though.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2015, 02:35:37 pm »
Why bother?  We got shafted with Fatal Frame IV never coming to America....they won't bother with this one. 

As a company who makes a product competing with two other similar products, I would want to offer as many incentives and have exclusives to differentiate my product.  You people would want to buy my product.

Nintendo is the exact opposite.  The 3rd party games that Nintendo has taken under their wing and published, they may as well have never bothered.  They pretty much set Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 out to die.  They don't talk much about Devil's Third and it will just get tossed out there with no marketing behind it.  Fatal Frame V which could be a big boon as an exclusive horror title? only chumps. 

"Hey look!  We struck gold with these Amiibo's!  People love them!"  What do they do?  Shortchange stores, make exclusives and just about every other conceivable way to ensure that fans can't get their hands on them.  Why make more to make money when we can let scalpers on eBay rake in four times their retail value?!  Sounds good to me!

Seriously...someone needs to drag Reggie's ugly-ass out of Nintendo America HQ and put someone in charge that doesn't have their head buried in the sand and will do whatever it takes to make Nintendo, the Wii U and New 3DS successful. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2015, 03:01:30 pm »
Why bother?  We got shafted with Fatal Frame IV never coming to America....they won't bother with this one. 

As a company who makes a product competing with two other similar products, I would want to offer as many incentives and have exclusives to differentiate my product.  You people would want to buy my product.

Nintendo is the exact opposite.  The 3rd party games that Nintendo has taken under their wing and published, they may as well have never bothered.  They pretty much set Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 out to die.  They don't talk much about Devil's Third and it will just get tossed out there with no marketing behind it.  Fatal Frame V which could be a big boon as an exclusive horror title? only chumps. 

"Hey look!  We struck gold with these Amiibo's!  People love them!"  What do they do?  Shortchange stores, make exclusives and just about every other conceivable way to ensure that fans can't get their hands on them.  Why make more to make money when we can let scalpers on eBay rake in four times their retail value?!  Sounds good to me!

Seriously...someone needs to drag Reggie's ugly-ass out of Nintendo America HQ and put someone in charge that doesn't have their head buried in the sand and will do whatever it takes to make Nintendo, the Wii U and New 3DS successful.
That's pretty harsh, but mostly true. As of late, NOA has been acting a lot like the government. Do as little as they possibly can while still being able to get away with it.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2015, 03:40:26 pm »
The problem is Nintendo has said on more than one occasion that they don't think they're competing with Sony & MS.

I'm a Nintendo fan from way back and I WANT them to be better than they are today, because I know they can do it - they've done it before. But Nintendo doesn't make it easy to be a fan these days, and I wouldn't dream of having a Nintendo console as my primary system. That hasn't been viable since...heck, I'll be generous and say the Gamecube, but if I'm being honest since the SNES.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2015, 04:01:51 pm »
It's scary how we're all fretting how Fatal Frame is getting no physical release when, as of now, the NX has no disc drive. Granted, the system may have cart games, but what if it doesn't? Will the reaction be the same? My guess is yes.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2015, 05:14:01 pm »
It's scary how we're all fretting how Fatal Frame is getting no physical release when, as of now, the NX has no disc drive. Granted, the system may have cart games, but what if it doesn't? Will the reaction be the same? My guess is yes.

Right now I'm assuming that patent is one of those cases where a company is just patenting things to have them on record. But yes, if Nintendo - or whoever - comes out with a digital-only console, I'm out.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2015, 12:31:43 am »
It's scary how we're all fretting how Fatal Frame is getting no physical release when, as of now, the NX has no disc drive. Granted, the system may have cart games, but what if it doesn't? Will the reaction be the same? My guess is yes.

Right now I'm assuming that patent is one of those cases where a company is just patenting things to have them on record. But yes, if Nintendo - or whoever - comes out with a digital-only console, I'm out.
I don't know if I'd be "out" per say, but I definitely am hesitant to have digital only games. It worries me that some of my Wii virtual console games I may not have forever.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2015, 08:22:08 am »
It's scary how we're all fretting how Fatal Frame is getting no physical release when, as of now, the NX has no disc drive. Granted, the system may have cart games, but what if it doesn't? Will the reaction be the same? My guess is yes.

Right now I'm assuming that patent is one of those cases where a company is just patenting things to have them on record. But yes, if Nintendo - or whoever - comes out with a digital-only console, I'm out.
I don't know if I'd be "out" per say, but I definitely am hesitant to have digital only games. It worries me that some of my Wii virtual console games I may not have forever.

If Nintendo goes digital-only on the NX, they are done for.  Kaput.  Fini.  Retailers have cut way back on the space allotted to Nintendo products.  If they try to release a digital-only system with no games for retailers to profit from, retailers won't give the system the time of day.  One only needs to look to the Vita and PlayStation TV to see this.  Few retail titles released?  The product gets tossed into the corner on the bottom shelf next to systems that actually sell.

Looking back a bit further, look at the disaster that was the PSP Go.  No retail games meant no retailers carried it.  The only place I ever saw it was Gamestop and it was just a display box on the shelf. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2015, 08:25:16 am »
That's pretty harsh, but mostly true. As of late, NOA has been acting a lot like the government. Do as little as they possibly can while still being able to get away with it.

I don't care how harsh it sounds.  I'm tired of feeling bad for Nintendo or pussy-footing around and trying not to offend Nintendo fanboys when the reality is every decision they have made as of late sucks.  They-NoA at least-don't give a rat's ass about their fans.  They have completely lost touch with reality.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2015, 08:53:47 pm »
It's scary how we're all fretting how Fatal Frame is getting no physical release when, as of now, the NX has no disc drive. Granted, the system may have cart games, but what if it doesn't? Will the reaction be the same? My guess is yes.

Right now I'm assuming that patent is one of those cases where a company is just patenting things to have them on record. But yes, if Nintendo - or whoever - comes out with a digital-only console, I'm out.
I don't know if I'd be "out" per say, but I definitely am hesitant to have digital only games. It worries me that some of my Wii virtual console games I may not have forever.

If Nintendo goes digital-only on the NX, they are done for.  Kaput.  Fini.  Retailers have cut way back on the space allotted to Nintendo products.  If they try to release a digital-only system with no games for retailers to profit from, retailers won't give the system the time of day.  One only needs to look to the Vita and PlayStation TV to see this.  Few retail titles released?  The product gets tossed into the corner on the bottom shelf next to systems that actually sell.

Looking back a bit further, look at the disaster that was the PSP Go.  No retail games meant no retailers carried it.  The only place I ever saw it was Gamestop and it was just a display box on the shelf.
That's where I wonder if a digital only console could ever succeed. Without the support of retailers on a business end and no support from gamers and collectors on the fanbase end, it would just be a mess. Nintendo has a dedicated fan base that would support them at first, but after maybe a year, it would just fall apart.
Look at the disaster of the Xbox One Launch and all the retractions that Microsoft had to do. People were in uproar. I had local shops refusing to carry Xbone before the retractions. If console games were only sold digitally, the Electronic Section in stores would become much smaller.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 08:55:27 pm by Limeface »


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Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2015, 08:54:52 pm »


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2015, 09:44:13 pm »
It's scary how we're all fretting how Fatal Frame is getting no physical release when, as of now, the NX has no disc drive. Granted, the system may have cart games, but what if it doesn't? Will the reaction be the same? My guess is yes.

This is just the beginning of the end for physical games. When you think about it, most games now don't come in physical form. Only well established franchises and developers are still doing it, but of those, most of the games are also available as a download. Doubt that any next gen console will have a disk drive. Technology has triggered cannibalization in many industries, like games, and will continue to do so until fraction of what once was is left.

Gaming companies seem really, really eager to cut production of physical games out. They want you to think it's because they've become irrelevant, but it's not true. What's sad is customers having to beg companies to still produce physical copies. It's the opposite of what they'd have you believe, people still want it, they just don't want to invest in it anymore because there's a cheaper alternative for them as a company now.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 09:46:57 pm by Warmsignal »


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2015, 09:17:05 am »
This is just the beginning of the end for physical games. When you think about it, most games now don't come in physical form. Only well established franchises and developers are still doing it, but of those, most of the games are also available as a download. Doubt that any next gen console will have a disk drive. Technology has triggered cannibalization in many industries, like games, and will continue to do so until fraction of what once was is left.

Gaming companies seem really, really eager to cut production of physical games out. They want you to think it's because they've become irrelevant, but it's not true. What's sad is customers having to beg companies to still produce physical copies. It's the opposite of what they'd have you believe, people still want it, they just don't want to invest in it anymore because there's a cheaper alternative for them as a company now.

I have to disagree with the first part.  Though a large number of independent games are released digital-only, the majority of major studio titles are released on disc.  What we are actually seeing is that game development costs have risen to the point where developers and/or publishers are playing it safe and not taking risks on new IPs. 

I support indies when they put their titles out on disc.  Stick It To the Man I picked up right away.  Terraria I will get when it drops uner $30 because...that's just too high.  I have seen that Brothers is getting a physical release and will support that as well.

These companies aren't fooling me into believing that physical media is irrelevant.  The entire reason they want to go digital is they make double what they do on physical releases.  There is no cost associated with production of physical items nor any shipping costs.  They also don't have to sell the games for half-price (approximation here) to a retailer who then makes their own profit on the game when they sell it to you as the end user. 

I know they are working on how to go digital-only, but they are stuck between a rock and hard place.  If they charge half-price for digital games (which is all they should be charging anyway) under retail price, they will piss off retailers who will retaliate by not carrying their products at all.  If they go digital-only, they again piss off retailers who in turn won't carry the systems that are used to play the games.

I personally hope game companies don't find a solution to that mess anytime soon.  Offering digital or physical copies of games is just fine with me.  Those who want a download can go ahead and those like me who want a physical item for their money can go to the store or order it online. 

Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2015, 10:32:25 pm »
It's scary how we're all fretting how Fatal Frame is getting no physical release when, as of now, the NX has no disc drive. Granted, the system may have cart games, but what if it doesn't? Will the reaction be the same? My guess is yes.

This is just the beginning of the end for physical games. When you think about it, most games now don't come in physical form. Only well established franchises and developers are still doing it, but of those, most of the games are also available as a download. Doubt that any next gen console will have a disk drive. Technology has triggered cannibalization in many industries, like games, and will continue to do so until fraction of what once was is left.

Gaming companies seem really, really eager to cut production of physical games out. They want you to think it's because they've become irrelevant, but it's not true. What's sad is customers having to beg companies to still produce physical copies. It's the opposite of what they'd have you believe, people still want it, they just don't want to invest in it anymore because there's a cheaper alternative for them as a company now.
I don't think that's really true, sure digital is cheaper, but have you seen a modern physical copy? No instruction book, two cents worth of plastic for the case, and the cheapest physical media, I imagine the profit from a physical copy is probably a large quotient greater than the cost of the production for it. I'd say 80% of gamers prefer to physically own the games they bought, if they cut out physical copies, whether it's now, or five years from now, they're going to alienate and likely lose a ton of business. Near everyone on this site is a collector, so we're all passionate about physical copies of games, the only way I see digital games taking off is if they're much cheaper than their physical counterparts, but at the end of the day, I'd still spend ten to twenty bucks extra to have a game on my shelf as opposed to on a hard drive.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Fatal Frame V
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2015, 11:09:04 am »
I don't think that's really true, sure digital is cheaper, but have you seen a modern physical copy? No instruction book, two cents worth of plastic for the case, and the cheapest physical media, I imagine the profit from a physical copy is probably a large quotient greater than the cost of the production for it. I'd say 80% of gamers prefer to physically own the games they bought, if they cut out physical copies, whether it's now, or five years from now, they're going to alienate and likely lose a ton of business. Near everyone on this site is a collector, so we're all passionate about physical copies of games, the only way I see digital games taking off is if they're much cheaper than their physical counterparts, but at the end of the day, I'd still spend ten to twenty bucks extra to have a game on my shelf as opposed to on a hard drive.

The death of physical releases will ensure that even if I continue to game, my "purchases" will slow to a crawl.  Whereas I buy 24+ new releases a year right now (usually more than that), I would only buy 2-3 digital titles a year maximum and just play them to death to squeeze every cent out that I can.  It also doesn't help that I live in the boonies.  Download speeds max out at 10MBps over 4G LTE and data caps are ridiculously low.  A single game download would be next to impossible for most people in a situation like mine.  As is, I pay through the nose for a business license just so I can have unlimited internet.  I have to pay $150 a month just for that!

A big part of my gaming enjoyment aside from the actual aspect of playing is:
A)  Owning a physical item so I feel that I have something to show for my money
B)  Going to midnight launches or store openings on release day and sharing my love of gaming with other like-minded individuals.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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