Author Topic: Xbox digital games categorization  (Read 2584 times)


Xbox digital games categorization
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:47:52 pm »
The other admins and myself are currently reworking some game categorization, and we would like some additional input from you on the Xbox digital games (through all 3 Xbox generations).

First of all, what we are looking to achieve is to regroup all digital categories under the Xbox Live main category, with a naming convention probably similar to that of the Playstation Network as to keep things tidy and consistent.
(If you want to compare the categories listing, you can do so here: )

Our question for you is the following: what sub-categories would you see/prefer? What would be both accurate and intuitive, as to avoid confusion but still be true?
You can suggest to fuse some categories together as well as to create new ones.

If you need more clarification, don't be afraid to ask. Thanks!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 07:50:40 pm by karyann »


Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 01:30:43 pm »
Thanks for bringing this up and allowing our feedback :D So I'm guessing it will be categorized as "Xbox Live", with a sub-category depending on the console?

So like how its Playstation Network (PS3) [NA] or Playstation Network (PS4) [NA], it would be Xbox Live (X360) [NA], etc.?

I guess some categories to consider including within Xbox Live would be Xbox Originals, but I'm not sure if Xbox Live Arcade should have it's own listing or not, I don't think PS3 has it's own separate listing for it's indie/arcade stuff, but maybe XBL arcade should if it has a separate hub to download from, much like PS1/2 classics does?

On the topic of PS1/2 classics, I'm going to make another thread topic to talk about the whole category of PS1classics, because I had a question about them a little while ago.
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Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 08:58:52 pm »
Thanks for bringing this up and allowing our feedback :D So I'm guessing it will be categorized as "Xbox Live", with a sub-category depending on the console?

So like how its Playstation Network (PS3) [NA] or Playstation Network (PS4) [NA], it would be Xbox Live (X360) [NA], etc.?

I guess some categories to consider including within Xbox Live would be Xbox Originals, but I'm not sure if Xbox Live Arcade should have it's own listing or not, I don't think PS3 has it's own separate listing for it's indie/arcade stuff, but maybe XBL arcade should if it has a separate hub to download from, much like PS1/2 classics does?

On the topic of PS1/2 classics, I'm going to make another thread topic to talk about the whole category of PS1classics, because I had a question about them a little while ago.

Yes, this is something that has been bothering me... While it's technically an official division in the Playstation Store, PS1/2 classics as a separate category here makes it confusing and easy to make duplicates if a user doesn't know that it exists, and since it could technically be listed under both PS1 Classics and Playstation Network (w/e) [w/e]... This is why we would like some user inputs, since in the end it's going to be used by everybody.


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Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2015, 05:37:33 am »
Woo, I been waiting for this :P all those digital Xbox one games annoy me :P

I agree with telly though pretty much, I think anything that can be downloaded digitally on the 360 should be in a 360 category, it would just make things simpler and less confusing.  Same with the Playstation and the classics category (I don't have much knowledge of Playstation) but it seems to me if its downloadable on a PS3 it can go into the PS3 category and the classics category isn't needed. With the 360 covers you should be able to tell if its an arcade game or an indie game.

I hope that makes sense. :)

Side note, will there be an Xbox One Japan category?


Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2015, 03:39:51 pm »
Sorry for the delay!

Thanks for your input. As for the Japanese XBone category, I'm adding it to the to-do list and will do that at the same time as the XBL and NN changes :)


Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2015, 03:49:59 pm »
I don't want to sound pushy, but I was wondering if there was a decision made yet concerning the issue with PS1/2 classics, and whether Xbox would have the same treatment, being subdivided into categories for Originals, Live Arcade, etc. :)
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Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2015, 06:50:33 pm »
I don't want to sound pushy, but I was wondering if there was a decision made yet concerning the issue with PS1/2 classics, and whether Xbox would have the same treatment, being subdivided into categories for Originals, Live Arcade, etc. :)

We're still thinking about how to make it all work out, but the Playstation Network will be reworked too if needed, depending on the final decision for Xbox! Everything is still under way and we'll keep you all updated as soon as things are official :)


Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2015, 09:08:09 pm »
I don't want to sound pushy, but I was wondering if there was a decision made yet concerning the issue with PS1/2 classics, and whether Xbox would have the same treatment, being subdivided into categories for Originals, Live Arcade, etc. :)

We're still thinking about how to make it all work out, but the Playstation Network will be reworked too if needed, depending on the final decision for Xbox! Everything is still under way and we'll keep you all updated as soon as things are official :)

Sounds great, thanks for the update and all the great work! I'm excited to see what it will look like. :)
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Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2015, 06:09:56 pm »
At some point I'm going to try and find and list all the Xbox games that already have a "digital" version listed on the site, so we can just transfer those over to the new digital categories without having to make new ones. Would that be helpful at all? :)

For example, Shovel Knight

Ori and the Blind Forest

« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 08:47:41 pm by telly »
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Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2015, 11:08:31 am »
Under Xbox Live

Xbox Live Arcade [Region]
Xbox Live Xbox Originals [Region]
Xbox Live Games on Demand [Region]
Xbox Live Games (Xbox One) [Region]
Xbox Live Indie Games [Region]

Currently on the Games on Demand service on Xbox 360, original Xbox titles are included in the category.

Xbox One doesn't seem to differentiate Full titles from Indie/Arcade/Retail, all games get full 1000 gamerscore now if I'm not mistaken.  All titles are treated equally according to the service on Xbox One.


Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2015, 12:48:32 pm »
At some point I'm going to try and find and list all the Xbox games that already have a "digital" version listed on the site, so we can just transfer those over to the new digital categories without having to make new ones. Would that be helpful at all? :)

Yes, that will definitely help! Thanks :)


Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2015, 03:43:33 pm »
Great! No problem :)

It's important to note that according to, all Xbox One games with a physical release have a digital release as well. So I'm just listing the games that are digital and already on VGC right now. There are probably a lot more games to actually add to the database

I went through the listing to find games that were digital: it seems that the digital games have the wider "Xbox One" title, with no ESRB rating on the box art.

I went through the whole NA listing, but I don't want to do anymore [EU] [JP] if this isn't going to be helpful, so feel free to let me know if this is too much or whatever :)

I didn't research every game out there, but I figured if some of these listings are supposed to by physical releases, then they still need a digital listing for the reasons I stated above. Most digital games listed in Xbox One are the Indie titles right now, there are exceptions like Shovel Knight. That being said, you guys can edit this as you like (cross of stuff as it gets added, delete inaccurate entries, etc.)

EDIT: I'm noticing that Xbox 360 already has a splitting of digital categories, so I guess it's only Xbox One that needs the switch. I don't know how the digital categories will be organized in the future however, so if the admins need any help with that that I'm not aware of however, I can help with that too! :)

Xbox One Digital Games List

Ori and the Blind Forest


[Prototype 2]


AirMech Arena

Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China

Battlefield 4 - Premium Edition

Call of Duty: Ghosts - Digital Hardened Edition

Castlestorm - Definitive Edition


Child of Light

Costume Quest 2

Crimson Dragon

Escapists, The

Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious

Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams Director's cut

Goat Simulator

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

Halo: Spartan Assault

Happy Wars

Jackbox Party Pack, The

Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct Classic

Killer Instinct: Season 2 Ultra Edition

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris


Magic 2015

Massive Chalice

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood

Mega Coin Squad

Monopoly Plus

Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)



Peggle 2

Pinball Arcade

Pinball FX 2

Pool Nation FX

Powerstar Golf

R.B.I. Baseball 14


So Many Me


Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut

Styx: Master of Shadows

Super Time Force

Tembo the Badass Elephant

Valiant Hearts: The Great War

Viktor Kalvachev's Blue Estate: The Game

Volgarr the Viking


World of Tanks

Worms Battlegrounds

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Zombie Driver Ultimate Edition

« Last Edit: December 08, 2015, 12:39:50 pm by karyann »
Currently Playing:
Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Xbox digital games categorization
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2015, 12:41:59 pm »
It's important to note that according to, all Xbox One games with a physical release have a digital release as well. So I'm just listing the games that are digital and already on VGC right now. There are probably a lot more games to actually add to the database

I went through the listing to find games that were digital: it seems that the digital games have the wider "Xbox One" title, with no ESRB rating on the box art.

Someone submitted a batch, and I changed the rest with your list. Thanks for the list! :) The digital Xbox One NA games should mostly be in the right category now.