I'm personally pretty biased since I don't have a ton of retro experience, but for me I tend to lean towards more modern gaming, mostly because I grew up with modern games, and so going back to retro games without being present
in that time period can leave them a little quaint and hard to enjoy.
For me, my ability to enjoy a retro game goes down as the game gets older. I can barely play anything Atari, I like some NES stuff, and I like more SNES/GEN stuff.
That being said, I definitely enjoy a lot of retro games. I love Castlevania IV, Actraiser, Chrono Trigger, Bubble Bobble, LttP, Star Fox, and I have enjoyed the two Mega Man games I've played. In addition, my favorite two generations would be the 5th and 6th gen, which technically is the split between modern/ retro.
So while I can definitely enjoy and appreciate retro stuff for what they've done at the time, I prefer modern right now because it's a more consistently enjoyable experience, at least for me.
Totally understand if someone feels the opposite of me haha.