I finally have a PSP now! Bought it from a fella for $50. Came with
God Of War Chains of Olympus, Kingdom Hearts birth by sleep and GTA Liberty City Stories! It also had a Memory stick with Some games on it like Tekken 6, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X among others.![](https://scontent.fsjc1-3.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12118983_10203688353608358_6964791474942322572_n.jpg?oh=829beea354d33a9fbe65933d6b2bfdb7&oe=568C75F0)
Edit: Well...shoot. Those games on the memory stick can no longer be accessed. When I registered it on my PS3, I guess it rendered the original seller's account useless. Oh well, I'm still happy I got it.
On the plus side, anybody remember when Sony suffered that security breach 4 years back and they gave us a selection of free games to make up for it? I downloaded a couple of the PSP games they gave out so now I can FINALLY play them after they were sitting in my HDD for so long!
They are,
Pursuit Force and Pinball Heroes, with an Uncharted themed board.