Author Topic: "Limited Run Games" is Producing Physical Copies of Games in Limited Quantities  (Read 253551 times)


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5 minutes...

« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:40:57 pm by jce3000gt »


Good morning.
Here we go again...


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1 minute...

HAHAHA Lawbreakers CE has 102% inventory left.


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Re-reading my comment. I sound like a kid. Maybe I should just put the toys away and move on to something else.

What else would you move on to?  I have to say most hobbies are going to have these sorts of issues so it isn't going to be any different.  I deal with this on the automotive side too as a petrol head.  Restoration parts for my old 1990 Camaro are really starting to inflate and that has put my buddy in the poor house (he has the project now). 

There just isn't anything else out there that won't have these sorts of annoyances unless you bug-out and move to the country/wilderness and enjoy nature.  Just watch out for bears and moose (mooses?  meeses?  I like meeses lol)...

Filmmaking, screenwriting, book writing. Just playing catch with my son.

Camping is turning out to be a pretty relaxing hobby actually.

Getting back into Filmmaking would be higher stress than gaming but the payoff is much better (for me) because of the finished product and the feels last a lot longer because of the people I meet and get to know throughout the process.

Back on topic. I got luckier in round 2. Got my hands on the CE. Still have residual rage. Gonna go work out. :P

Next week I won't have the luxury of having the day off from work. Man if I don't land the CE of Night Trap I will be devastated.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2017, 06:10:40 pm by dashv »


It doesn't make any sense.
This time, they were supposed to have much less Collector's Edition's of Wonder Boy than before. However, even though I had some problems with my internet connection, I was able to get a copy of the game with no problem.
Since they do not seem to be a very transparent company, it wouldn't surprise me if they actually put more copies for sale now than during the first batch.

I shouldn't be complaining since I was able to get what I wanted, but I will never stop thinking their business practices to but a complete bullshit.


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It doesn't make any sense.
This time, they were supposed to have much less Collector's Edition's of Wonder Boy than before. However, even though I had some problems with my internet connection, I was able to get a copy of the game with no problem.
Since they do not seem to be a very transparent company, it wouldn't surprise me if they actually put more copies for sale now than during the first batch.

I shouldn't be complaining since I was able to get what I wanted, but I will never stop thinking their business practices to but a complete bullshit.

Glad you managed to get one! :) We are the champions. We are the champions!


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HAHAHA Lawbreakers CE has 102% inventory left.

Half an hour later and it's stuck at 87% inventory. This makes me a little sad actually. This is Cliffy B's return from retirement.

I'm sure it's a great game.

Like I said before online multiplayer only FPS isn't my thing anymore.


I cant complain about LRG. I like their business model. Its honestly "limited" games. So many collector's/limited edition of games really arent that. They make so many that its not really a limited edition at all.

This morning (and a few other mornings) get hectic. Its sometimes 10's of 1000's of people vying for 1000's of copies of games. Not everyone is going to get a copy. Its not going to get any easier either. Night Trap, Ys Origins, Cosmic Star Heroine, and other games are coming up in the future.

You've stated on more than one occasion that you'd love to work for LRG so it's fair to say you've got something of a bias for them and how they operate. I can't fathom the allure personally. Also,  when I first read that second paragraph I cringed a bit and felt it came off as somewhat elitist. I get what you're saying and at this point we've WELL beaten that poor equine so much that even if it were to be reincarnated, it would die an instant second death from all the flailing that's been done to it BUT this whole 10's of 1000's want but only a few thousand will actually get seems like a counter intuitive mindset for a for-profit institution to have. I think it was dashv who compared them to Nintendo and that's kinda what had sprung to mind for me as well in that I just want to pay you for a product, why won't you let me?!?  :P

I'll be perfectly honest though, there's a part of me that hopes there are some negative ramifications that come about from today's release. I'm not holding my breath in the least but as I said in previous responses, I REALLY wouldn't mind the whole one and done thing going by the wayside. It won't happen I know, but I have to imagine there is a chance going forward that it might hurt smaller releases in the future as people will be less inclined to support them and may even flock to "competitors" like Play Asia. That said, as much as I like what Play Asia has been doing offering up their own versions of releases like Soldner X2 and Wonder Boy, I'd rather not have to deal with international postage if it can be helped.  ;)

While they're unlikely to ever modify the way they do things in regards to run sizes/re-releases, one thing I wish they would knock off is lumping games together for release. I think Lawbreakers might have fared better if it was released on its own as opposed to being released the same week as a highly coveted title like Wonder Boy. It seems to me they would have made MORE money had they not lumped them together. Give Wonder Boy it's own week with upped quantities for the regular and CE (at least 5K on the CE IMHO) and then do Lawbreakers WELL apart from Wonder Boy so people might be more inclined to pick up the CE for it (I know I probably would have done that).

Anyway, another week down and another release purchased. At the very least I'm happy to hear that dashv and ferraroso were able to get their CE copies. Hopefully everyone else who wanted it was able to as well.  :)


god dammit i cant believe slept through this sale !!!
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


One of these days I'm gonna make a list in this thread of all the LRG releases that are available from other places (like Play Asia) so people will know that at least some of LRG's product is available elsewhere
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Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Nearly a day later and we're still at 75% stock for the Lawbreakers CE with the regular edition sitting at 26%.  :P  :o

I'd pay $10 more to amend my order to the CE version.  ;)

« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 03:40:48 pm by jce3000gt »