The October thread got locked so I'll add my additions from Saturday the 31st here along with my other finds from the 1st.
October 31st Finds/AdditionsDSMr. Slime (Complete)
GenesisPGA Tour Golf III (Complete)
Interactive FiguresDark Wildfire (Trap Team)
Disney Infinity 3.0 Toy Box Speedway
Frightful Fiesta (SuperChargers)
Power Punch Pet Vac (Trap Team)
Shark Shooter Terrafin (SuperChargers)
NES10-Yard Fight (Cart Only)
The Black Bass (Cart Only)
Dungeon Magic (Complete)
Yoshi (Cart Only, Completes my copy)
PS1Tennis (Agetec/A1) (Complete)
PS2Gallop Racer 2003: A New Breed (Complete)
PS3Soul Calibur V Collector's Edition (Complete)
WiiAnubis II (I needed a 3rd for a B2G1F from a mom n' pop place at the flea

Mario Strikers Charged (Missing Manual

WiiULEGO City: Undercover (Complete)
November 1st Finds/Additions3DSEtrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight (On sale at Best Buy + CGU)
NESTwin Eagle (Complete)
PS3Hunted: The Demon's Forge (Complete) (GameStop 4/$10)
Infamous (Complete) (GameStop 4/$10)
Infamous 2 (Complete) (GameStop 4/$10)
XBox360Batman: Arkham City (Complete) (GameStop 4/$10)