Good job guys!

Accomplishing things feels so rewarding, even when it's buying more stuff haha

1- Get a Playstation 4 (this will be checked off the list very very soon... I got a shipping confirmation yesterday!)
2- Complete at least 3 Zelda games, ideally starting with the top of the chronological order the original Legend of Zelda, Link's Awakening and Minish Cap
3- Have >10 Vita games currently sitting at 13
4- Bust either 50 3DS games or 100 DS games This one was ambitious, now at 29 3DS and 75 DS.
I haven't completed any new goals since my September update, but I still think this was a good year. With me buying 2 brand new systems, video games expenses were already pretty high this year

I'll have to think about goals for next year now.