I picked up Battlefront yesterday.
I've only played single player, but I'm into it. It's COD + Rogue Squadron + Star Wars. I LIKE IT!
Semi-Related news: I really need to take a day off of work. 
I honestly don't get the hate this game is getting. It feels pretty balanced to me and is a less complex version of other shooters. While customizable, it doesn't have a million little things you can change. While more maps are always welcome, what is there is diverse enough to be fun and keep me going without getting bored. I liken it to Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare in that You can choose different weapons and customize the looks of your characters a bit, but just about anyone can pick it up and play it.
I've been in huge battles with AT-AT's stomping around. I've raided the rebel base on Hoth and also fought off the Imperials there. I've climbed the trees to the Ewok huts on Endor and watched the little guys scramble away. I've fought my way on both sides through a Jawa village and watched the little bugger run and hide under their sand crawler. I've flown an A-Wing fighter through the skies in a huge aerial dogfight.
I love Star Wars and I love this game so far.