Author Topic: Starting Up Development Again on the Android App  (Read 10325 times)


Starting Up Development Again on the Android App
« on: November 27, 2015, 10:44:40 pm »
I'm currently working with a developer for an updated Android App. Development on this has stagnated and I'm trying to get this started again and get a new version up and running as soon as we are able to. For the new app we plan to have the features that are available in the current app as well as the rest of the functionality that was originally planned. Also, we hope to have an more modern design/back-end to go with it. I look forward to spear-heading this initiative and delivering a new app while also working on the development/maintenance of the website. I'll keep you updated as I have more information on its progress.


« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 11:51:01 pm by jason »


PRO Supporter

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android Appt
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2015, 01:47:06 am »
Cheers! ;D

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android Appt
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2016, 06:32:42 am »
Are you considering to put the code on GitHub, so that everyone can contribute?

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android Appt
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2016, 02:15:35 am »
Nice to hear :). I think that with the wish list functionality many people will be grateful.

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android Appt
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2016, 12:37:49 am »
Are you considering to put the code on GitHub, so that everyone can contribute?

I would like to see this as well. I personally would help with finishing up some of those 'coming soon' features. Especially the Wishlist, I can't imagine what would take so long to add a function that is basically a copy of the ones used to populate 'My Collection'.

One thing I would like to see added is the ability for the app to import my collection from a local file, I don't allow my phone to use 4g, opting for Wi-Fi only, which makes the app useless when I am in most retro/thrift stores or garage sales. I'm sure I am not the only person who doesn't waste money on a data plan for my phone. Shouldn't be too hard to add a button to 'update local file' that downloads the latest export file, and fills in the data off of that if the connection to the server fails. Looking for help with data entry and creating content(news/reviews).


PRO Supporter

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android Appt
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2016, 02:11:26 am »
Good to hear. Will the update by any chance get rid of the ugly black screen with simple white text options? It looks like I'm in a executing commands on Windows 98 or something. Would be nice to see a more premium look to compliment the website.


Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android Appt
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2016, 12:12:44 am »
I had actually started to tackle something like this with Xamarin to do a iOS/Android app until I saw there were a variety of tools that did the same thing. Some other sites expose their API but have found them rather cumbersome to say the least. Won't hold my breath here but here is another pro-open source post for ya.

Are you considering to put the code on GitHub, so that everyone can contribute?

I would like to see this as well. I personally would help with finishing up some of those 'coming soon' features. Especially the Wishlist, I can't imagine what would take so long to add a function that is basically a copy of the ones used to populate 'My Collection'.

One thing I would like to see added is the ability for the app to import my collection from a local file, I don't allow my phone to use 4g, opting for Wi-Fi only, which makes the app useless when I am in most retro/thrift stores or garage sales. I'm sure I am not the only person who doesn't waste money on a data plan for my phone. Shouldn't be too hard to add a button to 'update local file' that downloads the latest export file, and fills in the data off of that if the connection to the server fails.

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android App
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2016, 03:46:31 pm »
Hey guys!

New member here, and loving the site.

I'm a web developer, and have made a few "hybrid" apps for the Android. Has this option been looked in to at all (since the site is already so full featured)? It would be (most likely, depending on how the site is currently created) pretty easy to port it over to an HTML/JS hybrid native app using something like Intel's XDK.

Just a thought...keep up the great work! :)


Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android App
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2016, 01:10:23 am »
Update on current progress.

I have pages set up for Login, Collection, Wish List, Sell List, Barcode Search, Search, and individual pages for the games.

I'm hoping I can finish up this initial build and hopefully get a launch before too much longer.

Thanks everyone!

- Jason

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android App
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2016, 09:36:40 am »
Awesome! Thanks for the update!

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android App
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2016, 08:02:37 pm »
 :D looking forward to it. Im one of many that cannot log into the app anymore and wouldnt mind paying a few dollars for a supported app.

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android App
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2017, 11:37:43 pm »
I was playing around with an iOS app so I can browse my collection on the go and couldn't find any info regarding if the API is exposed for external apps to hook into? Is this a public thing that there is documentation somewhere I could chew on?

Re: Starting Up Development Again on the Android App
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2017, 09:29:22 am »
Update on current progress.

I have pages set up for Login, Collection, Wish List, Sell List, Barcode Search, Search, and individual pages for the games.

I'm hoping I can finish up this initial build and hopefully get a launch before too much longer.

Thanks everyone!

- Jason

Hi Jason!

It's been over 2 months, do you have an update for us?

Your work is really appreciated!
